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How to live to be 100+

Guest Fishtank

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Anyone here who makes it to 100 probably wont die for 1000's of years because life extension technologies will be prolonging life by a smallish (probably small anyway) amount at first and during these extra years of life, the techniques will be refined, or new ones will replace them. So you'll be buying time, to buy more time in order to buy more time and so on.




lol. we just need to convince ET to tell us how to add an extra 10 or 20 years to our lives... he knows apparently.


there's this drug called rapmaycin/rapamycin or something really similar to that, it is extending the lives of mice by 20% or something like that. No human trials yet though and definitely not a very well kept secret!



i know how this is done .......the problem is you probably won't take me seriously, won't want to do it or both ... combined with some other random reaction

that will take 10 or 20 years of my life.


talk to me troon, you're breaking my balls

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if you live to 100 then your doing something wrong.


Aye, unnatural


I miss the good old days where people would not outstay their welcome and check out when they reach their 40s. So much more civilized.

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damn you just know whatever troon was going to say was going to be good.



do you really want me to tell you rambo?


well... to begin with, it's not just about extended life....it's about

the efficiency ...the quality or rate at which we operate while we are living it.

(...and no pill will give us that or any of the other thing we truly need)

what use is it for us to be given extra life if we continuously squander it or use it against ourselves unknowingly?

thats why still longer longevity's (4,5,6 1000 year lives) as well as other more esoteric abilities have been taken from us.


no one wants to live to 1000 years if they feel like shit... part of the answer will

depend on what each individual wants or chooses to do with their time that is given,

how much they want to know about what it takes to be truly human or....

how much they want to just (git rich or die try'in and party like it's 1999)


understanding of all this and more will determine the time that is given back.


confused yet?

wriggling around in your seat?


anybody out there want to say some shit thing that they think is funny

out of their own insecurity and lack of patience or wanting for the truth?


simple things are often the hardest for those who like to talk

complex languages you need 6 college degree's to speak and another 6 to understand.


(these new languages will keep us separated even further then our actions forced with the tower of babel so many thousands of years ago)


we are being separated from ourselves (not to mention... each-other )


the truth is given freely, but first we must learn how to be open to receiving it :smile:

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100+ no eating boogers and going on late nite benders every day


no wiping with abrasive paper


no farting more than 4 times a day


no atempting to do Singin in the rain style dance moves


no walking around on your hands in supermarkets kicking people in the face


no nude sky diving or genital piercings


check poos everyday and report to poo master general


No eating cheese before noon


no late nite neverending porn vortexes


I was actually eating a booger as I read this. I'm totally fucked if this is true.

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100+ no eating boogers and going on late nite benders every day


no wiping with abrasive paper


no farting more than 4 times a day


no atempting to do Singin in the rain style dance moves


no walking around on your hands in supermarkets kicking people in the face


no nude sky diving or genital piercings


check poos everyday and report to poo master general


No eating cheese before noon


no late nite neverending porn vortexes


I was actually eating a booger as I read this. I'm totally fucked if this is true.




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You should really come out to Shanghai xxx. Would be fun.


You don't think Hunter S. Thompson was being selfish? Was his health that fucked? Seemed selfish to me but then I never skimmed deeper than the surface details...

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Guest Coalbucket PI

The world will be so overpopulated by the time we are 70 that we won't get much help from anyone to keep us going, doctors will tell us our cancer is terminal and euthanise us to prevent us using up all the supplies of antibiotics and biscuits and toilet paper which they want for their withering children. Our bodies will be shoveled down a chute which leads to the earth's core, which at that time will only retain heat by combustion of corpses and artefacts of our generation such as nike air max shoes and super nintendos. People will smear their bodies in mud and attempt to yield genetically modified tiny crops from their torsos whilst fighting off death with a carbon fibre pitch fork, both metaphorically and actually. The sun will be fragmented into over 1000 small unstable stars, which precariously orbit the planet sporadically exploding or crashing to earth, the world in a perpetual nightmarish flickering daylight, the smell of scorched humans ever-present.

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The world will be so overpopulated by the time we are 70 that we won't get much help from anyone to keep us going, doctors will tell us our cancer is terminal and euthanise us to prevent us using up all the supplies of antibiotics and biscuits and toilet paper which they want for their withering children. Our bodies will be shoveled down a chute which leads to the earth's core, which at that time will only retain heat by combustion of corpses and artefacts of our generation such as nike air max shoes and super nintendos. People will smear their bodies in mud and attempt to yield genetically modified tiny crops from their torsos whilst fighting off death with a carbon fibre pitch fork, both metaphorically and actually. The sun will be fragmented into over 1000 small unstable stars, which precariously orbit the planet sporadically exploding or crashing to earth, the world in a perpetual nightmarish flickering daylight, the smell of scorched humans ever-present.



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i can barely imagine myself living to 70, let alone 100+. i see all these elderly people who have a permanent angry expression on their face and think 'fuck that shit'. even if there is the prospect of seeing some fuckin' amazing technological breakthroughs, by the time i'm 70+ i'll probably be too old to learn anything new anyway.


So on the one hand you acknowledge that there will be amazing technological breakthroughs, but then in the same breath state that by the time they come around you won't be able to learn anything new.


I think that given that statement it's most likely that you are unable to learn anything new right now !!

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also, what is the big deal with wanting to live longer? why are we obsessed with this? i mean, i can maybe understand it when life expectancy averaged about 40 yrs.....but why 100? why on earth would i want to live that long?


i would consider that to be more selfish, sucking up resources that some younger, possibly more thoughtful generation could use.

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