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The Cove


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In a sleepy lagoon off the coast of Japan lies a shocking secret that a few desperate men will stop at nothing to keep hidden from the world. In Taiji, Japan, former dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry has come to set things right after a long search for redemption. In the 1960s, it was O'Barry who captured and trained the 5 dolphins who played the title character in the international television sensation "Flipper." One fateful day, a heartbroken Barry came to realize that these deeply sensitive, highly intelligent and self-aware creatures must never be subjected to human captivity again. This mission has brought him to Taiji, a town that appears to be devoted to the wonders and mysteries of the sleek, playful dolphins and whales that swim off their coast. But in a remote, glistening cove, surrounded by barbed wire and "Keep Out" signs, lies a dark reality. It is here, under cover of night, that the fishermen of Taiji, driven by a multi-billion dollar dolphin entertainment industry and an underhanded market for mercury-tainted dolphin meat, engage in an unseen hunt. The nature of what they do is so chilling and the consequences are so dangerous to human health that they will go to great lengths to halt anyone from seeing it.




Seriously, check this out. Still watching right now, its 4 AM and I have never been more awake.

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Hey, I reviewed this in the "few films recently watched thread" :-)


I thought it was pretty good, one thing's for sure it's very, very well crafted. I'm a bit less offended by the subject matter than the protagonists, which made it all feel like a bit of an overreaction by some bleeding heart white people with nothing better to do, yet at the end of the day I agree that this sort of whaling is an anachronism the world is better without.


I'd like to see this level of activism and passion applied to more broadly to the rapaciousness of the fishing industry as a whole. I haven't watched Food Inc yet, maybe that covers it?

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Food Inc is pretty overwhelming as well. But Dolphins being highly intelligent creatures (perhaps smarter than humans) strikes me as more morally wrong. I don't know, but this documentary truly affected me and I was not expecting it at all.

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Food Inc is pretty overwhelming as well. But Dolphins being highly intelligent creatures (perhaps smarter than humans) strikes me as more morally wrong. I don't know, but this documentary truly affected me and I was not expecting it at all.


yeah they're smart and there have been cases of them rescuing humans adrift at sea. But they also participate in gang rape. In other words, like humans, they can be vile too.


Technically I don't know how smart sea turtles are, but they seem extremely placid and wise. I saw a huge one on its back under a net in Fiji, slowly dying and baking to death (yeah, just like the Blade Runner test question). It broke my heart too. Cruelty abounds the world over so I wasn't uniquely heartbroken to see some dolphins die (though blood in water is certainly dramatically photogenic!).

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The end was just ridiculous, but I think it was far more horrifying before, when you were just seeing hundreds of these dolphins being pushed beyond into the cove, never to see another day. Imagining what was happening.

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gang rape?


btw I like how you made this thread before finishing the movie. I'm sensing a trend here, lol


edit: by the way, have you seen any of those lithographs or whatever they are from the early days of whaling, like in England where they had these gigantic abbatoirs for rendering blubber, tearing off strips of these huge whales, and digging ambergris from sperm whales, etc? Imagine what the blood and stench must have been like!

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gang rape?


btw I like how you made this thread before finishing the movie. I'm sensing a trend here, lol


How often does this gang rape happen? And I don't see how you can justify killing dolphins with that line of reasoning. Maybe I should start killing random people because people gang rape!

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By no means also am I a vegetarian. I eat cow, chicken, fish, pork ... but eating intelligent forms of life is wrong, because they are conscious of their situation. As said in the video, if a dolphin is unhappy with his/her circumstance, they will willingly stop breathing... essentially killing themselves. Thats quite different then a chicken which has no real conscious thought.

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I'm not justifying anything, I'm just saying dolphins at the end of the day are just creatures. I mean I'm sure you'd be appalled by the killing of chimpanzees too, even though they fling poop, masturbate, and rip people's faces off.


Do a search for dolphin rape, the first result is pretty funny.


Edit: incidentally I thought the comment about the dolphin committing suicide was absurd. Losing the will to live is not the same as suicide! I have seen my own pets lose the will to live.

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Funny stuff, but when you said gang rape I thought it was violent. This seems equivalent to a dog dry humping my leg. And I don't follow your logic. Deciding to stop breathing is suicide no? Its not like they just get tired and give it... this was a conscious choice to stop breathing... to drown basically. Its the same idea as one of us going into the water and then never swimming back to the surface.

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they harrass them and keep them captive...they also murder...http://www.nationalgeographic.com/tv/press/990202.html



"In order to coerce the reluctant females, males form groups of two or three – often remaining together in their search for sexual gratification for well over a decade. When they find a suitable female they literally force her to mate with one or more of the group, and have even been known to herd their unwilling consorts for months at a time, basically using them as their personal sex-slaves."


"Dr. Richard Connor, studying dolphins in Shark Bay in Western Australia, has documented cases of males kidnapping and holding females captive, sometimes for months at a time."


In Robin Brown's jaw-dropping tome, "The Lure of the Dolphin" (Avon, 1979), he writes that dolphins "engage in love-play with almost every creature in sight - with mothers, brothers, fathers, daughters, cousins or aunts. There is even one record of a Bottlenose Dolphin masturbating with a herring."


"New evidence has been compiled by marine scientists that prove the normally placid dolphin is capable of brutal attacks both on innocent fellow marine mammals and, more disturbingly, on its own kind. Film taken of gangs of dolphins repeatedly ramming baby porpoises, tossing them in the air and pursuing them to the death has solved a long-term mystery of what causes the death of so many of these harmless mammals - but has left animal experts baffled as to the motive."


Re: the suicide thing, I didn't really express my point clearly - the point is, there's no way to know if an animal stops breathing willfully, or simply sinks for some other reason; fatigue, extreme pain, who knows. Calling it suicide is extremely loaded. That guy just came across as rather disingenuous or a big pussy, one or the other.

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Thats damn interesting... if they are capable of thinking in such ways, then I also think they are capable of deciding to take their own lives... but I will need to read more about them to know for sure. Regardless its well documented they are one of the most intelligent species on Earth... and unless you are for cannibalism, I can't see the logic in killing dolphins cause some fuck around. Anything with our level of intelligence will make immoral choices for their benefit.

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Yeah, I mean I think the strongest point of the film is "it's unnecessary to kill them because their meat is toxic."


It just bugs me a bit that humans go apeshit over the death of the cuter species - like those furry white little seal pups, smiling dolphins, etc. I don't think it's just about ranking species in terms of intelligence. And I don't think the murder of those dolphins, as bloody as it was, was particularly cruel. Also I kind of identified with the conversation the dolphin murderers were having on the beach. There is such a thing as the thrill of the hunt. It's not much of a hunt when you've got a bunch of dolphins in a net, but imagine what it must have been like to go up against the larger whales, as in Moby Dick. In some ways I miss that we don't live in simpler times, when you could go out and pit yourself man against beast with nothing more than a spear or harpoon. Not that I would have done it, but at least the lifestyle would have made sense at that point!

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In some ways I miss that we don't live in simpler times, when you could go out and pit yourself man against beast with nothing more than a spear or harpoon. Not that I would have done it, but at least the lifestyle would have made sense at that point!


I'm with you on this point.


Mind you, nothing's stopping me from going out and taking on a great white shark using only a small knife and my cunning. Except my cowardice of course!

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God i know I won't be able to handle this film, but I must see it. I didn't even flinch during Earthlings up until they showed the dolphins. Few things hurt me more than knowing these intelligent, beautiful creatures are used by man like this.

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Yes, I want to watch this now as well.


Dolphins are highly intelligent and there is now evidence that they are capable of meta-cognition and here (thinking about what they are thinking). I think that would be a function required to have some sort of a conscience. That also makes me consider the idea that they may be committing suicide to have some basis in reality.

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