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how do you deal with people that annoy you?


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i noticed i'm more and more easily annoyed by some people. usually it's because of their childishness, but this might not be exactly the right term. you know, when someone utters something really cringeworthy. it can be anything from a retarded cliche, to an infantile idea of something "being cool"...

anyways, too complex to write every detail, bottom line is there are certain people in my life that i simply want GONE. i have no compassion for them, i could say i HATE them.


so, what do you guys do? sometimes you can't just escape them - maybe it's someone from the family. maybe it's a coworker. a schoolmate. sometimes you're forced to spend considerable amount of time with them.

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I know exactly what you mean. I can't really put my finger on what it is that bothers me about certain people but every now and then I bump into someone and I just hate them right from the get go.


...this is weird. Just now I tried putting words on why I hate this guy from my work but I can't. He just really pisses me off. It's his voice, his dialect, the things he says, his fucking face. It's everything. Oh, and the way he talks about girls pisses me off as well. I absolutely hate it when someone refers to their girlfriend as "the old lady". It's also the fact he's one of those guys who declines to take a hint. One time he kept talking about poltics and if there's one thing I don't give a shit about it's politics. I didn't even look at him as he was telling me about this and that. He kept on talking until I finally got up and left.


Hm, what a vague description. Fuckit. I just hate some people and I don't know why?

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poop on them

if you only knew


I know exactly what you mean. I can't really put my finger on what it is that bothers me about certain people but every now and then I bump into someone and I just hate them right from the get go.


...this is weird. Just now I tried putting words on why I hate this guy from my work but I can't. He just really pisses me off. It's his voice, his dialect, the things he says, his fucking face. It's everything. Oh, and the way he talks about girls pisses me off as well. I absolutely hate it when someone refers to their girlfriend as "the old lady". It's also the fact he's one of those guys who declines to take a hint. One time he kept talking about poltics and if there's one thing I don't give a shit about it's politics. I didn't even look at him as he was telling me about this and that. He kept on talking until I finally got up and left.


Hm, what a vague description. Fuckit. I just hate some people and I don't know why?

haha yeah, that's pretty much the type i'm having troubles with. they just WANT you to hurt them.


humiliate them

actually, this is what i usually end up doing, but i really don't want to. i'm at a stage in my life when all harm i do to people feels really wrong.


yea I hate people too..

the next thread i wanted to make later tonight was to be titled "i hate people"


:facepalm: <---this usually works pretty well. You know what, I think I'm going to make a vector version of it, print large, and laminate to hold up in the appropriate situations.

it doesn't work when they go all "what did i do wrong now?? why are you picking on me?". but yeah, on the inside, it's facepalm many times a day.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I know exactly what you mean. I can't really put my finger on what it is that bothers me about certain people but every now and then I bump into someone and I just hate them right from the get go.


...this is weird. Just now I tried putting words on why I hate this guy from my work but I can't. He just really pisses me off. It's his voice, his dialect, the things he says, his fucking face. It's everything. Oh, and the way he talks about girls pisses me off as well. I absolutely hate it when someone refers to their girlfriend as "the old lady". It's also the fact he's one of those guys who declines to take a hint. One time he kept talking about poltics and if there's one thing I don't give a shit about it's politics. I didn't even look at him as he was telling me about this and that. He kept on talking until I finally got up and left.


Hm, what a vague description. Fuckit. I just hate some people and I don't know why?

I think these kind of people who can't take a hint are always the annoying ones. They also tend to not really listen to you or hold interactive conversations. Probably talk over the top of you quite often. It's all tied in together, they've learned that if they respond to peoples hints or in fact respond to any sort of input it normally involves them having to shut up or fuck off so they just plow through assuming everything is going well, and you have to actively avoid them until they forget that they wrongly thought your were friends in the first place.

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You could just be a huge prick to him when he's being annoying if he doesn't get the hint.


Like, if he's talking about something really annoying just say something like "Man, I REALLY don't give a shit"

it's not so much he doesn't get the hint, it's more like he's enjoying winding me up. probably he's just desperate to have a friend, but he got himself among the LAST 5 people on the planet i'd want to be friends with. also, he's on of those delusional ninja types of kids, thinking he can physically beat anyone. so every time i loose my nerve and tell him to quit the bullshit, he's all "oh yeah? or else what?!". on the other hand, if i'm just mean to him, he goes "what the hell's wrong with you today, being so mean to me?" *sad puppy face*


he's the kind of guy that usually get murdered, i imagine.

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one of the delusional ninja types of kids


so... like lion?


I know somebody like that. He's always trying to impress everyone around him, and he's only vaguely aware of the fact that he's a big joke to everyone. I just try to ignore him when I get really fed up with him, but otherwise I just try to put him with him.


If whenever you lose your nerve, or tell him off, it doesn't do any good... just try to ignore him.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

i'll usually avoid or ignore. mcgriff isn't wrong though. next step after being horrible is being viciously horrible in front of others. he could be a glutton for it, however, and you could give him a bigger boner for winding you up.


he probably just feeds off any reaction from you so if humiliation doesn't work, try harder at ignoring him.

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I'm just glad that the one person that really gets to me is my best friend's friend and I have lost connection to that dude. He really loves over using "thats what she said" and laughing as if its a new joke. Yet, there has been several times where I tried to say a joke or what have you...and he throws this at me, "you just want attention."


It sucked for me cause my best friend is in the army and he would come down to visit but he would hang out with that moron cause they are both tennis players. So to avoid this I would not hang out with them missing out the few days that he had for leave.


Eventually, the dick head dissipated.

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You could just be a huge prick to him when he's being annoying if he doesn't get the hint.


Like, if he's talking about something really annoying just say something like "Man, I REALLY don't give a shit"

it's not so much he doesn't get the hint, it's more like he's enjoying winding me up. probably he's just desperate to have a friend, but he got himself among the LAST 5 people on the planet i'd want to be friends with. also, he's on of those delusional ninja types of kids, thinking he can physically beat anyone. so every time i loose my nerve and tell him to quit the bullshit, he's all "oh yeah? or else what?!". on the other hand, if i'm just mean to him, he goes "what the hell's wrong with you today, being so mean to me?" *sad puppy face*


he's the kind of guy that usually get murdered, i imagine.


Aww shit he's one of those guys? Fuck man now that's alot more tricky.


Your best bet is probably just to ignore the shit out of him. Don't react in any way to what he says because if he's doing it to wind you up then the more you tell him off the more he will want to do it. Just pretend he doesn't even exist and eventually he'll probably leave you alone or else risk looking like a huge jackass talking to you and eliciting no response at all

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he probably just feeds off any reaction from you so if humiliation doesn't work, try harder at ignoring him.

no doubt about that - he even told me that a few times, some time ago when i still hoped to make our relationship somehow bearable. i asked him why he's constantly trying to wind me up and he actually told me something like "cause i really like how you react". what the fuck? the more i think about it, the more it makes me want to just hurt him. emotionally. but that's wrong!

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he probably just feeds off any reaction from you so if humiliation doesn't work, try harder at ignoring him.

no doubt about that - he even told me that a few times, some time ago when i still hoped to make our relationship somehow bearable. i asked him why he's constantly trying to wind me up and he actually told me something like "cause i really like how you react". what the fuck? the more i think about it, the more it makes me want to just hurt him. emotionally. but that's wrong!

Actually when you explain it like that he sounds like a good buddy of mine, Tom. Now, Tom is an interesting character because he has a way of being really insulting and demeaning without meaning to. He honestly just does it to josh around and get some laughs going, and he's not the kind of person to get all butthurt when you call him out on something retarded or whatever. It's actually alot of fun to be friends with someone like that because if you can get your head from being annoyed to being entertained by the annoyance you could probably be good friends.


If he was seriously doing it without trying to be friendly I doubt he would have said what you posted above. You could try just laughing it off and then coming back on him twice as hard. If he's like my buddy Tom he will respect that and I think a mutual friendship will instantly develop.


Just a thought though. He might be a regular old wanker.

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he probably just feeds off any reaction from you so if humiliation doesn't work, try harder at ignoring him.

no doubt about that - he even told me that a few times, some time ago when i still hoped to make our relationship somehow bearable. i asked him why he's constantly trying to wind me up and he actually told me something like "cause i really like how you react". what the fuck? the more i think about it, the more it makes me want to just hurt him. emotionally. but that's wrong!

Actually when you explain it like that he sounds like a good buddy of mine, Tom. Now, Tom is an interesting character because he has a way of being really insulting and demeaning without meaning to. He honestly just does it to josh around and get some laughs going, and he's not the kind of person to get all butthurt when you call him out on something retarded or whatever.

haha that's me! yep. a lot of people don't "get" my jokes and feels offended somehow. it's a problem. i'm trying to change.


but that guy... i don't find any of his jokes even remotely funny. i don't even consider them jokes, just behaving like a retarded teenager in class. it's NOT FUNNY. and yeah, he wants to be friends. or at least he used to want it. well i'm kinda trying to get out of the business of having retards for friends, so i just want him to fuck off.


so recently i've been ignoring him, like really ignoring - borderline offensive ignoring. but sometimes i have *work* with him, you know? and i'm supposed to be his "superior"...

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I had a job last year with someone that was the most annoying person I have ever met. What did i do? I slipped into a clinical depression became an alcoholic and eventually ended up quitting the job. I guess I could have dealt with it better. Like bashing his face in in the parking lot. That would have been the grown up thing to do I guess.

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Guest Lube Saibot

There's this fucking dork at my uni who, all throughout sophomore year, hit on my girlfriend. Now, i had already broken people's legs over much less serious shit in my highschool years, she was aware of this and felt sorry for him (he's really just this bookworm dweeb with an unfounded inflated sense of entitlement), so she just brushed him off and didn't tell me. Of course, i eventually found out. Shitstorm aside, she argued that this type of pencildick loser doesn't deserve even the slightest amount of attention, and, reluctantly, i agreed. Granted, by that time i wasn't the same guy as i had been a few years before; beside simply being older, i had had my share of hardship in life, i was making music, i was happy, i was in a context that was less conducive to hooliganism etc. So i decided against hospitalizing him. I just made it clear that he's on my shitlist, he skipped a few classes, did a student exchange stint in Sweden, and so on.


Fastforward to last week, he's back from Sweden and being his old asking-for-it self. During a presentation on Chinese consumer profiles that was going splendidly, he starts basically haggling me. Of course, i wasn't even aware, i discussed his issues as if they were valid questions, only to find out after class that he was just basically calling me out. I talk to him about it and he goes into this tirade about how my presentation was overly long and not very "entertaining". Now, besides the fact that the professor and everybody else was applauding at the end, that i had INDEED mentioned some fun facts just out of personal boredom (like doing the lotus gait while telling them about footbinding and shit) AND that every other presentation except one had been underprepared cookie-cutter drones fattened up with meaningless graphs, besides all of this, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THE SPANISH INQUISITION. Who the fuck asked Ebert here to review my mandatory fucking school presentation i did with grades in mind?? Caught flat-footed like this, i just go "Yeah well, Fudulu (the prof) liked it, fuck off."


The during the rest of the day, i get increasingly more angry that i even allowed such fucking insolence to occur. So let me get this straight fella, i spare you a stint in the hospital so you can fucking WALK UP TO ME?! Forget that i'm 6'1" and he's 4'9" and is obliviously just acting out some Napoleon complex, forget that we're adults and this is society and adults talk shit out and smart people abhor violence and all those platitudes. Fuck all that. I should have kicked his puny head in and called it a day. Because the more you grow up and forget about playground rules and quip about this not being "highschool anymore", the more stunted-growth manchildren you encounter and get your day ruined on account of.


So, my opinion is, kick his fucking teeth out and step on his hands as he's trying to pick them off the floor.


In b4 tl;dr.

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I'm just glad that the one person that really gets to me is my best friend's friend and I have lost connection to that dude. He really loves over using "thats what she said" and laughing as if its a new joke.



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Guest ZeroHour

There's this fucking dork at my uni who, all throughout sophomore year, hit on my girlfriend. Now, i had already broken people's legs over much less serious shit in my highschool years, she was aware of this and felt sorry for him (he's really just this bookworm dweeb with an unfounded inflated sense of entitlement), so she just brushed him off and didn't tell me. Of course, i eventually found out. Shitstorm aside, she argued that this type of pencildick loser doesn't deserve even the slightest amount of attention, and, reluctantly, i agreed. Granted, by that time i wasn't the same guy as i had been a few years before; beside simply being older, i had had my share of hardship in life, i was making music, i was happy, i was in a context that was less conducive to hooliganism etc. So i decided against hospitalizing him. I just made it clear that he's on my shitlist, he skipped a few classes, did a student exchange stint in Sweden, and so on.


Fastforward to last week, he's back from Sweden and being his old asking-for-it self. During a presentation on Chinese consumer profiles that was going splendidly, he starts basically haggling me. Of course, i wasn't even aware, i discussed his issues as if they were valid questions, only to find out after class that he was just basically calling me out. I talk to him about it and he goes into this tirade about how my presentation was overly long and not very "entertaining". Now, besides the fact that the professor and everybody else was applauding at the end, that i had INDEED mentioned some fun facts just out of personal boredom (like doing the lotus gait while telling them about footbinding and shit) AND that every other presentation except one had been underprepared cookie-cutter drones fattened up with meaningless graphs, besides all of this, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THE SPANISH INQUISITION. Who the fuck asked Ebert here to review my mandatory fucking school presentation i did with grades in mind?? Caught flat-footed like this, i just go "Yeah well, Fudulu (the prof) liked it, fuck off."


The during the rest of the day, i get increasingly more angry that i even allowed such fucking insolence to occur. So let me get this straight fella, i spare you a stint in the hospital so you can fucking WALK UP TO ME?! Forget that i'm 6'1" and he's 4'9" and is obliviously just acting out some Napoleon complex, forget that we're adults and this is society and adults talk shit out and smart people abhor violence and all those platitudes. Fuck all that. I should have kicked his puny head in and called it a day. Because the more you grow up and forget about playground rules and quip about this not being "highschool anymore", the more stunted-growth manchildren you encounter and get your day ruined on account of.


So, my opinion is, kick his fucking teeth out and step on his hands as he's trying to pick them off the floor.


In b4 tl;dr.


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