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JIm Morrison fortells the future of music...

Guest enxyme

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

it is definitely a large leap imagination of the imagination for that time to be so confident in how things would progress. Sure there were synthesizers but how many people were making orchestras with computers or drum machine alone at the time. again find another statement of a popular musician saying the same thing before 1970. As I have stated I'm not a huge Door's fan and I don't think that Jim Morrison was jesus but it definitely is pretty cool and I understand why the thread was made. It is interesting.


The main reason I posted it was not completely in any defense of Jim Morrison or the OP but confused as to what this had to do with mp3's. Just seemed like careless pessimism to me.

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i fucking hate the doors and jim morrison was a terrible singer and i don't give a fuck what anyone else says because they have completely bought into the hype

Yea... I pretty much agree... But I've got some respect for them


i feel this way about kurt cobain


fuck you all

yeah seriously. cobain at least indicated he understood the construction of a successful pop/rock song. the doors didn't even get that far.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I definitely understand there were tons of writers way way back in the day that were literally like prophets in their predictions of the future. I would never put his words on any area code close to level with like say Philip K. Dick or George Orwell or anything. A lot of writers way before the 70's literally my blow mind with their predictions. Though in this case people hung on Morrison's words for better or worse (I agree his lyrics were really lazy most of the time) so the OP video's statement was definitely a good thing for the public to hear in preparing a new era in popular music.


I definitely think any negative statements about the OP/validity of the thread are pretty ridiculous on a forum founded on electronic music.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

light my fire was the first song Robby Krieger (the guitarist) wrote I guess


again I am not even what you could consider a fan of the doors but I like a few of their songs and respect them a bit

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Everyone was into the Doors at collage especially after the Oliver Stone film came out and the hippie revival of the early-mid 90's came into play.

My mate almost modeled himself on Jim Morrison reading all his books and poetry and was still none the wiser other than a good introduction into the rock n roll lifestyle of which Morrison was little more than an icon of the time and a blueprint for extrovert front men for years to come


The Doors are still cool (if a little obvious) and some of there tracks are classics although I never reach for them on my CD rack anymore its nice to hear them out and about.


Anyhows I think Jimboy is just stating the obvious here as rock and roll was starting to bring in big bucks by then and the technology would have been coming along in leaps and bounds to keep up.


also back in the 70’s Frank Zappa came up with the concept for CD’s and Jarre said we would be getting music down our telephone lines and that the synthesizer would be the instrument in the latter part of the century.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Jim Morrisson was no prophet. Electronics and tape manipulation in music has existed since the fifties.

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Guest mafted

i fucking hate the doors and jim morrison was a terrible singer and i don't give a fuck what anyone else says because they have completely bought into the hype



Yea... I pretty much agree... But I've got some respect for them... They did display some balls... Not a big fan of the goofy organ solo's... heh heh...



goofy organ solo's? wow

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Guest theSun

yeah what a prophet, he predicted technology would play a bigger role in music composition/performance. considering the changes in the world of technology during morrison's lifetime, it seems pretty obvious that electronics and (pre-recorded media) tapes would get more musical attention.


i don't hate the doors or jim morrison but i can't help but state that kurt cobain was shit. "at least he know how to construct a pop/rock song", there's a reason everyone's first songs on guitar are nirvana songs. and it doesn't have anything to do with genius or ingenuity.

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Guest Rabid

i don't hate the doors or jim morrison but i can't help but state that kurt cobain was shit. "at least he know how to construct a pop/rock song", there's a reason everyone's first songs on guitar are nirvana songs. and it doesn't have anything to do with genius or ingenuity.

Nice logic lol. It's easy to play, so it must suck. You've just indicted all of pre-Drukqs aphex :whistling:

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Guest hahathhat

people seem to be presuming he came up with the ideas in that vid on his own, in a vacuum. i doubt this -- i'm sure he was constantly bombarded with peoples' thoughts and opinions.


what he deserves credit for is picking that answer out of all the other drivel he could have said (or quoted).

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what he deserves credit for is picking that answer out of all the other drivel he could have said (or quoted).


and he sure spouted a lot of drivel

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Guest theSun

i don't hate the doors or jim morrison but i can't help but state that kurt cobain was shit. "at least he know how to construct a pop/rock song", there's a reason everyone's first songs on guitar are nirvana songs. and it doesn't have anything to do with genius or ingenuity.

Nice logic lol. It's easy to play, so it must suck. You've just indicted all of pre-Drukqs aphex :whistling:


maybe its just me but i dont see the innovation of playing power chords sloppily and distorted while whining about coke

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i don't hate the doors or jim morrison but i can't help but state that kurt cobain was shit. "at least he know how to construct a pop/rock song", there's a reason everyone's first songs on guitar are nirvana songs. and it doesn't have anything to do with genius or ingenuity.

Nice logic lol. It's easy to play, so it must suck. You've just indicted all of pre-Drukqs aphex :whistling:


maybe its just me but i dont see the innovation of playing power chords sloppily and distorted while whining about coke

listen to lithium and you'll what i'm talking about

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Guest theSun

i actually don't mind that track. i just never got into nirvana with such better (imo) music everywhere.

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i actually don't mind that track. i just never got into nirvana with such better (imo) music everywhere.

if someone played you some jandek your head would probably explode

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Yeah Nirvana never really floated my boat either.


The main reason I got into the Doors is because I was staying with my Uncle and Cousins for 2 months in Germany. I managed to get a hold of a CD player but I didnt bring any of my own CDs. I was sleeping in a fold out bed in my Uncles office. He had a few CDs in there but not very many. All I can remember was the Beatles and a Dubliners CD (he is Irish). But he had The Doors album which I just played on repeat for the whole duration I was there.


I could see why people dont like Jim Morrison but he was dead before I was born so its not like I was alive to hear him talk shite nor have I ever watched an interview with him either. Unless you count that clip I just watched there. I just like the music to be honest.

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Guest theSun

i actually don't mind that track. i just never got into nirvana with such better (imo) music everywhere.

if someone played you some jandek your head would probably explode


yeah not really my thing. not too many people walk around sucking his cock though

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I like some of the Doors. Not sure how prophetic it is, but he's definitely right.


Sister Machine Gun did a cover of "Strange Days" that imho is much better than the original:



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