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The Corporation


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what are everyone's thoughts on this?


i gotta be honest, a lot of this documentary only added more evidence to what I believed: that world and American corporatism is INSANELY close to the very ideologies of fascist states.


i have seen a lot of fucked up things and read fucked up things, but this doc has made me so fucking angry over this i think ive been pushed towards open social activism.


take for instance:


Coca Cola, Ford, and other companies implicit in working in Nazi Germany before and DURING the Second World War

The privatization of fucking RAINWATER in Bolivia

Privatization of air in certain countries

IBM's complicit involvement with the Jewish Holocaust

The patenting of animal AND human genomes

The manipulation of the 14th Amendment concerning a Corporation, by definition an inhuman institute, as an institution with human rights




this is beyond fucked up.


of course, i was always aware of many of these things, but the documentary really hit it home it putting it all together


it only proves what i had been thinking for so many years, but was afraid to verbally describe it: the idea of a corporation isnt the problem, its the allowance of the government and thereby the complicit concessions of the people to grant an inhuman institution human rights....this is unbelievably irrational and there is absolutely no defense for it.


if you havent already seen this, id highly urge you to take a look, but be warned, it will make you very angry.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I was really interested in watching this, but isn't old, is there any similar docu's that are more recent, or should try to watch this again?


I think downloaded this like 5 years ago or something? wanted to watch it but I kept putting it off and eventually deleted it after it said on my HD for like 2 years.

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It was made in 2003. Just because it's not right now doesn't mean that the historical events that the documentary covers are any less true. And if anything, corporatism is only getting worse.

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I recall watching this documentary a couple of years ago but I'm having trouble remembering a lot of it so I'll find some time to watch it again at some point in the next few days. Nice one on creating this topic though - it's something we should all be aware of (corporate corruption).

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Guest JW Modestburns

great documentary, where were you 7 years ago?


As I remember... it was done by the same guy that did the documentary Manufacturing Consent which was a look at Noam Chomsky's propaganda model.

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thought it was a very good film albeit a little bit long. I just watched a new movie by Alex Jones company that was surprisingly good and not too hyperbolic (for an alex jones film), i think you might dig it Smetthingham, its called Invisible Empire and is on youtube right now




i like how much of it is just interview clips and statements from people in the Bilderberg group and Trilateral commission, ties it all together pretty well and goes over how the gulf of tonkin incident was faked, etc

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The Corporation is very good.


I like how when it came out in the UK, they had a quote from The Economist on the movie poster. It said:


"Surprisingly rational" - The Economist


(The review that quote came from is now )behind this paywall. it was quite a good review)

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hey, keep in mind some of us here have to watch our blood pressure!


seriously though, I'm going to stick my head in the sand on this one, I don't need to be reminded of how wealth and power are continuing to be concentrated in the hands of the very few. China is insane in this regard. A govt official recently responded to the outcry over rising housing prices here by saying "what does it matter to you if the cost of a home has doubled in the past year? Either way, you wouldn't be able to afford it." :emotawesomepm9:

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thought it was a very good film albeit a little bit long. I just watched a new movie by Alex Jones company that was surprisingly good and not too hyperbolic (for an alex jones film), i think you might dig it Smetthingham, its called Invisible Empire and is on youtube right now




i like how much of it is just interview clips and statements from people in the Bilderberg group and Trilateral commission, ties it all together pretty well and goes over how the gulf of tonkin incident was faked, etc


I stopped watching after all the patriotic bullshit at the beginning.


The i gave it another try , and stopped watching when he had a problem with the US commemorating China's birthday.


It has some good points , but it tastes like AlexJonesTeabaggerBirther cum.

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i hate all pigs for what they symbolize. i hate capital for it's destruction and commodification of the natural world and ourselves. i refuse to find my livelihood in, or follow the competitive framework of this hugely inflated, stagnant, corporate-consumer spectacle we call society... home. not without personally trying to change it, or dismantle it.




get out there out there and participate in your communities and fight the corporate machine!! there are others! yes, there are many others...



the militarization of police forces facilitates this corporate up-swelling. how much longer will the masses stay comfy in their consumer/worker bubbles is the real question, better yet, how will all the brainwashed right winged patriotic idiots react to this?


REAL times o' change are on the horizon, i feel...

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Guest JW Modestburns

I would also like to recommend a few documentaries by Adam Curtis. The Century of the Self (2002),The Power of Nightmares (2004) and The Trap (2007).

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I would also like to recommend a few documentaries by Adam Curtis. The Century of the Self (2002),The Power of Nightmares (2004) and The Trap (2007).



Power of Nightmares is an excellent documentary and brings up a lot of points that most people are aware of, but refuse to acknowledge them in a wider narrative



thats why i appreciate these docs....a well made doc doesnt need constant narration to prove a point, let the interviews, photos, and written documentation speak for itself, just put it all together so the people in general are able to digest it without the need for a "color commentator" to tell the viewing public what the narrative actually is.


im a big fan of Noam Chomsky, and Ive noticed in debates that the opponent often uses Chomsky's insistance on reading his documented sources, and that is a BAD thing. WTF? WHy is it wrong to check up what Chomsky is saying? Am I to believe that we should just believe what you say as fact in a setting that promotes irrationality and aggressive generalizations?

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Guest theSun

should i really watch this? zeitgeist 1 and 2 made a lot of good points but i feel like they were less objective than they were trying to convince you of

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zeitgeist films, afaik, is not in anyway related to the Zeitgeist series other than in name alone.


and i have a lot of problems with Zeitgeist the movie....this is completely different, much more emphasis on hard evidence and direct interviews with very prominent marketeers on both sides of the issue.



its a little biased, sure, but look at the evidence presented and you can easily see why it is portrayed that way.



we hear about the "good" that corporations do 24/7, its about time outlets start showing the other side of things.

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should i really watch this? zeitgeist 1 and 2 made a lot of good points but i feel like they were less objective than they were trying to convince you of



there's no relation afaik

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