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Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez


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Can oil even be evaporated like water?



oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons with varying volatility, more or less dependent on the carbon chain length (generalizing here, there are many more components in oil than hydrocarbon chains only). the light fractions can evaporate very easily, middle fractions less so, and some components are not volatile at all. i presume thats what all those "tar balls" are, the heavy fractions that are left after everything lighter evaporated away...

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woah...are you serious Rook? You would actually lay blame on the government? i thought you were an old-fashioned "keep your government off my business" republican?


the real funny thing about this is BP and Exxon are drops in the bucket compared to the real big oil players.


well, I was only a republican for about three months so that I could vote in the primary elections.


But yes, yes I would. BP could have drilled right on the coast and it would have been completely safe. Instead, the law makers want to appease their constituents since no one wants an ugly oil rig on the coast and for some reason, it appeases the environmentalists if they can't see the oil rig from the coast. So anyway, congress affords the oil companies the last option of being allowed to drill only in one of the most dangerous places on the face of the Earth, a five mile deep ocean where a square inch of water packs as much pressure as a 200 pound car. It's ridiculously dangerous but we are getting our oil not from the nasty middle east but from home and who cares if we put the oil companies and their workers in a dangerous situation as long as it doesn't upset our beautiful beaches. The technology is so difficult to operate, I think only like 13 of these wells exist. So surprise surprise, the oil well blows up, and no one knows what to do because the technology to fix it literally hasn't been invented yet (until now apparently).


Really, if the regulators are going to regulate, they ought to do something actually helpful and push alternative energy. But bombarding the oil companies with rules and laws that make it dangerous to dig for the resource and continually leave us dependent on this extremely limited resource, is just silly.


For the record, if we start tearing up Alaska and more national wildlife conservation areas, I'm gonna whack out.



Also, surely that opens up more pipeline to be at risk?

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

87 days of fun ( and many more to come ) HDD.gif



looks like new flavor of kool aid!






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very good news but from what im reading we're not out of the woods yet...


it's like the end of Speed, Keuana reeves working for BP cut in a fake loop feed of the cap successfully in place to trick Dennis Hopper (us)

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  • 4 weeks later...

concerned american citizen seeking truth to the BP oil spill, reporting in...


It seems that the federal government and media is reporting that the BP gulf oil spill has disappeared but satellite photos show a slick covering over 12,000 square miles of the Gulf.




Here is the link to the satellite site: http://www.cstars.miami.edu/deepwaterhorizon/deepwater-horizon/deepwater-horizon



also, i'm hearing that it's two wells that were drilled. one was done a year ago, and the other was scheduled to be drilled this winter with capping around april 20. the "cap" they are covering in the media is nothing more than the cap that was on the first well. the second is still completely open and is still gushing crude oil into the gulf...




have you guys forgot about this mess?!?! what the fucks really going on?

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well, living in florida, i find myself very concerned over all this. i need the truth on this ecosystem-destroying disaster, otherwise i will feel sick to my stomach, why should this be any different for anyone else in the world? if what i'm reading as the truth is in fact true, (theres rumor of a 100 mile long crack underneath the surface and the methane is increasing, pressure building...) if and/or when this blows, this could be disaster, after disaster waiting to happen that could have dire implications world wide (as if it doesn't already)... all i can do is HOPE for the best :closedeyes:

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well, living in florida, i find myself very concerned over all this. i need the truth on this ecosystem-destroying disaster, otherwise i will feel sick to my stomach, why should this be any different for anyone else in the world? if what i'm reading as the truth is in fact true, (theres rumor of a 100 mile long crack underneath the surface and the methane is increasing, pressure building...) if and/or when this blows, this could be disaster, after disaster waiting to happen that could have dire implications world wide (as if it doesn't already)... all i can do is HOPE for the best :closedeyes:


Read this. Avoid sensationalism, stop panicking.



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Guest Gary C

It's not a real paranoid fear that I'm having, but recently I have been beginning to entertain the thought that there are already residual side-effects of this oil spill.

This was mostly started after I read here that BP were using chemicals that were merely hiding the oil, thinning it, and that it was still leaking and washing ashore. Possibly being evaporated. Can oil even be evaporated like water?


Just people coughing a bit more. An oily feeling I get when it's humid. Drinking water tasting funnier. I would like to say that rain-water has killed plants, but it hasn't, so I guess I'm just being paranoid.


But I haven't entertained the thought any more than this post. I just thought it was an interesting fear, maybe leading to something like the world of The Road.


You know, I think I worked out why this might've come into my head.


There's an industrial/agricultural man-made river behind my office. It runs from what I think is a breakfast cereal factory and into a derelict field. Anyway, on Friday I noticed that oil was being pumped into the river and it would flow down a little lock and into the field.

A lot of oil too. So maybe it's just the residule slurry in my area, and the smell and feel in the air, that made me believe we were all slowly going to die.


It's just me that's going to die though, as I cross a bridge over this slurry river at least twice a day.

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look, despite the multitude of ghoulish people who actually seem to WANT the end of the world to come about and forsee it in every disaster (remember all those stories about the credit crunch being the end of capitalism, and henceforth the WORLD? was it?), I would like to remind everyone that the world is still turning and nothing has changed for the vast majority of people who live here. no one would even know about this spill if it wasn't for mass media. listen, newspapers and tv make stuff up. don't ever worry about anything you see on tv.

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