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Guest Spittal

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Guest Spittal



Watmm, this is a secret message my friend left for me. I need to decode it, but most software only scans and decodes normal horizontal barcodes...



Any ideas?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

yup I used my poly directional barcode decoder it says


"Son I didn't know how to tell you this... all these years... I've kept it bottled up for soo long but I thought this poly directional barcode was the way to let you know... I fucked your mom"

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Guest Spittal

This is a joke yes, my friend is playing a very, very cruel joke on me.


I need to know what this means.


Well, I don't NEED to know, but I would like to know.

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Guest Spittal

hahaha, yeah he's keeping some sort of art idea or something from me...


he first showed me 16 pixels of some brown shit, then gave me this.





Some friends I have.

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Guest Ominous

hahaha, yeah he's keeping some sort of art idea or something from me...


he first showed me 16 pixels of some brown shit, then gave me this.





Some friends I have.


I'd pretend like I had easily decoded it but was highly offended by the content. Tell him to go fuck himself. Joke's on him now..

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Guest Spittal

I decoded it... it says.




Decoded data ==================>

Jamie is stupid





God damn it.

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