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muppet at 2:30 was asking for it with his weakass karate moves

all in all the police were pretty reasonable here

edit: shouldn't have been summoned in the first place probably, but still

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Kaini is that you in the vid? :wub:


yes. despite my unemployment i have developed a device which can teleport me roughly 594km east. the only problem is that it can only teleport me roughly 594km east, so once i'm in london i have to do it another sixty-seven times to get home, and even then it's a walk.

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if this was in the states, they'd all be tear gassed, LRADed, and shot with rubber bullets in about 30 seconds. and the guy in white would have got the tazer about 38 times.


also: terrible camera work. "gee, let's point the camera away from the action and back at my squinty face again"

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also: terrible camera work. "gee, let's point the camera away from the action and back at my squinty face again"




and calling it immediatly "best footage ever" just shows he's a narcissist

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Guest 277: 930-933

This is to be expected if you gather with such a huge crowd in a park for a waterfight.

There's always the chance of an event like this escalating into a huge fight with possible heavy consequences, if this happens it's the police's fault for not being there and not realizing this crowd could have posed a danger.

And when they do break it up it's all 'OMG we can't even have a waterfight with a couple of hundred people in a public park, what's wrong with the world today doesn't everybody love each other anymore?'.

I actually feel bad for the cops in this video.

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Guest Dirty Protest


That was a couple of years ago, he was head internet hate figure for about 2 months. Im sure hes just thankful twitter didnt exist.


The fat white dude in the videos given me a greater appreciation of Paddy Considine in Romeo Brass.

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Should have properly set the dogs on the cunts. Hopefully they'll invoice facebook for the policing costs. Oh no, it comes out of my Council Tax again.

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also: terrible camera work. "gee, let's point the camera away from the action and back at my squinty face again"




and calling it immediatly "best footage ever" just shows he's a narcissist

Totally, it was really annoying to watch.


This is to be expected if you gather with such a huge crowd in a park for a waterfight.

There's always the chance of an event like this escalating into a huge fight with possible heavy consequences, if this happens it's the police's fault for not being there and not realizing this crowd could have posed a danger.

And when they do break it up it's all 'OMG we can't even have a waterfight with a couple of hundred people in a public park, what's wrong with the world today doesn't everybody love each other anymore?'.

I actually feel bad for the cops in this video.

Agreed. It does suck you can't have a huge waterfight without getting shut down, but the bad apples in history have ruined it for the rest of us.

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