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Current Musical Addictions


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I can't help but listen all day long to the 2nd opening of Dragon Ball Z.


I could have post this into the "Songs you should hate but you just can't" thread :emotawesomepm9:




heh, that's like me with the openings to Naruto:


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Naruto, jeez, I haven't seen that since I was in Japan! I'd forgotten it even existed :emotawesomepm9:


Still going strong with a second series called Naruto: Shippuden, up to 175 episodes (first series finished at 238 episodes).

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Remote Contol By VHS Head is a fucking stunner


fuck yes, i must have listened to this song 50 times today


at one point i just went crazy and started running outside for like 35 minutes with the song on repeat over and over again

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AFX - W32.Deadcode.AIm late to the party but filling out my Analords besides what I had from Chosen Lords, getting them one by one. And this tracks is just DOMINATING me like no other. It's been non stop go-to status for the last week and a half


My fiance bought me that Analord disc years ago for my birthday and it turned out to be one of the best (and my fav of course)



It really doesn't, some select Nirvana songs just don't quit. Never became tired of "Drain You"



Wish that part around 3:40 just kept going...



Brutal. I found this video after hearing this track, it's strangely fitting. I'm not a pacifist and never will be, but this is just one of things that shows you war, even a "justly" fought one, is fucking hell and nothing else.



^To put everyone in a better mood after the above video. Love this shit, heard it after checking out the Soundmurderer and SK-1 jungle tune that sampled it.

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Guest disparaissant

haha all this talk of w32.deadcode.A is setting off chrome's built in malware alert.


anyways it got really cold tonight and that put me in the mood for fever ray so i listened to that peter gabriel cover which was fantastic and then her album from last year which is alwso fantastic.

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