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Obama cancels NASA moon shit

Guest ezkerraldean

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maybe if we had the funds to do something meaningful on the Moon, but we're kinda fucked with the economy right now.


the right just wants to rip him for EVERYTHING and it's actually quite pathetic, at this point. i never thought i'd see such division in politics. it's all about one sports team against another and it does nothing to move the country forward. Absolutely nothing.

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fuck useless trips to the moon


Yeah, all the knowledge and technology produced from the space program should just be forgotten.

We should just follow the words of some 2000 year old book and everything will turn out just fine.



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So anyway. Did anyone read the article? He withdrew money from the current Constellation project to inject it into future endeavours with better technology. In fact his budget request plans to add an extra $6bn to NASA over the next 5 years.


"While we're cancelling Constellation, we're not cancelling our ambitions," said Jim Kohlenberger, chief of staff at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).


"This isn't a step backwards. I think the step backwards was trying to recreate the Moon landings of 40 years ago using largely yesterday's technology, instead of game-changing new technology that can take us further, faster and more affordably into space."



Unless he's LYING!?!?!

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Damn! I would totally pitch in $20 if it meant Obama got to take a shit on the moon.



ps Edit: Would the shit even hit the moon? Or would it just kind of float there ... and would it come out of his ass into a big bubble like when you see as(s)tronauts drinking on space shuttles? Or would it hit the moon and then bounce around, creating a trail of turdsplats for aliens to sniff and follow, spelling out "Obama's ass wuz here"?

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Guest Tony Danza

In other news, a company in China is buying Hummer, the auto of opulence. Sort of. I hope I spelled opulence correctly.


Do we ever see the results of space exploration? I never hear of a new product, method of doing something or vaccine created in space. What are they doing up there?!? Are all these Mars projects just tiny pieces of data that will eventually complete a large-scale scientific puzzle 100 years from now?


Other than the pretty pictures, tacky CGI recreations and spectacular rocket launches, I believe the general U.S. public receives no sense of gratification from the space program.




Also, do you think astronauts ever got it on up in space? Wouldn't you HAVE to? I mean, just staring out the window at that big 'ol earth with boobies and gonads floating freely in zero-G. It's enough to make me moist.

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They need to see if shit can grow properly in low gravity environments so when we begin to colonize the Moon and whatnot we can build our biodomes and grow shit.


And they will certainly be emphasizing the sex when we go to land on Mars in 2030. The team that go will have to be extremely strong psychologically to be out of range for so long and it will HAVE to be a mixed gender crew with lots of boning or they will lose it. There was a dude who stayed for three months in a space station and was cracking up through boredom and alienation by the time he got back. Mars would be at its shortest an 18 month round trip, so there would be sex, video games, puzzles, constant exercise and if they're fucking lucky we will have sussed virtual reality by then.


Sex in space. Awesome.

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Mars would be at its shortest an 18 month round trip, so there would be sex, video games, puzzles, constant exercise and if they're fucking lucky we will have sussed virtual reality by then.



If physical fitness wasn't a prerequisite for space travel, they could just recruit your standard WoW fan

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why do you hate America?

it really does make a ton of sense considering the horrible future that awaits the united states economy and it's place as a world superpower:




the US is going to become like 1980s japan while china rules us all




some might say you (we) fucking deserve it.

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Mars would be at its shortest an 18 month round trip, so there would be sex, video games, puzzles, constant exercise and if they're fucking lucky we will have sussed virtual reality by then.



If physical fitness wasn't a prerequisite for space travel, they could just recruit your standard WoW fan


That lag would get unbearable after a month or so though.

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lol $6 billion.


i love the priorities of our government. seriously makes me nauseous. i wonder how much societal benefit that $6 billion is going to get vs the $600 billion bailout for companies too stupid to know what's a good investment.



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lol $6 billion.


i love the priorities of our government. seriously makes me nauseous. i wonder how much societal benefit that $6 billion is going to get vs the $600 billion bailout for companies too stupid to know what's a good investment.




That's $6bn on top of the current budget. But that doesn't make what you said any less of a good point.

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Guest ezkerraldean

Do we ever see the results of space exploration? I never hear of a new product, method of doing something or vaccine created in space. What are they doing up there?!? Are all these Mars projects just tiny pieces of data that will eventually complete a large-scale scientific puzzle 100 years from now?

you're probably right, but i don't give a fuck, we should still do shit in space because it's awesome, innit.

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