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London Olympics: Police will have powers to enter private homes and seize posters


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Police will have powers to enter private homes and seize posters, and will be able to stop people carrying non-sponsor items to sporting events.


"I think there will be lots of people doing things completely innocently who are going to be caught by this, and some people will be prosecuted..."




Fuck, you guys need to get a hold of your government, that's just insane.


Get caught drinking a pepsi in a coke-sponsored zone? You're going to jail.


PS: You gotta love how this announcement is just buried in the middle of an article about "emulating the street-party atmosphere of Vancouver"...


"The atmosphere at the olympics is gonna be great, a big party, just like Vancouver. Oh, did we mention the police will be enforcing Corporate Fascism? And there will be a really neat stadium, too!"

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Oh, fuck off.


Hey, my relatively small home town is host to the white water rapids event. They're building it now, I'm sure it'll be great fun! But not when the olympics are here.

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no surprise here, we saw the same thing in vancouver, but only after a few autonomists broke some store-front windows. police state is starting show is true colors, protecting the commodity of the wealthy--globalization sucks, as does fascism--expect global resistance. anticapitalists unite!!

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Guest Gary C

LOL, I don't think anyone would actually be arrested for having a non-sponsored item. You'll just be told to put it away or bin it.


Still fucking terrible, but whatever.

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When they start doing the events in my area I'm up for the being arrested challenge. Post suggestions here!

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I doubt they could enforce something like that very strictly. I'm guessing it will be mostly targeting bootleggers and other small operations trying to cash in on the huge amount of visitors to the area..

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no one is going to enforce these "laws". unless you're black that is.


You're saying you want me to be black? Right, I'm on it.

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Guest Rambo

I love that little idea that's stayed throughout the years in the US though. It's one of the most retarded things i've ever heard. It probably would have made sense in 1900 but it's 2010.

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100m Sprint sponsored by McDonald's Chicken Nuggets




Honestly, the extra thrust you get from the flatulence should probably be considered an unfair advantage, but if everyone is "doing the nuggs" then the bell-curve is only shifted to the right a bit, so it's all good.

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Guest Rambo

If a nationwide shootout with the police wasn't horrendous enough, the army would be called in within about 3 minutes. It'd actually just be a mass genocide of US citizens.

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no one is going to enforce these "laws". unless you're black that is.


You're saying you want me to be black? Right, I'm on it.


i just guffawed loudly.

pics or gtfo. seriously, i have to see you in blackface now. with white gloves too if possible


Funny you say that. I was going to make some quip like "At least when the UK government gets out of hand the populace can take up their guns and, oh....wait."

lol. and not at what you're getting at


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Guest Jac Y Jymper

mass revolt migth work if there wasn't an army, but if it werent for those shooty things being sent over the world, sold and then fought against, you wouldnt need an army.


Plus what happens when you revolt, 150 years later it will be the same situation, another corupt civilisation under the utopian franchise that was started not long ago.


you should be arrested for drinking a can of coca cola anywhere anytime


bring it on

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