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A joshier idea | Transport

Guest joshier

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Guest joshier

I don't think commercial air flight is the future unless we incorporate biological engineering. So instead of metal, turbines, petroleum and so on - we actually have skin, muscle, bone, the lot. However because we aren't at this stage yet, I propose my "super hyper bullet train".


The concept came to me when I was thinking about how people get to their planes in the airport, they go along the moving walk way (horizontal escalator). The system is as follows:


1. A standard outer case which stops the weather affecting said system within it (unlike planes which are out in the open with a number of variable factors to take into account, lightning, rain, wind and so on).


2. It uses far more materials than a plane would purely because the outer encasing is static and thus needs to be from destination A to B.


3. However because of point 2, it is able to potentially move a lot faster because of the reduced weight & both air & physical friction because of the size.


4. Despite the amount of materials as pointed out in 1, those materials do not move and thus aren't going to be put through much stress.



I thought about it for a while and made a little concept to illustrate it




As you can see, I'm using the maglev system. I think the trouble with 'magnetic levitation' trains right now is that the electrical power needed to propel such a large object is quite a set back. This is why my I feel the lightweight capsule within the hardened case could use 1/10th the power and have a faster top speed.


In answer to some basic queries -


Where would this be used?

It could be used for relatively small areas connecting towns, such as the Isle of Man. Or it could be used for projects such as China to Europe.


What about the huge amount of material used for the "hardened case"?

Yes, this will take a huge amount of material because it will need to cover the entire routes, with that said - I still think it would pay off in the long run, compared to having the 'hardened cased' trains that haul all of their load back and fourth over hundreds of thousands of times.


What about the safety of such a thing, surely a high speed, lightweight (vulnerable) "capsule" could shatter/break at speeds of excess of 300mph?

Because of the low amount of material used it could use an alternative, very strong material such as carbon fibre despite the high cost per meter square. As for potential risks and accidents that could happen - I haven't thought about it enough but I honestly think an enclosed environment that has few variables would be easy to find faults.


If it's actually a good idea, why hasn't it been done before?

I haven't researched all that much so I couldn't tell you, perhaps they've been tried and tested and they are just impractical, though I'd like to see examples of this.

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It is an excellent idea


If it's actually a good idea, why hasn't it been done before?

I haven't researched all that much so I couldn't tell you, perhaps they've been tried and tested and they are just impractical, though I'd like to see examples of this.

2 reasons:

- The use of fossil fuels is extremely profitable (a scarce resource = high profits) which is a backwards way of thinking, and a significant boundary to progressive technologies that can benefit society and the environment like a maglev system (which would have to utilise renewable energy sources)

- The monetary system creates limitations on such a project because of production costs being "too high" - our global view point shouldn't be "do we have the money"?, it should be "do we have the resources"?



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also, electricity isn't clean... our electricity comes from somewhere, be it a coal power plant or somewhere else. while some of these power plants are 'clean' (nuclear, hydroelectric, geothermal, etc), many are not. and there are way too many plants burning coal/fossil fuels. this is part of the reason electric cars don't really save the planet right now (hybrids, however, use their own slowing down to recharge the battery - a pretty good deal). i'm convinced at this point that discovering a safe method of fusion is the solution to our problems. with fusion, we get clean and infinite energy. all the sudden electric cars take over and drive-bys are much scarier (silent whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

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Guest countchocula

I don't think commercial air flight is the future unless we incorporate biological engineering. So instead of metal, turbines, petroleum and so on - we actually have skin, muscle, bone, the lot. However because we aren't at this stage yet, I propose my "super hyper bullet train".


What the fuck are you talking about? Replacing metal with meat and bones?


Are you saying in the future skin, bones, and muscle will replace metal? Like we're talking skyscrapers made of skin and trains made of meat flying through a tunnel like some sort of phallus with people inside? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

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Guest joshier

I'm happy there's people taking me serious and making a joke of it. If I was deadly serious I'd have posted this on an engineering forum.


However for the last poster - yes I'm seriously suggesting that I think a commercial, metal airline compared to am eagle is less reliable. I did say we aren't at this stage yet in tech so it doesn't seem plausable yet, but trust me we will not use static metal in the future for systems such as transport.

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everything should be on a rail system traveling throughout the world on a large grid of trac. hemp plastics could be used in a large percentage of the construction

and hemp fuel could be used to power it. from there we could continue to gain knowledge of more and more clean and efficient ways of innovating both the fuel and

the way we build as well as improve the speed. all this technology already exists but unfortunately all the focus is being put on petroleum right now because it is

profitable for the right people.


i love that you are bring this up joshier. this is the future of travel and transport along with clean sea travel and airship technologies if we expect to have a future on this small planet at all.


..either that or we go back to a simpler way of life where we travel less distance and concentrate instead on providing what we need together

within a semi-local radius expanding ecosystems and changing the way we think about land stewardship and land usage in general.

we could also go back to a modern tribal lifestyle integrating the best and cleanest of the new with the

simplicity and common sense of old tried and true ways of doing things.





our only hope is to....


stop buying the wrong things and start buying the right things and to know the difference ( and to make due with nothing for the time in between)

if 'they' won't stop giving it to us then we need to stop taking it!


'they' sure as has hell are not going to save us for us, not with all that money flying around ..lol


revolution is idm a fuck

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everything should be on a rail system traveling throughout the world on a large grid of trac. hemp plastics could be used in a large percentage of the construction

and hemp fuel could be used to power it. from there we could continue to gain knowledge of more and more clean and efficient ways of innovating both the fuel and

the way we build as well as improve the speed. all this technology already exists but unfortunately all the focus is being put on petroleum right now because it is

profitable for the right people.


i love that you are bring this up joshier. this is the future of travel and transport along with clean sea travel and airship technologies if we expect to have a future on this small planet at all.


..either that or we go back to a simpler way of life where we travel less distance and concentrate instead on providing what we need together

within a semi-local radius expanding ecosystems and changing the way we think about land stewardship and land usage in general.

we could also go back to a modern tribal lifestyle integrating the best and cleanest of the new with the

simplicity and common sense of old tried and true ways of doing things.





our only hope is to....


stop buying the wrong things and start buying the right things and to know the difference ( and to make due with nothing for the time in between)

if 'they' won't stop giving it to us then we need to stop taking it!


'they' sure as has hell are not going to save us for us, not with all that money flying around ..lol


revolution is idm a fuck


^ you're sounding very radical, and i like it!



revolution is idm as fuck, word.

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hemp fuel could be used to power it. from there we could continue to gain knowledge of more and more clean and efficient ways of innovating both the fuel and

the way we build as well as improve the speed.

Why use liquid fuel when we can aim towards creating a maglev train system which runs on electricity, (utilise wind energy/tidal power/solar power etc..) - and the materials used to construct such sources of renewable energy could from bioplastics/recyclable plastics?

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This is straight-up one of the most disturbing things I've seen on the internet, if and wherever a 'shop occurred.




its very real....look up garry kasparov on youtube...i think its there somewhere...

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Guest joshier

Ah yes, nothing like a website for proof of concept.

Yeah, I do wonder why they haven't actually made one, perhaps there's a big fundamental prolem with it, or perhaps they just lack funding. Regardless here's the wikipedia entry which I quote:


A vactrain is a proposed, as-yet-unbuilt design for future high-speed railroad transportation.

I started thinking about alternative methods of transportation because I think planes are fucking shit as they are currently.

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Guest joshier
Salter also pointed out how such a system would help reduce the environmental damage being done to the atmosphere by aviation and surface transportation. Robert Salter called underground Very High Speed Transportation (tube shuttles) our nation's "logical next step". The plans were never taken to the next stage.


At the time these reports were published, national prestige was an issue as Japan had been operating its showcase bullet train for several years and maglev train research was hot technology. The American Planetran would establish trans-continental subway service in the United States and provide a commute from Los Angeles to New York City in one hour. The tunnel would be buried to a depth of several hundred feet in solid rock formations. Construction would make use of lasers to ensure alignment and use tungsten probes to melt through igneous rock formations. The tunnel would maintain a partial vacuum to minimize drag. A trip would average 3,000 mph (4,800 km/h) and subject passengers to forces up to 1.4 times that of gravity, requiring the use of gimballed compartments. Enormous construction costs (estimated as high as US$1 trillion) were the primary reason why Salter's proposal was never built.
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there's a name for stuff that's as-yet-unbuilt.




Maglev trains are very cool to ride on though. Quiet and fast as fuck.

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Guest joshier

Trouble with open maglevs is that its open to abuse (people putting shit on the tracks) and then you've got wind resistance on top of that, this limits the top speed. This is why the vactrain could technically go up to 5,000mph.


Don't get me wrong I can't wait for the maglev in the uk to be built in the UK, just a shame no one is heavily funding the vac's.

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