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Have you ever written a letter of complaint?

Guest tbio2007

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

for certain. i've gotten out of 3 parking tickets unfairly issued by the city of chicago by writing complaint letters (and providing photographic evidence).

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There once was a bloke on the train. I could smell his ass from across the way. My 2.5 hour journey was perpetuated´by constant waffs off crack stench from this o smelly of blokes.

i followed him home (so as to secretly obtain his address) went back home, and wrote him a long letter of complaint.

He wrote back apologizing greatly, but said that it wasn't his back side there was a problem with. But his breath! xD I chuckled as a had my cup of tea that day. Oh shit I thought, that's terrible breath! If his breath was like that how the fuck bad must his shitter smell!

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it is our duty to complain


Yeh, but let me ask you this, shut up!


lick on my balls


There once was a bloke on the train. I could smell his ass from across the way. My 2.5 hour journey was perpetuated´by constant waffs off crack stench from this o smelly of blokes.

i followed him home (so as to secretly obtain his address) went back home, and wrote him a long letter of complaint.

He wrote back apologizing greatly, but said that it wasn't his back side there was a problem with. But his breath! xD I chuckled as a had my cup of tea that day. Oh shit I thought, that's terrible breath! If his breath was like that how the fuck bad must his shitter smell!



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There once was a bloke on the train. I could smell his ass from across the way. My 2.5 hour journey was perpetuated´by constant waffs off crack stench from this o smelly of blokes.

i followed him home (so as to secretly obtain his address) went back home, and wrote him a long letter of complaint.

He wrote back apologizing greatly, but said that it wasn't his back side there was a problem with. But his breath! xD I chuckled as a had my cup of tea that day. Oh shit I thought, that's terrible breath! If his breath was like that how the fuck bad must his shitter smell!

So you gave him your address to write you back? :ohmy:

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There once was a bloke on the train. I could smell his ass from across the way. My 2.5 hour journey was perpetuated´by constant waffs off crack stench from this o smelly of blokes.

i followed him home (so as to secretly obtain his address) went back home, and wrote him a long letter of complaint.

He wrote back apologizing greatly, but said that it wasn't his back side there was a problem with. But his breath! xD I chuckled as a had my cup of tea that day. Oh shit I thought, that's terrible breath! If his breath was like that how the fuck bad must his shitter smell!



I'll assume by your vernacular, that you reside somewhere in the UK/Europe. qed :emotawesomepm9:

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a bunch of people keep taking my parking space that is included in my lease....so far ive written every license plate down that i could, i have over 35 separate ones...the problem is they only park in my spot at night, after the rental place is closed, so i cant get maintenance to give them a ticket....im tempted to go in there one day, show them the list of plates, and then threaten to start calling the cops every time this happens.

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I wrote a letter of complaint to Q-Tips once because the Q-Tips in the box I purchased had significantly less cotton on the ends than the usually did. The stick hurt my ears. I buy Q-Tip brand specifically because cheaper ones have this problem (not enough cotton). So I said what's the point of buying premium Q-Tips if they are going to hurt me like cheap ones? They said they were sorry and sent me a coupon for a free box. That felt nice.

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oh man the Qtip variable is so unknown it drives me nuts.



Im the type that likes to OCD rub the inside of the ears raw....but i cant do that when they are overly fluffy...no compact tight ass cotton wad scrubbing my ears clean.

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a bunch of people keep taking my parking space that is included in my lease....so far ive written every license plate down that i could, i have over 35 separate ones...the problem is they only park in my spot at night, after the rental place is closed, so i cant get maintenance to give them a ticket....im tempted to go in there one day, show them the list of plates, and then threaten to start calling the cops every time this happens.

Can you have them towed?

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i might....the downside to this is that i will most likely have a ton of somewhat hickish or ghettoized neighbors hating me for standing up for myself....its rough when you are in the minority in a backwater town.


i could tell you stories to further illustrate what i mean, but im trusting you will believe me from the get go.

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i could tell you stories to further illustrate what i mean, but im trusting you will believe me from the get go.

You are asking a lot.


i would like anecdotal evidence, plus pictures, spectrometer scans, CCTV footage, the long awaited attack of the clones review, :trashbear: , a voice recording, and a thesis on how the internet has changed our existence.

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Guest JohnTqs

From: John

To: George W. Bush



this shit is gay. get me out of here





basically what happened was i stole some shit and got put in jail which was totally retarded

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a bunch of people keep taking my parking space that is included in my lease....so far ive written every license plate down that i could, i have over 35 separate ones...the problem is they only park in my spot at night, after the rental place is closed, so i cant get maintenance to give them a ticket....im tempted to go in there one day, show them the list of plates, and then threaten to start calling the cops every time this happens.


if its in the terms of your lease, the management is responsible and if they take no action to do anything THEY are breaking the terms of your lease. you have the right to take legal action or to stop following the terms of your own lease.

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Here, have some on the house:

Thanks! :wtf:


a bunch of people keep taking my parking space that is included in my lease....so far ive written every license plate down that i could, i have over 35 separate ones...the problem is they only park in my spot at night, after the rental place is closed, so i cant get maintenance to give them a ticket....im tempted to go in there one day, show them the list of plates, and then threaten to start calling the cops every time this happens.


if its in the terms of your lease, the management is responsible and if they take no action to do anything THEY are breaking the terms of your lease. you have the right to take legal action or to stop following the terms of your own lease.


Yeah I thought about that after my response earlier...I'd definitely talk to the management...they should be helping you with this issue as you are paying them for the spot.

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Yes, I wrote a nasty letter about one of my instructors in college and she got fired several days later!


you mind telling me why? if i become a prof, this is one thing I dread...that i could possibly be misrepresented in complaint letters from disgruntled kids....im not saying that is why you did it Fishy, but there are a lot of freeloaders in college...


He wrote back apologizing greatly, but said that it wasn't his back side there was a problem with. But his breath!

Tell you what. The ass gets front and center when it comes to stink assignment but never underestimate breath--fuck a duck, man. I had a German friend who's entire house smelled like dead rats, bile, and shit all rolled into one. It's sad because it's hard to fix--there are these bacteria lodged way the fuck back that are emitting those compounds and since they're anaerobic (don't use oxygen), it's really hard to get to them. Clever girls.


I wrote a letter of complaint to Q-Tips once because the Q-Tips in the box I purchased had significantly less cotton on the ends than the usually did. The stick hurt my ears. I buy Q-Tip brand specifically because cheaper ones have this problem (not enough cotton). So I said what's the point of buying premium Q-Tips if they are going to hurt me like cheap ones? They said they were sorry and sent me a coupon for a free box. That felt nice.

I suspect corporate chicanery to drive profit but I'm also interested in the fact that, after all, Q-Tips are a natural product because that cotton came straight from the boll to the end of the stick (with considerable processing of course). One time, my wife got a fungal infection in her ear canal that turned into one of the worst things we've ever gone through. It was like dueling doctors: "No, it's bacterial," "No, it's Swimmer's Ear," "No, it's fungal" One doctor even reasoned that the black shit falling out of her ear canal was just dried blood when in fact, it was Aspergillus niger spores :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:


They loaded her with antibiotics that were useless and Vicodin that was a little more useful...for the household in general :spiteful: Anyway, I was trying to figure out how the fuck this could happen and she's a seriously heavy Q-Tip user (P.S. Don't use Q-Tips, for real. They're bad for your ears and I can't get into why right now cuz I'm on another track). I thought, "what if enough spores had hung out in the cotton wick and the conditions were right in her ear for them to flourish?" The world may never know, just like the Tootsie Pop. She went to a real otolaryngologist and he aspirated all that shit out of her ear and she felt 100% fine within 10 seconds. Fucked up world!!!!!

Here, have some on the house:






xxx, when you get a chance could you expound upon qtips being bad for the ear? you seemed to be very well versed in this sorta thing, i know they have potential to damage the ear but i figured that is if you are a tard and literally shoving it into the canal....but i wasnt aware you could get fungal infections....ewww...

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