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closing the bathroom door


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Talk about man's inhumanity to man.

Actually, I think girls tend to do this more then dudes.

This seriously pisses me off.

It's like walking into a fart closet but worse.

Grow some empathy people.

Leave the door open.

If not, then turn on the fan or open a window or something.

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one's situation has a lot to do with whether door-closed or door-open is the more caring choice.


door closed if the room has good ventilation (fan or open window), and if the threat of odors drifting into the rest of the building is applicable. afterall, if i go into the can, i can reasonably expect it to smell like shit. it's partly my fault. however, if shit came and assaulted me from down the hall, that would be rather more offensive.


door open if the room needs to breathe, and if someone might use the bathroom soon after you, and if the smell is not likely to offend someone down the hall.

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Guest AOOproductions

damned if you do, damned if you don't. A couple weeks ago i remember walking out of a bathroom and closing the door fast to hide the odor right as guy walked up to the door and pushed it open. It reeeeeeeeked, the guy looked at me with disgust, but then laughed. good sense of humor saves all i suppose.

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Guest catacombus

Some roommates take shits so bad that the smell travels from the bathroom and into your room and the rest of the house pretty much. Those shits you have to close the door and open the window and turn the fan on for about an hour before you can go in there. I would rather take a piss in an empty bottle than go in there.

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Talk about man's inhumanity to man.

Actually, I think girls tend to do this more then dudes.

This seriously pisses me off.

It's like walking into a fart closet but worse.

Grow some empathy people.

Leave the door open.

If not, then turn on the fan or open a window or something.

Light a courtesy match.

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The other week we had a 2cb orgy in a hotel room on a Chinese island and I held in the mother of all psychedelic body-load shit, the whole night, shameful of the stench and sounds that'd echo throughout the walls when I unloaded.



Time came eventually that everyone left the room to get whatever from wherever and I did my thang on the shitter.



3 minutes later they all come back in and all the girls queue up to use the toilet and I died inside.



Luckily the tomboy girl that went in first came out going 'fucking hell' after 3 seconds and told evryone not to go in there while I laughed and said 'well I certainly have psychedlic bowels!'


the end.


The other week we had a 2cb orgy in a hotel room on a Chinese island and I held in the mother of all psychedelic body-load shit, the whole night, shameful of the stench and sounds that'd echo throughout the walls when I unloaded.



Time came eventually that everyone left the room to get whatever from wherever and I did my thang on the shitter.



3 minutes later they all come back in and all the girls queue up to use the toilet and I died inside.



Luckily the tomboy girl that went in first came out going 'fucking hell' after 3 seconds and told evryone not to go in there while I laughed and said 'well I certainly have psychedlic bowels!'


the end.

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Talk about man's inhumanity to man.

Actually, I think girls tend to do this more then dudes.

This seriously pisses me off.

It's like walking into a fart closet but worse.

Grow some empathy people.

Leave the door open.

If not, then turn on the fan or open a window or something.

Light a courtesy match.

I'm with you on this.

However, I'm finding that lots of people are unaware to the stank-removing properties 1 match holds.

I try to carry a pack of matches in my jacket or bag for the occasion.

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Guest southside jim

I don't know about you guys but my bathroom fan is fucking weak...I tested it once and it couldn't even keep a tissue stuck to it. It's been fooling me all these years

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Guest abusivegeorge

Fart fans never work. That is, whatever I'm shitting out is no match for the fan. Our bathroom is located in a high traffic hallway and my wife will yell like she's been shot in the head when she walks through the miasma. I always plead "what? what can I do?" she just resigns herself and says "nothing..." There is no option on closing the door for me. I have no gallbladder + wile bowels so I may blow 10-12 bilious shits a day. We could actually qualify for a fume hood like chemistry labs have.


The days of the outhouse, while pretty rough, had advantages. I like to be way the hell away when it's time to "make." There's a Scrubs episode where Dr. Cox installs a toilet on the very top roof of the hospital so he can have peace. You wouldn't even need a stall or barricades--only helicopters and stuff could see you and I would certainly wave.



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