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Is it bad to take up religion...

Guest Conor74

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Guest JW Modestburns

I don't buy the atheists are the same as religious people argument.


Being an agnostic, Dawkins is a little hardcore for me.. but he is at least several steps above the disgraced Ted Haggard or Pat Robertson, Bill Donahue, christian coalition mother fuckers etc etc.


Listen to a talk by Lawrence Krauss and then one by any of the "religious" men that I listed above. I have FAITH in the fact that you will be able to tell the difference.


I would write more on this subject, but I would rather avoid the flame war that will inevitably ensue.

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1) it is never ok to be dishonest or falsify ones faith.

2) i don't like faith haters


spiritual knowledge has progressively been taken farther and farther away from its

original root source by humans. this has happened because humans do not like

to be told what to do, and we don't like to give up what we want simply because

it is the right thing to do ...the temporal world is far to important to us. this is what true spirituality

came to try and teach human beings. it came to teach us to put what is right ahead of

what we want(sacrifice) in every different aspect of our lives, in every detail.


to achieve this first we must know the difference between wrong and right.


who would want to do that through, ignorance is bliss right?


most human beings want proof before they are going to follow any rules.

true spirituality is asking is..."who is going to just follow what is right without

being forced or needing proof ?" it is the process of faith that shows who is who.

it makes it so that eventually everyone will show their true nature that

is written in their hearts. at first it may be the world and its seductions

and addictions that might have to strong a hold on ones heart, but

then there are those that actually engage in impure acts willingly

and without question and even support them and fight for them

to become more widely excepted. we must awaken from our sleep.


is the world going to remain in control or are we going to overcome

falseness with the innocence, empathy and love within our hearts?

this question is being asked of us every day whether we are

aware of it or not.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Atheists and believers annoy me, takes a serious ego to definitively say how we ended up where we are. Could have been a fluke or we could be sitting in a petri dish somewhere, exisitance is way to big for me to comprehend. I do know that organised religion is a parasite, praying on the mentally fragile. Why is it that people always find God laid up in a ditch, fucked out of their minds, its never 'I have millions in the bank, massive house and a model on my arm. Hhhhmmm how can I make this better?'




I dont want spirituality, if it means I have to staccato type.

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Guest ezkerraldean

1) it is never ok to be dishonest or falsify ones faith.



surely it's the ultimate in awesomeness if you actively challenge your own beliefs?



also, you're not from scotland

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If someone identifies as an atheist, that doesn't mean that he's an obnoxious douche bag who maintains that there is no way God could exist. It just means he doesn't believe in God.


I've never understood all the hate for atheists.

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Guest ezkerraldean

If someone identifies as an atheist, that doesn't mean that he's an obnoxious douche bag who maintains that there is no way God could exist. It just means he doesn't believe in God.


I've never understood all the hate for atheists.

it's pretty much just Dawkins-hate, not actually atheist-hate. which i can kinda understand; Dawkins' in-yer-face anti-theism fucks me off. but yeah, people shouldn't just hate atheists because of Dawkins.


although maybe they're just insecure about their faith lol

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1) it is never ok to be dishonest or falsify ones faith.



surely it's the ultimate in awesomeness if you actively challenge your own beliefs?





also, you're not from scotland


no ..but thats where my user name is from as well as a bit of my lineage.

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interestingi topic, but yes one of the reasons i cling to christianity is just out of spite for watmm


Fred what denomination do you/did you practice


i'm catholic.


lots of tldr cool story bros in this thread btw

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i fuckin' love hamburgers.. but i always thought eating hamburgers would be a sin! at least that's what it feels like to me. it's almost like engaging in matters of the flesh!


you better add some bacon and cheese to that burger.


and crumpled up bleu cheese!

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My favorite burger place has free bibles by the register where you order. Go figure.

in-n-out burger?


I know that in-n-out has biblical passages at the bottom of the french fry baskets

Nope, no In-n-Out Burger in my neck of the woods. This is a mom and pop type place.

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Guest Conor74

Nope, no In-n-Out Burger in my neck of the woods. This is a mom and pop type place.


I believed In n Out Burger existed even though I could only rely on script from the Big Lebowski to inform me. I pictured it as wonderful place with great burgers because Donny said it a few times. This has given me renewed hope in my quest for faith.

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whenever i see an in-n-out burger i can't help but imagine some guy

eating a huge burger and then immediately running to the bathroom to take a big crap






proof of god right there, folks.

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