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Save State bending


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Some rom/save state combinations just don't break (a lot of the EA roms just reset and then play the first rom you loaded). Try a different combo it's bound to break sooner or later ...

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how are we gonna put this compilation together? just one track each or several?


i think we should just feature the best ones, and have mcbepete give the final say. unless he doesn't want that responsibility.

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yeah kid chameleon's music has been really good at turning into something that resembles idm


kid chameleon level 4 into fifa 96 32x



and these 32x games are great "reciever" games


sonic 3 sound test 32 into bc racing 32x



kidcham into fifa is sweeet!

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haha i'm after getting this weird john cagey thing from wonderboy in monsterland into atomic runner.

again i don't want to stop it


we should send wire magazine a copy of the comp for the lols.

Edited by kaini
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haha i'm after getting this weird john cagey thing from wonderboy in monsterland into atomic runner.

again i don't want to stop it


we should send wire magazine a copy of the comp for the lols.


lol. I know I killed probably 4 hrs just doing this shit last night.... I have school-work that needs to be done. What have I gotten myself into?

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haha i'm after getting this weird john cagey thing from wonderboy in monsterland into atomic runner.

again i don't want to stop it


we should send wire magazine a copy of the comp for the lols.


lol. I know I killed probably 4 hrs just doing this shit last night.... I have school-work that needs to be done. What have I gotten myself into?




at 9 minutes, it was still spitting out these weird phrases that seemed to go in and out of time with each other in odd ways. that's :wtf:

here it is at double speed:


ohhh man double it's good. maybe add a small bit of reverb or something.

Edited by kaini
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release the comp without explaining how it was made. i think everyone should have a chance to put one of their tracks on as long as it's good., + something something = rich and famous.

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release the comp without explaining how it was made. i think everyone should have a chance to put one of their tracks on as long as it's good., + something something = rich and famous.

if that were to happen, this thread would have to be deleted. i think it would be fair to describe it as created through 'various manipulations of 16-bit video game ROMS' or someshit


and as i suspected, that was exactly one timestretch and one reverb away from being a lost early stockhausen piece

http : // humphreyplugg.kaen.org / stockhausen _ - _ gesang _ der _ wunderboy . mp3 REDACTED

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Guest esquimaw

At this point I'd like to wade in with my entirely subjective opinion and say: please god, no reverb or any other processing. Leave these beauties raw. Please. Don't ruin them. A bare minimum of editing too, none at all if possible.


Perhaps release a remixes record alongside if you guys really need to work your egos out about it.

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At this point I'd like to wade in with my entirely subjective opinion and say: please god, no reverb or any other processing. Leave these beauties raw. Please. Don't ruin them. A bare minimum of editing too, none at all if possible.


Perhaps release a remixes record alongside if you guys really need to work your egos out about it.


yeah i think this is a way to go for the original concept,


for the remix album i would propose also a rule where you have to draw all source material from save state bends and/or megadrive/genesis sound effects or music samples. There really hasn't been a great pure (being the operative word) megadrive chip-tune record yet (if there has i would love to be proven wrong), i think we could all make one if everybody contributed.


edit: im probably not using the term chip-tune correctly, all i really mean is making electronic music using the genesis as the sound source. contributors/remixers can interpret that any way they like. It doesn't have to end up sounding like a sega genesis bg sound or an autechre glitch out session based on this rule

Edited by Awepittance
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i know - i got the impression the original crash was cycling through a loop at sorta half the speed the game was meant to be running at - one release was european and the other japanese. and now you're going to tell me - yes, that was part of the crash. anyway it sounded better at double speed and i think it sounds awesome with the reverb but yesh minimal processing i agree with you. maybe only timestretching to exactly half the time (which kinda makes sense from a programming perspective, i mean these are crashes, lol) or cropping out extremely long sections of silence or something...

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i just noticed that there is such a thing as the ROM of the action replay cartridge :blink:

holy fuck it would take a LOT of research to figure out what you were doing, but i reckon you could trigger some pretty interesting crashes just by fucking about as well :cisfor:

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yeah i gave in to my urge to process and therefore kinda own something if you get me :blush:

there's a purity to the concept - with so little interaction required from the creator - that is kinda cool. i said something sounded cageian earlier - cage would have fucking loved this concept innit.


and with that in mind,

new zealand story meets zero wing

completely raw. the first thirty seconds are me loading, i think, an alien 3 savestate to cause a crash. it reminds me of music i stayed up all night to in squats in holland in 1997 lol.


am i imagining things, or is there a subtle phasing effect in this too?

if there is, it might be down to floating point errors in the emu.

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hey kaini, I've gotten a few phase loops as well


sonic 3 end credits into fifa 96 32x (edit)



this is verrry nice. 'megadrive crash quartet' sideproject?

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