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"it isn't that the democrats are playing checkers while the republicans are playing chess... it's that the republicans are playing chess, and the democrats are in the nurses office because once again they glued their balls to their thighs." jon stewart


pretty much!

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Guest Al Hounos

fucking christ this is how people salute the memory of a man who they voted for for 50 years, whose biggest cause was healthcare.


what goes through the mind of a person who voted for kennedy and now votes for a republican, who might just derail already damaged healthcare reform? not much, apparently.

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how did you all think any of this would be passed?


for fucks sake, if Truman couldn't push for it, why do you think in this day and age it would work?

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thrown out the window? gross overstatement


A top House Democrat said Tuesday that the Senate health care bill is "better than nothing," an indication that the House of Representatives is considering passing the more conservative Senate measure with no alterations.

The House Democratic leadership may resort to that course of action if Massachusetts Republican state Sen. Scott Brown wins Tuesday's race to fill the vacancy created by the death of Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy.


Brown's victory would deprive Democrats of their 60-seat Senate supermajority and give the GOP enough votes to block future Senate votes on health care and other White House priorities. If the House passes the Senate bill as currently written, however, the measure could proceed straight to President Obama to be signed into law.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters he remains "hopeful" that Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, the Democratic nominee, will defeat Brown.

But if she does not, passing the Senate version would be "clearly better than nothing," he said.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi added, "Whatever happens in Massachusetts, we will have quality, affordable health care for all Americans, and it will be soon."

Several Democratic congressional sources tell CNN that having the House approve the Senate bill is probably the best of a series of bad options to pass health care reform in the event of a Brown victory.

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I think there's just too many rublicans/fundies going "STATE HEALTH CARE IS COMMUNISM"

we have it in australia, and it works a lot better than you'd think. the only problem is that the government doesn't put a lot of funding into it.


yeah, I despise the socialist and death panel nonsense the conservatives have used to oppose healthcare. at the same time though, the Dems are trying to pass a health care bill by any quick and dirty means possible. and the 2 bills are't even that good: why must there be both state and federal systems AND medicare and medicade instead of consolidating it all? Why waste money on a public option? It'd be a better situation with stricter regulation.


Oh well, too much lobbyist influence and too much political party bullshit,as usual.

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I can't fucking believe Scott Brown got Kennedy's seat. =[



I wish I had health insurance.

As a freelancer, I simply can't afford it. If I get sick or hurt, I'm fucked.

I want to see some action.

Our country should have a single payer heath care system with a private option.

Obama has been acting like a bitch and needs to man up some.

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I can't fucking believe Scott Brown got Kennedy's seat. =[


I can. Coakley's campaigned failed hard, and Massachusetts elected a moderate, pro-choice candidate who supports their state level healthcare reform.


And fuck the "Kennedy's seat" bullshit, that's like calling the presidency "Bush's white house."

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the right wingers Ive talked to in life that don't want it have no real arguments. They get a glazed look over their face and revert to the common talking points of socialism, big governemt, taxes, screwing the small business man. Obama is the anti christ, hes a communist. Why is he buying the banks, etc...With no proof of anything actually. Its a war of theories, capalistic theories, socialistic or communistic. No one seems to be any expert on any of the actual bills at hand. The right wingers are just giving knee jerk reactions against communism and socialism cause they were raised on media like that Reagan record. Duck and cover. Black listing. Fear of the commie is so ingrained in the american mind of people over 50. You know, the people that vote.

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Forcing new taxes on employers for not providing healthcare or forcing those that are self-employed by taxation to carry healthcare is lame... It goes against one of the things I get pissy about - I shouldn't be forced to "protect" myself. The government shouldn't be dictating these sorts of things... If they want to provide healthcare, let them, but don't stick me with the bill.


To me, this is no different than the "war on drugs". It's forcing people by law to conform to the status quo (for their own best interests), "drugs are bad" they say, so they make it a crime - and cash in on it (via the court/prison system/tax collection). Not having healthcare would be a crime, and they'll cash in on that too.


Some of us that oppose *this* healthcare reform have valid legitimate reasons. (Financial for me, primarily)


One of the simplest, most viable, easy to attain ways to achieve more balance (by means of competition) and cheaper rates would be to allow healthcare policies accross state lines. Using nonsense round numbers... if a policy would cost me $1000 in New York, but I can get the same coverage from a carrier in Ohio for $500, I should be allowed to purchase that plan. Shit, they could write that bill on 1 page.

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well EDGEY, if they just had single payer we wouldn't have this problem, but noooooo thats communism. This is the COMPROMISE we've been left with because the right wrong assholes are lunatics

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This states line theory I don't think would work. I think you would get price fixing. Just like gas stations price fix. Or garages price fix for things like getting your car inspected. I think you would still never know if you are covered for illness too as some fly by night insurance company could drop you if they don't like your current health situation.

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Guest ezkerraldean

Some of us that oppose *this* healthcare reform have valid legitimate reasons. (Financial for me, primarily)


how come the rest of the world manages to afford it just fine?

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