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BP spend 50 Mil on ads

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank



I would love nothing more than to see this company implode. They could have had this fixed a long time ago but they keep showing us how ignorant and irresponsible they are. Now people are losing their jobs, animals are dying and they constantly ignore ideas that have been proven to work (low yield nukes, hay, wool, suction from another tanker, ect). Now they want to waste money on ads when they could be using it to solve the problem. Fuck you BP, I hope they all get AIDS and cancer at the same time and have their innards removed with a vacuum cleaner.

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Guest ruiagnelo



I would love nothing more than to see this company implode. They could have had this fixed a long time ago but they keep showing us how ignorant and irresponsible they are. Now people are losing their jobs, animals are dying and they constantly ignore ideas that have been proven to work (low yield nukes, hay, wool, suction from another tanker, ect). Now they want to waste money on ads when they could be using it to solve the problem. Fuck you BP, I hope they all get AIDS and cancer at the same time and have their innards removed with a vacuum cleaner.


I am not impressed. I know how these big companies work with publicity.

It's just sad how we can't do nothing to stop this.

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lol, I wonder how much the Valdez still impacts Exxon's bottom line. My guess is very little. We're gas whores; all most consumers care about is the price at the pump.


Worst case scenario, they wait a year then rebrand as "American Petroleum" and nobody gives a shit.

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It's no surprise that big companies spend big bucks on advertising.


It's in our best interest that BP stays afloat (at least for now) to foot the bill for all this, and that the cost doesn't fall on taxpayers if they go bankrupt. Part of that is making sure they still get some income, and hate to say it but that means advertising. Again 50 Mil may seem like a lot but big business pays big bucks for advertising and prime real estate advertising doesn't come cheap.


Not standing up for BP in any way shape or form. I just know a bit about the advertising/marketing business.

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are you guys aware how much TV commercials cost? 50$ million is not a big campaign at all.


but yes, fuck BP.


typed on a plastic keyboard.

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but yes, fuck BP.


typed on a plastic keyboard.





By converting petrochemicals into various polymers, we create plastics. This includes everything from the plastic fork at a cheap fast food restaurant to the advanced prosthetics we use in medicine.

The computer keyboard you are using right now is one of the thousands of examples of plastic. These products could all be made from cannabis hemp. Henry Ford knew this 60 years ago; in 1941

he built a high durability dent-resistant car using plastics made from hemp and other plants. Making plastics from hemp would be easy with current technologies. This would mean much less harm

to the environment than petrochemical plastics. Up to this century, cannabis plastic development has never occurred on mass scale on this planet.


Plastic grows ever more important in our society. We make stereos, car interiors, computers, televisions, checkbooks, pens, pencils, videocassettes, food containers, home furnishings, furniture,

cooking utensils, dishware, cosmetic packaging, general packaging, toys and games, PVC piping, display casings, windows, cassette tapes, cassette tape cases, CD’s, jewel cases, poker chips,

bicycle parts, telephones, cellular telephones, fax machines, beverage containers, lighters, VCRs, clothing, and many, many other products from plastic. All these goods could be made from

cannabis plastics instead. Meanwhile the petrochemicals we use now destroy our environment. Hemp plastics would be clean and promote renewable economy.

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I have a great idea to stop the oil from coming out, FOOL PROOF! I won't post it here though, someone might take it and claim it as their own idea.

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Guest Fishtank

Let me also express my extreme displeasure with our American government (like I need more reasons) for also neglecting issues presented to them.

LA has asked repeatedly for help with creating sand bars to prevent the oil from reaching the coast, it was ignored.



They also asked permission to burn the oil so it would not spread, it was ignored (mostly because stupid environmentalists don't understand the concept of urgency or degrees of importance).


so we end up with shit like this..




oh and please don't try to label me (again), my hatred of Obama does not make me a republican! I am very much non partisan.

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The bottom line is that BP does not care. The fines that can be imposed are capped @ $75 million dollars, this happened after the Exxon Valdez. Basically they are in no hurry to fix it because it doesn't matter to them, and they know the maximum amount they can be taken for. Apparently today Obama asked BP not to "nickel and dime" the people that claim damages....



But he (Obama) nonetheless had a stern message for BP. He let the energy giant know that he wouldn't take kindly to it spending a lot of money on shareholder dividends or image advertising while stiffing fishermen and others making claims on the company for compensation for the losses they have and will suffer due to BP's oil gusher now despoiling parts of the Gulf of Mexico.

We'll see what happens, but more than likely BP's dick will be going in their collective asses dry, just as it has during this whole situation.


As for the government thing... IDK I feel that BP should foot the bill for clean-up, and that they should also have to have paid for diverting or destroying the oil before it got to the shore. Yes, it's totally fucked that this is happening, and it is costing these areas TONS of money (tourism, fishing, etc) but how many times will the American people have to foot the bill for corporate greed? BP is the one making millions of dollars off this oil, so they should be responsible when they fuck up. Just my two cents...

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Guest margaret thatcher

i have a vested interest in bp. i can guarantee that they won't be going anywhere.

they're just like any other successful company though - in business to be profitable.

they make mistakes but so does every company. as it happens, the mistakes here were due to a lack of coordination/communication between bp and subcontractors, and one of the subcontractors going beyond their contractual brief.

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Guest margaret thatcher

As for the government thing... IDK I feel that BP should foot the bill for clean-up, and that they should also have to have paid for diverting or destroying the oil before it got to the shore. Yes, it's totally fucked that this is happening, and it is costing these areas TONS of money (tourism, fishing, etc) but how many times will the American people have to foot the bill for corporate greed? BP is the one making millions of dollars off this oil, so they should be responsible when they fuck up. Just my two cents...


they will be footing the whole bill in the short term, with the costs eventually being dished out between the liable parties/subcontractor, most of whom will go bust.

worst case scenario for bp is that they only make a very small profit this year, and will lose their right to operate in the usa. note that there were only 6 bp personnel on the rig at any time, by the way.

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well at least it's an informed opinion. it's not that the media is helping us getting properly informed.


burn the oil! at least that way, the wild life will end up cooked at the shores!

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it's not a shares thing.


Ok. Regardless, I think you're being a bit of an apologist - clearly bp should be held responsible for any subcontractors, and the fact that there were only 6 bp personnel on the rig is not exonerating in any way. In fact that is what has infuriated me most about the whole thing - the lack of accountability and finger pointing between bp, transocean, and Halliburton. This is exactly how WW3 or some plague is going to get started, by some big company outsourcing to some other guy who outsources to another guy. It's like Blackwater in Iraq, it's only a matter of time before the whole fucked up system blows up on you.

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