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as has been reported, after taking 3 big hits of crystalline DMT, people are said to break through this "chrysanthemum" (an inter-dimensional portal that looks like a geometrical flower basically), and upon breaking through to the other side (unintentional Doors reference ) come into fully conscious-aware contact with these light beings. the light beings then proceed to communicate with you through some unknown medium, and no matter what language you know, you understand these beings. the beings speak or sing objects into existence, that then sing more things into existence, ad infinitum. and the point is for you to do it, okay? so then the person (reported by the guy in my avatar) on DMT tries to sing shit into existence, and out comes some glossolalic blabber which actually sings shit into existence too! even though he had no idea of how to do it, shit got spoken/sung into existence for fucking real. so the light-beings continue to encourage you, then slowly wave goodbye and disappear as the naturally occurring molecule, found in all of our brains and everywhere throughout nature, that you just smoked, wears off. then before you know it, you're back to three-dimensional reality, and feeling most unusually human.


thinking about this experience, the light-beings, the play with syntax/glossolalia that ensues, and the overall willfulness of the beings to get you to sing shit into existence, it starts to paint an evolutionary picture. like, this interaction, the DMT experience, is the humans chance to breakthrough to pure consciousness within the bounds of our under-evolved DNA structure. we can perceive it of course, because were sentient, yet other than that, we can only speak non-sense to the light beings, because obviously we don't understand this realm of existence, and we're not made of light duh. we're like primates to them, but we'll evolve sooner than later.


in conclusion, in the near future, we'll all be able to sing shit into existence, through some sort of evolutionary modification in the genetic framework of our DNA, if we so choose.

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btw this is really interesting, is it true that dmt is released when we die, and its also inside some/many plants? Ive talked to a few people who have done it and they all have similar experiences.

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DMT being released when you die is as far as i know speculation on dr. strassman's part. i believe there is research in the works to try to measure DMT content in ones body at different stages, but is still pretty fringe science.


the role of the endogenous DMT is still largely a mystery and only different speculations have been provided. strassman thinks of it as a "reality thermostat" which when in check gives us the "consensus" reality we all work and live with. if everyone would be in different states of minds all the time, it wouldn't work evolution wise.


personally i think that idea isn't that crazy. i think DMT plays a role in our consciousness. did the ability to endogenously synthesize DMT spark individual consciousness? one might think that individual consciousness was an evolutionary necessity to make sure individuals were able to function and cope in a more competitive and hostile environment. when having breakthrough experiences with DMT or ego loss (be it induced by chemicals or mental focus), you are simply devolving to the base level of consciousness where there is no duality between you and the external world.


but it's true that DMT is very common in plants around the world, which in itself is pretty interesting. what is the reason that's it's so prevalent. does it have another function for the plant, like THC is a parasite repellent in cannabis? i doubt the only reason it's there is to get higher primates shot into another dimension.


the similarities of the DMT experience is interesting, but one has to keep in mind it might be the same phenomenon that happened with alleged alien encounters, after one well documented and publicized case described the now typical short, skinny alien with big head and large eyes, these sort of descriptions started to be the de facto standard. and the popularity of the x-files further fueled that. same with the light tunnel seen in near-death experiences, also a similar phenomenon happened there.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

yea its also produced from the pineal gland which is formed on like the 47th day of conception or somethin and the egyptians believed that was when the spirit entered into the body

pretty intersting stuff


I believe it's in the buddhist cosmology.In the tibetan book of the dead, it is said that your soul remains in the bardo for a while and reenter a body after 47 days (isn't it 49 ?). And guess what, the sex of the foetus is determined on the 49th day. Quite better than baconaise if you ask me.

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Guest Babar

Just want to drop a few words about glossolalia. Glossolalia is just a fucked up from of the language you speak.

Languages have all what is called phonotactic constraints : each language has a set of sounds and a set of rules for combining them. For example, you'll never see/hear a sequence matching 'fhr' or 'auo' in english nor won't be able to produce them easily.

The same thing happens whith glossolalia. Even though the words you say sound exotic and don't seem to be english they all respect the phonotactic rules. Technically they're called pseudo-words.

And from a syntactic perspective, glossolalia is just gibberish.



Also i don't think DMT or any other psychedelic drug are ... Wait. I'm probably misunderstanding this thread : do you guys really think DMT is a dimensional opener ?

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Guest blutac

I just bought some but found out the valium haze I've been in for the last few days might counteract it so I'm waiting a bit. Pretty excited, its the last drug I want to try but haven't. Anyone know the best way to smoke it?

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Guest the anonymous forumite

do you guys really think DMT is a dimensional opener ?


A dimensional opener of the subconscious. Whether they are the real physical dimensions is another question.

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Guest Babar

well why not, why not. I've recently started believing in ghost, so why not ?

*creates thread about ghosts*

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Guest Fishtank

I remember watching my computer screen and getting tunnel vision, everything felt really far away but I wouldn't say I went anywhere. Maybe I didn't smoke enough? The high is similar to that of huffing gasoline. :braindance:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I remember watching my computer screen and getting tunnel vision, everything felt really far away but I wouldn't say I went anywhere. Maybe I didn't smoke enough? The high is similar to that of huffing gasoline. :braindance:



lol if that is really all you experienced then yes you didn't smoke real DMT or barely inhaled any of it at all

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I just bought some but found out the valium haze I've been in for the last few days might counteract it so I'm waiting a bit. Pretty excited, its the last drug I want to try but haven't. Anyone know the best way to smoke it?

like i said, if it's the crystalline form, it's to be smoked. here's terence mckenna's (the dude in my avvy) experience when doing so, same as i mentioned it in my OP...



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the similarities of the DMT experience is interesting, but one has to keep in mind it might be the same phenomenon that happened with alleged alien encounters, after one well documented and publicized case described the now typical short, skinny alien with big head and large eyes, these sort of descriptions started to be the de facto standard. and the popularity of the x-files further fueled that. same with the light tunnel seen in near-death experiences, also a similar phenomenon happened there.

are you saying this could all be human-manifested hallucination? in which we actually have no idea of what were perceiving? this is very paradoxical, and only proves the pointlessness of attempting to pull any TRUE, solid meaning out of these experiences, but that fact proves even more so, that this is indeed a true phenomena, simply from the fact that we can't wrap our minds around it...

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Guest the anonymous forumite

the similarities of the DMT experience is interesting, but one has to keep in mind it might be the same phenomenon that happened with alleged alien encounters, after one well documented and publicized case described the now typical short, skinny alien with big head and large eyes, these sort of descriptions started to be the de facto standard. and the popularity of the x-files further fueled that. same with the light tunnel seen in near-death experiences, also a similar phenomenon happened there.

are you saying this could all be human-manifested hallucination? in which we actually have no idea of what were perceiving? this is very paradoxical, and only proves the pointlessness of attempting to pull any TRUE, solid meaning out of these experiences, but that fact proves even more so, that this is indeed a true phenomena, simply from the fact that we can't wrap our minds around it...



It's Rick Strassman's thesis. That Dmt allows one to communicate with other universes, including aliens living in these parallel universes.

Do yourself a favor:



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the similarities of the DMT experience is interesting, but one has to keep in mind it might be the same phenomenon that happened with alleged alien encounters, after one well documented and publicized case described the now typical short, skinny alien with big head and large eyes, these sort of descriptions started to be the de facto standard. and the popularity of the x-files further fueled that. same with the light tunnel seen in near-death experiences, also a similar phenomenon happened there.

are you saying this could all be human-manifested hallucination? in which we actually have no idea of what were perceiving? this is very paradoxical, and only proves the pointlessness of attempting to pull any TRUE, solid meaning out of these experiences, but that fact proves even more so, that this is indeed a true phenomena, simply from the fact that we can't wrap our minds around it...



It's Rick Strassman's thesis. That Dmt allows one to communicate with other universes, including aliens living in these parallel universes.

Do yourself a favor:


*the book*


thank you, but i understand that point for point, if my OP didn't elaborate enough into that fact already. i'm asking if there is any permanent order or truth to the realms of existence being perceived by the tripper , or if it is just a realm subject to change based on the trippers world-view, cultural conditioning, etc...


i might know this have i read Strassmans book, which i do plan on reading very soon, but for anyone that actually has read it, or just knows through further research, clearing this question up would be much appreciated. if not, i'll find out on my own...

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thank you, but i understand that point for point, if my OP didn't elaborate enough into that fact already. i'm asking if there is any permanent order or truth to the realms of existence being perceived by the tripper , or if it is just a realm subject to change based on the trippers world-view, cultural conditioning, etc...

anyways, i think i'm leaning towards the former; that there appears to be some order and authenticity to realms being experienced.

I may try to make an extraction from mimosa root bark. We have a ton of those in the area.

ooh, at least make an attempt. has there been any reports of locals trying this in the past in your area?

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Guest the anonymous forumite

thank you, but i understand that point for point, if my OP didn't elaborate enough into that fact already. i'm asking if there is any permanent order or truth to the realms of existence being perceived by the tripper , or if it is just a realm subject to change based on the trippers world-view, cultural conditioning, etc...

anyways, i think i'm leaning towards the former; that there appears to be some order and authenticity to realms being experienced.


Well I raised the same question earlier


do you guys really think DMT is a dimensional opener ?


A dimensional opener of the subconscious. Whether they are the real physical dimensions is another question.

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thank you, but i understand that point for point, if my OP didn't elaborate enough into that fact already. i'm asking if there is any permanent order or truth to the realms of existence being perceived by the tripper , or if it is just a realm subject to change based on the trippers world-view, cultural conditioning, etc...

anyways, i think i'm leaning towards the former; that there appears to be some order and authenticity to realms being experienced.


Well I raised the same question earlier


do you guys really think DMT is a dimensional opener ?


A dimensional opener of the subconscious. Whether they are the real physical dimensions is another question.

ah, yes i remember this question. i kinda forgot it by the second page, but yea, it's the same question i'm pondering and i'm sure everyone else who has experienced DMT is, as well. sorry man!

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I tend to disregard statements like "you will see ________ after smoking _____," or "plateau ___ is where you meet ________ who tells you ___________."


it's all in yer head, innit (not that that makes it any less "real")


if you go into an experience straining to see what you're supposed to see (e.g. self-transforming machine elves, DMT "light beings", mushroom gods, etc.), you may end up convinced you saw something you didn't, and miss the stuff that was unique to your experience



truth is relative, reality is not fixed, your world is not his, is not hers, is not mine, is yours alone.

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