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Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.


Life is chaos.


I agree that life is chaos, but from a human standpoint that's the difference. We have a higher level consciousness; we have the power of choice. We can decide how to treat the other inhabitants of the world, but as a species we are only interested in ourselves for the most part. Being more thoughtful and conscientious as a whole would take us much further than the path we are currently on. The whole world is intertwined and we are destroying it for every living thing on the Earth.


Watching the Earthling video, I can't understand how some of these people do their jobs... fucking ridiculous.

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one of the things that really fascinates me is trying to figure out just why we are, unlike almost all other species capable of such wanton destruction, and why we pursue that path in the first place....obviously there are millions of answers, but still..

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Looking forward to seeing The Cove, thank god theres people out there willing to go out and put their balls on the line and show the world whats going on out in the waters of Japan and China. I saw it in Sharkwater (an excellent doc on finning), just wish some more progress could be made to stop these evil fucks. They disgust me.

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Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.


Life is chaos.


I agree that life is chaos, but from a human standpoint that's the difference. We have a higher level consciousness; we have the power of choice. We can decide how to treat the other inhabitants of the world, but as a species we are only interested in ourselves for the most part. Being more thoughtful and conscientious as a whole would take us much further than the path we are currently on. The whole world is intertwined and we are destroying it for every living thing on the Earth.


Watching the Earthling video, I can't understand how some of these people do their jobs... fucking ridiculous.



From a human standpoint = From a perspective of our species trying to survive in that chaotic world.


Who are you to judge that what we are doing is something bad? Again, life is chaos. Every living creature that we know on earth has gone towards the same way since the beginning of the universe. Who are you to judge that it was not the good way? That power of choice is simply how humanity deals with matter and how it wants to deal with it. Chickens, lol, who cares? they are there only for us to eat. But other species might be different? You have just wrote "life is chaos" in different terms. In a sense, our sense of ecology is simply that we, at the moment, as a civilisation, cannot cope yet with the problems of not having matter for our own subsistence. Someday we will, but not now. So we need to conserve/observe/whatever. But life is still chaos.


The world is just a rock. The universe is our real world.

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Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.


Life is chaos.


I agree that life is chaos, but from a human standpoint that's the difference. We have a higher level consciousness; we have the power of choice. We can decide how to treat the other inhabitants of the world, but as a species we are only interested in ourselves for the most part. Being more thoughtful and conscientious as a whole would take us much further than the path we are currently on. The whole world is intertwined and we are destroying it for every living thing on the Earth.


Watching the Earthling video, I can't understand how some of these people do their jobs... fucking ridiculous.



From a human standpoint = From a perspective of our species trying to survive in that chaotic world.


Who are you to judge that what we are doing is something bad? Again, life is chaos. Every living creature that we know on earth has gone towards the same way since the beginning of the universe. Who are you to judge that it was not the good way? That power of choice is simply how humanity deals with matter and how it wants to deal with it. Chickens, lol, who cares? they are there only for us to eat. But other species might be different? You have just wrote "life is chaos" in different terms. In a sense, our sense of ecology is simply that we, at the moment, as a civilisation, cannot cope yet with the problems of not having matter for our own subsistence. Someday we will, but not now. So we need to conserve/observe/whatever. But life is still chaos.


The world is just a rock. The universe is our real world.


"Nothing is good or bad until you think it", but when we have destroyed so much how can that be any good for us? We run the risk of destroying the environment that supports us all. Tell me one natural thing other than cancer or a virus that destroys it's host. All living creatures have evolved, but none other than humans have had such wide-scale effects on the biosphere. We are no longer held down by the laws of nature, we decide how we interact with the world. Unfortunately we don't make good decisions. We are instant gratification whores. We make our decisions based on the now without concern for the long term implications. We may be "just a species trying to survive in the chaotic world", but much of the chaos of the world is a non-issue for us. Predation, shelter, food etc are are becoming less of an issue (in indutrial/post-industrial nations). With technology we have expanded the carrying capacity of the environment, but this will only last so long; technology cannot save us from this.


Having the mindset that "chickens are there for us to eat, fuck'em" is the kind of thinking that has led us to where we are now. It's ok to rape nature cause we're smarter/stonger... Even thinking on a universal scale; Is that what you envision for the human race? Becoming a cancer that spreads around just sucking up all the resources for our own idiotic material uses? How many fucking McDonalds/Snuggies/whatever bullshit do we need?

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In Robin Brown's jaw-dropping tome, "The Lure of the Dolphin" (Avon, 1979), he writes that dolphins "engage in love-play with almost every creature in sight - with mothers, brothers, fathers, daughters, cousins or aunts. There is even one record of a Bottlenose Dolphin masturbating with a herring."




That's fucking straight up LOL.





It just bugs me a bit that humans go apeshit over the death of the cuter species - like those furry white little seal pups, smiling dolphins, etc. I don't think it's just about ranking species in terms of intelligence.

It's like that Michael Moore bit when he's talking about how upset people were that he showed a rabbit getting killed, and yet none of them blinked an eye at the black dude getting killed directly before...

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It just bugs me a bit that humans go apeshit over the death of the cuter species - like those furry white little seal pups, smiling dolphins, etc. I don't think it's just about ranking species in terms of intelligence.

It's like that Michael Moore bit when he's talking about how upset people were that he showed a rabbit getting killed, and yet none of them blinked an eye at the black dude getting killed directly before...


I personally love killing stuff like: spiders, flies. Shit like that.


I would however never kill a dog, cat, rabbit etc.


Yes because they're cute. Are you saying you would feel exactly the same killing a cute cat and killing a spider? Come off it y'arse! We all love cute animals.


And as for the rabbit vs black dude situation, well, need I say anything. Just ask yourself, what what YOU rather have sitting on your lap looking cutely up at you? nuff said

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Looking forward to seeing The Cove, thank god theres people out there willing to go out and put their balls on the line and show the world whats going on out in the waters of Japan and China. I saw it in Sharkwater (an excellent doc on finning), just wish some more progress could be made to stop these evil fucks. They disgust me.


You see, I could never watch a doc on finning, it would shake me a lot more than this doc on dolphins, for a couple of reasons. One being that the wanton murder of sharks has brought these incredible apex predators to the brink of extinction, whereas I think dolphins are basically doing just fine thank you apart from the ones that swim past Japan; and two, that sharks are so incredibly misunderstood by almost everyone. I'm guessing that for 90% of people sharks are just "these scary man-eaters that kill people." For example, the ignorance of the Chinese makes me livid. They don't really watch nature programs on tv, but to the extent they do, it's always "look at these scary snakes!", "look at these scary sharks!" They have a huge industry over here of killing and eating snakes for their purported benefits, and it's the same for sharks. It really disgusts me. At least with the dolphins they were eating the ones they didn't use. With the sharks it's just "take the fin, throw the rest back." Chinese would kill off half the world's endangered species just to give one man an erection, mental infants that they are.

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Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.


Life is chaos.


I agree that life is chaos, but from a human standpoint that's the difference. We have a higher level consciousness; we have the power of choice. We can decide how to treat the other inhabitants of the world, but as a species we are only interested in ourselves for the most part. Being more thoughtful and conscientious as a whole would take us much further than the path we are currently on. The whole world is intertwined and we are destroying it for every living thing on the Earth.


Watching the Earthling video, I can't understand how some of these people do their jobs... fucking ridiculous.



From a human standpoint = From a perspective of our species trying to survive in that chaotic world.


Who are you to judge that what we are doing is something bad? Again, life is chaos. Every living creature that we know on earth has gone towards the same way since the beginning of the universe. Who are you to judge that it was not the good way? That power of choice is simply how humanity deals with matter and how it wants to deal with it. Chickens, lol, who cares? they are there only for us to eat. But other species might be different? You have just wrote "life is chaos" in different terms. In a sense, our sense of ecology is simply that we, at the moment, as a civilisation, cannot cope yet with the problems of not having matter for our own subsistence. Someday we will, but not now. So we need to conserve/observe/whatever. But life is still chaos.


The world is just a rock. The universe is our real world.


"Nothing is good or bad until you think it", but when we have destroyed so much how can that be any good for us? We run the risk of destroying the environment that supports us all. Tell me one natural thing other than cancer or a virus that destroys it's host. All living creatures have evolved, but none other than humans have had such wide-scale effects on the biosphere. We are no longer held down by the laws of nature, we decide how we interact with the world. Unfortunately we don't make good decisions. We are instant gratification whores. We make our decisions based on the now without concern for the long term implications. We may be "just a species trying to survive in the chaotic world", but much of the chaos of the world is a non-issue for us. Predation, shelter, food etc are are becoming less of an issue (in indutrial/post-industrial nations). With technology we have expanded the carrying capacity of the environment, but this will only last so long; technology cannot save us from this.


Having the mindset that "chickens are there for us to eat, fuck'em" is the kind of thinking that has led us to where we are now. It's ok to rape nature cause we're smarter/stonger... Even thinking on a universal scale; Is that what you envision for the human race? Becoming a cancer that spreads around just sucking up all the resources for our own idiotic material uses? How many fucking McDonalds/Snuggies/whatever bullshit do we need?


Exactly... I wonder if Philip Glass will be complaining if Aliens with x1000 our intelligence/power decides to rally up humans for food. He better not be whining that its unfair or wrong.

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I felt like the movie didn't have enough material to begin with, I dunno maybe I'm spoiled by food inc and earthlings, but it's message is clear and good and the results are great, as a movie it could've used a bit more folks and footage though.

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It just bugs me a bit that humans go apeshit over the death of the cuter species - like those furry white little seal pups, smiling dolphins, etc. I don't think it's just about ranking species in terms of intelligence.

It's like that Michael Moore bit when he's talking about how upset people were that he showed a rabbit getting killed, and yet none of them blinked an eye at the black dude getting killed directly before...


I personally love killing stuff like: spiders, flies. Shit like that.


I would however never kill a dog, cat, rabbit etc.


Yes because they're cute. Are you saying you would feel exactly the same killing a cute cat and killing a spider? Come off it y'arse! We all love cute animals.


And as for the rabbit vs black dude situation, well, need I say anything. Just ask yourself, what what YOU rather have sitting on your lap looking cutely up at you? nuff said


I'd kill you without any hesitation.

I don't kill spiders cause they are very useful in catching insects and killing them.

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Chengod, pipe down and run along and get me a Cheese McMac


Spiders freak me out, ever since I was small I've had a great fear of them. I kill them without hesitation, they are my mortal enenmy

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i saw a similar documentary about sharks. its' funny cause they talk about sharks not being aggressive at all. and the horrible illegal mass kllings


then my friend has another documentary on sharks by the discovery channel and it's all like "sharks are killers blah blah...

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Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.Life is chaos.



Werner Herzog is brilliant.


Chaos? with systems and directives? I don't think so.



Werner Herzog pisses all over this "pseudo" documentary.Life is chaos.
We have a higher level consciousness; we have the power of choice. We can decide how to treat the other inhabitants of the world, but as a species we are only interested in ourselves for the most part. Being more thoughtful and conscientious as a whole would take us much further than the path we are currently on. The whole world is intertwined and we are destroying it for every living thing on the Earth. Watching the Earthling video, I can't understand how some of these people do their jobs... fucking ridiculous.



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