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meow meow/mcat/mephadrone


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Anyone tried this stuff yet? I learnt all about it on BBC breakfast the other day (thanks newsreader LoL). I don't mix in druggie circles much nowadays (hence not hearing about it) but will have the odd dabble here and there. 10 quid off the internet for a gram and delivered to your door, mmm nice.


So whats the craic? Is it worth a dabble? Any horror stories? Is it kosher?

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It came up in a thread fairly recently here.


Of my recreational drug using friends(mdma and coke), it has split opinion but it's certainly been popular with some of them. I was with 3 people who did a load for the firs time a few months ago. They got very chemically chatty, as in talking at you as much as with you, but more towards the pilled up than the 'I'm in charge' cokehead end of the scale.


I think at least part of its popularity has been down to the dearth of mdma knocking about over the past year.

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excellent timing, im actually just coming up off a tiny little bomb for the subclub tonight.


i like it alot, i feel like it could be considered dancing with fire, it might have some horrendous longterm effects, but i only take very small bombs and it just enhances dancing and bass beautifully. makes me chat like a tit, no comedown, lots of gurn. mixed with alcohol i have a fantastic, hectic night out, but i forget the whole thing when i wake up so its completely pointless doing it.

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this stuff and (closely related) methylone are all over the place here. it's like poor man's coke..inflated ego's and disgusting fake enthousiasm everywhere. it appears to be really harsh on the cardiovascular system and of course it may have long term neurotoxic effects that aren't known yet. ugh. apart from price & availability there is no reason why you'd want to take this over MDMA/MDA or any other higher-quality stimulant.

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I find snorting it in little keys is best without being drunk. :whistling:


It's like coming onto a really good pill but not quite getting there.


If you need something to give you a bit of zest and can't be arsed with the come down from shit dirty pills then for £10 you can't go wrong but less is more imho and it does leave your nostril a bit ragged although you can function the day after.


Caning it has resulted in a shitty cough and my mates Mrs went a bit weird one night after a heavy sesh but it's certainly an upper which will bring the after effects similar to being on speed with little sleep like short temper and grogginess but like I said I've had a lot worse from shit pills and is no worse (or better) than after heavy drinking sesh.


Ordering 10g's for the me n the boys when were off to Bangface as it's the most cost effective clean(ish) buzz you can get these days and is the new E in my mind.


I'm sure it will get banned soon but other analogues are ready in the wings so will it be a constant chase of cat and mouse with the law and designer drugs? I read in the Independent that some ex con is making £25,000 a week getting it from China and selling it as a legit online business.


Whether is will be a culture changing revolution like E's remains to be seen as some love it and some don't but it's a nice clean party drug which won't get you too mashed but treat with a little caution and like anything the golden rule is use don't abuse.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I did a few grams of this last year before it really occurred to me that it's probably a really really bad idea to take something with absolutely no history of being safe

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Guest the anonymous forumite

yeah we really should turn good ole secret santa into secret deala. Just imagine receiving a good deal of opiates and adhd drugs.

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