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IDM Digital Guitar


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Guest Adjective

if it's truly just a midi controller, using this in conjunction with your favorite synth would be amazing, especially for those already comfortable with a guitar playing. I'm looking at you Beak. Would like to see more demos that aren't trying to sound like a guitar.

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that looks really stupid. i hate the phrase "brings____into the 21st century". because guitars are just so outdated. fucking nerds

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yeah it looks pretty silly. i'd much rather put a midi pickup on one of my guitars and play it through synths. that way at least there's some possibility of expression.


and guitars aren't outdated imo, just most of the people playing them are. 90% of people these days don't know how to play guitar with any originality.

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really? it seems like the electric guitar is having something of a resurgence in terms of originality. all the bands i can name that are guitar driven and doing something different, the number of musicians like fennesz or tim hecker that are composing mostly on guitar fed through laptops...i can't really agree with you there.

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well, i did say 'most', not all. of course there are people still innovating with guitars, but for every one who does, there are too many unoriginal boring 'rock' guitarists. and i'm not talking about stuff like battles, don caballero, tortoise, etc.

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yeah it looks pretty silly. i'd much rather put a midi pickup on one of my guitars and play it through synths. that way at least there's some possibility of expression.


and guitars aren't outdated imo, just most of the people playing them are. 90% of people these days don't know how to play guitar with any originality.


truth on both points




I want an electric guitar/midi pickup very bad.

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Guest Masonic Boom

I honestly just don't see the point of it. I played guitar for many, many years and yet don't have a problem using a keyboard as a controller. It's not as if they're difficult to figure out. Just seems like needlessly complicating something which is actually really quite simple.


If you're going to build a new kind of MIDI controller, why not come up with something truly original? A completely different kind of controller that owes nothing to fretted instruments or keyboarded ones. Rather than force one kind of tool to do another's job.

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Guest Adjective

lol i don't why i feel so compelled to defend this, it isn't something i'd ever buy, but i would still love to use it if it was there. do looks really mean anything to a composer? it seems like it would be a comfortable way to hold some notes. i could lay in bed next to my laptop with it, more comfortably than with a keyboard on my chest.


i am curious about a midi pickup though, never gotten to play with one

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Guest Masonic Boom

lol i don't why i feel so compelled to defend this, it isn't something i'd ever buy, but i would still love to use it if it was there. do looks really mean anything to a composer? it seems like it would be a comfortable way to hold some notes. i could lay in bed next to my laptop with it, more comfortably than with a keyboard on my chest.


i am curious about a midi pickup though, never gotten to play with one


I kinda see your point, but if you want something for musical sketching in bed, why not just use a guitar to work out melodies and things, if that's what's more comfortable for you?


(That said, i tend to lie in bed with the laptop on my stomach and the keyboard to the right if I'm composing in bed. Seems more comfortable that way. Need to get a smaller keyboard input for this purpose, really.)

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Guest Adjective

lol i don't why i feel so compelled to defend this, it isn't something i'd ever buy, but i would still love to use it if it was there. do looks really mean anything to a composer? it seems like it would be a comfortable way to hold some notes. i could lay in bed next to my laptop with it, more comfortably than with a keyboard on my chest.


i am curious about a midi pickup though, never gotten to play with one


I kinda see your point, but if you want something for musical sketching in bed, why not just use a guitar to work out melodies and things, if that's what's more comfortable for you?


(That said, i tend to lie in bed with the laptop on my stomach and the keyboard to the right if I'm composing in bed. Seems more comfortable that way. Need to get a smaller keyboard input for this purpose, really.)

never considered a midi pickup before this thread, but i've been watching some videos... i most likely would use a guitar for that purpose, as you suggested, if i had a midi pickup. I usually use whatever patch i've created to help write the melody. different sound characters suggest different paths to me, so writing on one instrument and then transferring to another just doesn't work well in my brain.

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Guest Masonic Boom

I guess I kinda see what you're saying. In that, sometimes when I'm mucking about creating new sounds, just hearing a newly created sound will itself suggest a new melody or arrangement or stuff. But if I'm doing it that way, I'd be already mucking about in the DAW. I guess it comes down to which kind of instrument you're more used to. I'm equally at home with a keyboard or a fretboard - in fact, probably more familiar with keyboard, even though I played guitars longer, I had more of a background of training on keyboards.


All sound is pure in one's head, a guitar or anything is going to be an approximation at first.


Did you find any good links for MIDI pickups? Someone posted a YouTube on another forum I lurk on but the general consensus seemed to be quite negative about them. Not sure if that was operational, or just their "not looking cool" which doesn't matter one sausage if you just want it for bedroom noodling and sketching. No one's gonna see you. Though, call me a girl, but if something looks really swish I'm far more likely to get it out and use it. Even in my room. ha ha ha. But that's pure aesthetics. It does mean a lot, actually - that's half the reason I like boutique pedals like Dr. Scientist and the like is coz they look so fantastic as well as sounding fantastic. Makes me more likely to want to play with them.

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Guest Adjective

I guess I kinda see what you're saying. In that, sometimes when I'm mucking about creating new sounds, just hearing a newly created sound will itself suggest a new melody or arrangement or stuff. But if I'm doing it that way, I'd be already mucking about in the DAW. I guess it comes down to which kind of instrument you're more used to. I'm equally at home with a keyboard or a fretboard - in fact, probably more familiar with keyboard, even though I played guitars longer, I had more of a background of training on keyboards.


All sound is pure in one's head, a guitar or anything is going to be an approximation at first.


Did you find any good links for MIDI pickups? Someone posted a YouTube on another forum I lurk on but the general consensus seemed to be quite negative about them. Not sure if that was operational, or just their "not looking cool" which doesn't matter one sausage if you just want it for bedroom noodling and sketching. No one's gonna see you. Though, call me a girl, but if something looks really swish I'm far more likely to get it out and use it. Even in my room. ha ha ha. But that's pure aesthetics. It does mean a lot, actually - that's half the reason I like boutique pedals like Dr. Scientist and the like is coz they look so fantastic as well as sounding fantastic. Makes me more likely to want to play with them.


i only found someone playing stairway to heaven through synthy pads. although horrified, i managed to fight through the shooting pains in my left arm, and navigate away from the page. i want one

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