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BP spend 50 Mil on ads

Guest Fishtank

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lol, I wonder how much the Valdez still impacts Exxon's bottom line. My guess is very little. We're gas whores; all most consumers care about is the price at the pump.


Worst case scenario, they wait a year then rebrand as "American Petroleum" and nobody gives a shit.


Since our demand for oil is pretty much constant regardless of price, BPs bottom line is barely going to be dented. Maybe rebrand, might not even be necessary.

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exxon is paying for my education. They are a company and need to make a profit. Like BP. BP fucked up this time and it's caused a lot of problems. They are being held accountable (financially) for the clean up as well as fines. They are paying 50 million on advertising, (which btw is not a lot of money) to try and salvage their reputation which for the next couple of years will be tarnished. I don't see whats so wrong with advertising. It works.


Frankly, Goldman Sachs and Wall Street have done much much much much worse to actual human beings and our society than BP is doing to some fisherman and some seagulls. They are so stoked this happened the media has completely forgotten how bad they suck.

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I think he's saying that BP gets more criticism because of the "British" part of the name. However I think he's underestimating the fact that few people in the US have any idea what BP stands for :emotawesomepm9:

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Americans would not be giving 10% of a shit if this was Exxon or Chevron, fact.


Or if it happened elsewhere, every year. But apparently you're not allowed to say those kinds of things.

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I think he's saying that BP gets more criticism because of the "British" part of the name. However I think he's underestimating the fact that few people in the US have any idea what BP stands for :emotawesomepm9:



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Guest tompty

lol. did'nt expect a reaction from the comment, but i still stand by it.


This seems to be causing absolute outrage in the US at the moment from what I can gather. My point is the US media and people would be covering this story a huge amount less if it was a US company such as Exxon that had caused the spill. It certainly would not still be in the news a week or two after the incident, americans are too "patriotic" to give one of their own multinationals a bunch of shit.


Of course, I make this under the presumption that Americans do know what BP stand for as mentioned above!


/worked in oil industry for 2 years

// have a perhaps unjustified attitude towards America

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Americans would not be giving 10% of a shit if this was Exxon or Chevron, fact.


Or if it happened elsewhere, every year. But apparently you're not allowed to say those kinds of things.


wow.... You [internet]rebels...[without a cause]





yeah yeah. yeah yeah.



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lol. did'nt expect a reaction from the comment, but i still stand by it.


This seems to be causing absolute outrage in the US at the moment from what I can gather. My point is the US media and people would be covering this story a huge amount less if it was a US company such as Exxon that had caused the spill. It certainly would not still be in the news a week or two after the incident, americans are too "patriotic" to give one of their own multinationals a bunch of shit.


Of course, I make this under the presumption that Americans do know what BP stand for as mentioned above!


/worked in oil industry for 2 years

// have a perhaps unjustified attitude towards America



TBH I'm not sure how true this is, but let's just leave it as speculation. I would be pissed regardless of the company. The point is that it is another corporation is raping wildlife and hurting vital industries effectively taking food out of peoples mouths. There is a 10% unemployment rate right now for a reason (not completely related to spill obv.) Do you think these people will be "properly" compensated by BP? We can't say as of now, but knowing how most corporations work I highly doubt it. Even if they do give people $1mil or whatever they are found to be owed, that's not going to fix the damage to the ecosystem. This will have long lasting effects that we can't even foresee.


As to "getting off hydrocarbons", it won't be any time soon, and it is being made more difficult by oil companies buying patents to new technologies so they can continue to milk us. They have the oil that we need, and they'll make as much money off of it as they can until it's gone. Then they'll pull the "new shit" out of their fucking storage unit cause they've had it in there for 40 years and continue to rake in the cash. Capitalism FTW!

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Guest margaret thatcher

Of course, I make this under the presumption that Americans do know what BP stand for as mentioned above!


/worked in oil industry for 2 years

// have a perhaps unjustified attitude towards America


to clarify, bp doesn't stand for "british petroleum", hasn't done anywhere in the world since 2001.

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Guest hahathhat

$50mln is a drop in the bucket. small potatos. peanuts -- little, anemic peanuts. i mean, they're already into hundreds of millions for the gulf cleanup, and the end is nowhere near in sight. next will come the lawsuits

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Of course, I make this under the presumption that Americans do know what BP stand for as mentioned above!


/worked in oil industry for 2 years

// have a perhaps unjustified attitude towards America


to clarify, bp doesn't stand for "british petroleum", hasn't done anywhere in the world since 2001.



BP doesn't stand for anything, that is the company name after a rebrand when they merged with Amoco. In the minds of the consumer though, it still stands for British Petroleum. And in the court of public opinion, that's all that matters...

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