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my city is enveloped in a thin smokey haze


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Yeah, I can smell burnt wood in the air since yesterday night. I thought it was my asian neighbors who lit their barbecue for no reason late at night as usual. I don't recall smoke from wildfires reaching Montreal, ever. I don't dare to open the windows. :(

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i remember like 10 years ago a smoke from Canada swept down all through the east coast of america. I live in Maryland and it was like a fog all over town and it smelled like a burnt maple tree. I liked it. I wish it would happen more often

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LOL me and Ella woke up this morning and both thought we smelled some sort of burning. I figured one of the neighbor's houses was on fire or something but then we logged on to Watmm and saw this. Pretty surreal to smell some shit outside and then read about it on Watmm.

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About 3 years ago the same thing happened in Montreal/Ottawa from the burning woods of Northern Quebec. You could smell the burning fire, the sky at night had an orange tint (from the low sky ceeling). Creepy.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Strange... I can smell wood smoke coming from my window, too, but I live in the United Kingdom. Coincidence?


Can you see the wood through the trees?

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socal gets that like 8 times a year


bc burns every year, no big deal.

Indeed, but on the other hand, the current wildfires upon Canada have reached another level than in California and British Columbia because it involves an admin's city, which makes that matter worth a thread, in my opinion.

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Guest ms-dos

Guatemala just had a bad storm that actually opened up a sinkhole! Freaky! :wtf:




you'd swear it was photoshopped...






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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Guatemala just had a bad storm that actually opened up a sinkhole! Freaky! :wtf:




you'd swear it was photoshopped...








It's pretty hard to freak me out nowadays , but this actually gave me a slight chill .



It's like The Gate times a million

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