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Just got back from the dentist

Fred McGriff

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my teeth are suprisingly shit. i think some people are just prone to having shit teeth - i brush and floss the fuck out of mine twice daily, yet they are still increasingly yellow and borderline gingivitis-y. yuck. yet one of my friends - who has perfect teeth - hasn't been to the dentist since he was a kid and literally laughed at me when i told him that i floss. and we eat the same shit.


basically fuck teeth


i'll go to the dentist when they improve those new laser drills that blast into cavities without causing undo sensitivity (pain)

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is it hereditary though? thats interesting



assuming the british have genetically bad teeth,



i was doing some research for colonial american studies and found actually a good amount of sources where the british actually talk shit multiple times about the colonists' teeth....so we cant be all that different across the pond...at least the new englanders...haha...pure speculation but funny nonetheless.


my teeth are a bit off white due to the smoking, but people usually say they look fine, my two molars are somewhat yellowish though which is funny, i cannot scrub that shit off if i tried...and i have tried....look like I have bulldog teeth or something.


basically if you get cavities, i got two when i was young, and this is how i remedy it,


scrub the shit out of your teeth until they hurt....that means its working.


but expect the dentists' assistant bitch to whine about you hurting your gums and enamel...whatever...i dont need those things to be in pristine condition in 90 years anyway.

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is it hereditary though? thats interesting



assuming the british have genetically bad teeth,



i was doing some research for colonial american studies and found actually a good amount of sources where the british actually talk shit multiple times about the colonists' teeth....so we cant be all that different across the pond...at least the new englanders...haha...pure speculation but funny nonetheless.


my teeth are a bit off white due to the smoking, but people usually say they look fine, my two molars are somewhat yellowish though which is funny, i cannot scrub that shit off if i tried...and i have tried....look like I have bulldog teeth or something.


basically if you get cavities, i got two when i was young, and this is how i remedy it,


scrub the shit out of your teeth until they hurt....that means its working.


but expect the dentists' assistant bitch to whine about you hurting your gums and enamel...whatever...i dont need those things to be in pristine condition in 90 years anyway.


it's a combination of genes and habit, like everything else. if i started smoking a pack a day, no matter my genetics, my teeth would become yellow and stained.


interesting side-note: the people of pompeii were found to have excellent teeth, because their diet that largely consisted of fish contained high levels of calcium.

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Guest Franklin

I started going to an all Russian women dentists office and I've never gotten a cavity since.





qft. I have a russian hygenist who was a dentist back in the old country (doesnt meet standards here) and she is fucking hardcore and has totally changed the way my wife and I take care of our teeth and gums. dental care in north america is all about $$.

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I haven't been to the fucking dentist since about 2000 and I have a wisdom tooth that kept going in and out over the years, causing only slight discomfort before going back, but I think now it's in for good. Sometimes I spit blood. My gums are receding too. I should move to England. Luckily you can't tell any of that shit when I smile, unless I smile like this :biggrin: maybe.


I'm scared to go, mainly because I don't want to spend the money on it. But hey the longer I wait...the more it'll cost!

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I started going to an all Russian women dentists office and I've never gotten a cavity since.





qft. I have a russian hygenist who was a dentist back in the old country (doesnt meet standards here) and she is fucking hardcore and has totally changed the way my wife and I take care of our teeth and gums. dental care in north america is all about $$.


yeah well, let us in on the old russian secrets.


no sugar is a great place to start.


I haven't been to the fucking dentist since about 2000 and I have a wisdom tooth that kept going in and out over the years, causing only slight discomfort before going back, but I think now it's in for good. Sometimes I spit blood. My gums are receding too. I should move to England. Luckily you can't tell any of that shit when I smile, unless I smile like this :biggrin: maybe.


I'm scared to go, mainly because I don't want to spend the money on it. But hey the longer I wait...the more it'll cost!


Gums recede, there's nought you can do about that unfortunately.

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Guest Franklin

I started going to an all Russian women dentists office and I've never gotten a cavity since.





qft. I have a russian hygenist who was a dentist back in the old country (doesnt meet standards here) and she is fucking hardcore and has totally changed the way my wife and I take care of our teeth and gums. dental care in north america is all about $$.


yeah well, let us in on the old russian secrets.


no sugar is a great place to start.


well the first time I saw her she basically scraped at the nerves near the gum line on all my teeth until I wanted to scream...in fact I told her that she was killing me... I was tearing up constantly from the pain. then she showed me with a few mirrors all the plaque etc that was at the gum line and below. She explained why I probably form plaque a lot quicker than most and how i need to be extra careful. she gave me a special little tool which she said i need to use twice i day to keep the gum line clear of food and areas to pay special attention to when flossing (i didnt floss). anyway she then kept fucking scraping at the nerves.... when i left she said something like "remember the pain from today so you don't have to experience it in 6 months". fucking russians!


She also whispered to my wife (so the dentist didnt hear) that she doesnt need to come in more than once per year b/c she takes such great care of her teeth.

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like alot of you guys, haven't been in about 6-7 years. my parents took me to the dentist when I was younger and I never had any issues or cavities. last time I went to the dentist, I hadn't been in about 3-4 years before that and he told me I have good teeth but I should still go to see him every 6 months. I feel that there is really no need to go that often if you have no problems, it's all about that insurance money for them.

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when i had braces, the dentist said that my gums were too low and that after i got my braces off i could opt to cut some out to make 'em higher :wtf:


needless to say, i did not do that procedure. i am happy with my small teeths.

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lol, teeth.


I had a root canal treatment back in '99, haven't seen a dentist until '08, when that tooth came falling apart. So i had to have it surgically removed.

So then they found out that one of my wisdom teeth is growing perpendicular, so i have to have that one removed as well. I've been postponing this ever since of course.


Coincidentally, i'm going to see a dentist again next week. Mainly to have smoking/coffee stains removed, and probably to be told i really have to have that tooth removed.


Wouldn't want to be toothless though.


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Guest Masonic Boom

I haven't been to the dentist longer than some of you have been alive.


I have stereotypical English teeth - i.e. all over the place. I have 3 canines and my whole mouth is just a mess. It's not cavities, they don't hurt or anything, it's just that they're all where they shouldn't be. Oh, and chips; my third canine is chipped so badly I keep thinking I'm gonna cut my tongue on it.


It's just that when I moved from the UK to the US, aged about 9, the American dentists took one look at my English teeth and whipped me into surgery, retainers, a whole world of dental pain. And they still couldn't sort out my mad canines! So as soon as I was off my parents' dental plan, I bit the local dentist so hard he wouldn't have me back, and never went back since.


I've been back in the UK over 10 years now, and there are even (gasp) NHS dentists accepting new patients in my neighbourhood but I'm too traumatised. It's been so long I wouldn't wanna know what they're gonna find. Though I would like to get one of my canines removed and a normal tooth put in. A GOLD one. I'll only do it if I can have a gold tooth like a pirate.

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the worst case was this one guy who had teeth-smegma. Every goddamn teeth was covered with that grease, so the dentist scraped it off and showed it to him, which he responded to "forgot to brush them yesterday" At that point everyone in the room had to wear masks. They then started surgery because one of his backtooth was aching. as the dentist pulled it out he discovered a huge abscess underneath it which literally exploded. There was blood coming out of his mouth like a little fountain, I had to leave the room then :huh:

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i used to go twice a year, now only once as my teeth and gums are apparently healthy. a bit yellow cause i drink coffee and smoke. but i don't brush religiously and i do not floss but i haven't had a cavity since i was 10. having good teeth is kick ass. but i also eat very little sugary foods, so i'll bet that helps some.

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man, ive been tryin to get healthy, right?


so i eat a bowl of granola today, and i read the box.


apparently that shit is half the calories in one day...jesus fucking christ what do they put in it?

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typically honey, oats and nuts. all high in calories/carbs (cept nuts has no carb)


most of the time, however, these are healthy and natural things, hence why granola is healthy. but i get to eat loads of calories a day so fu lol.

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i gotta have a coke now and then, and coffee....fuck that, id like to actually taste something delicious once and a while.



one of my good friends, it appalls me how he lives.....nothing but wheat, fat free, no butter, tofu, no seasonings, plain corn flakes/wheat cereals, and eats vegetables out of the can.


now if that's healthy sign me up for lifetime obesity.

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