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I guess this may be a northern hemisphere thing. But god damn. Look outside. See the greenery starting to get green. See the leaves forming. Smell that damp, fruitful air. Beat off if you have to (I will, don't worry).


I love spring. After so many months, covered in snow and bitter cold, shorts are like wearing an orgasm.


fuck me do i love seeing any colour on the ground other than white. yes i put a 'u' in there. fuck america, i love spring aka i love the end of winter.


/english ;)

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I hate this time of year. I start wheezing and become more of a hermit as leaving means I'm going to be all itchy for the next while. I wake up in the mornings with red eyes afire (My eyes, are FLAME) and with a sore throat (My body, is FLAME).




But really, I get itchy and shit. Not to mention in the Pacific Northwest the weather goes totally bipolar on us. When I got up yesterday, it was nice with some overcast and around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. By 3 pm it was pouring rain and around 44 ºF, the plumbing system in parts of my school flooded and everything.




Edit: When do Daffodils come around? I know they last about a week and I missed seeing any last year.

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Guest ezkerraldean

spring's banging. except that for Blighty it normally means three months of windy rainy shit. it's nice at the moment though

yes i put a 'u' in there. fuck america, i love spring aka i love the end of winter.


/english ;)



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Guest Dirty Protest

Fucking pollen getting in my eyes... :dry:


I woke up this morning like i'ld spent all night snorting cement. I didnt get hay fever till i moved to London, it sucks.


essines, is that why I got no present, coz you hate winter so much? O well ive moved house, its another year and youve left me slighty more cynical than I was last year. Bah humbug.

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Fucking pollen getting in my eyes... :dry:


I woke up this morning like i'ld spent all night snorting cement. I didnt get hay fever till i moved to London, it sucks.


essines, is that why I got no present, coz you hate winter so much? O well ive moved house, its another year and youve left me slighty more cynical than I was last year. Bah humbug.

i fucking suck. i completely forgot about it as i've been fairly busy. i still have the parcel, i'm just a cunt. as much as you don't believe me i do intend to send it.


sorry man.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm enamoured with spring at the moment, there is green everywhere, blossom and stuff, the other day it rained and I smelled a rain smell I haven't experienced in a while, I think it is when he sun has been out all day heating up the tarmac/concrete and the rain releases this sort of musty smell... HOT

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So after a long shower I went out into my garden in my bathrobe and sat down in one of my garden chair. It was beautiful. I then noticed some weed that growing between the tiles so I leaned forward and grabbed my fingers around it and pulled it up and I somehow managed to pull up all the roots and dirt as well - and you know what? It felt amazing! I was like, 'SUCCESS!'. It was like the opposite of Tetris where you have to pull things apart perfectly without destroying anything. Then I grabbed the next weed and pulled it up and that's when I had to go down on all fours and start pulling up weeds - and 20 minutes later I was done.


Now I know why they went crazy back in the baroque days when they found out that they could control nature because it feels just awesome. Yay! I still hate pollen though.

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