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Happy Birthday Alcofribas!


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i dreamed that as a "prank" i posted a happy birthday thread for myself (it's not my birthday) which included hilarious photoshops, perfectly clever inside jokes covering the whole history of watmm, a curious painting of myself, backflips etc. but then, when i finished my post i realized it really WAS my birthday lol, so in honor of this dream july 8 is now my birthday. please help me to celebrate.


thank you,

alcofribas nasier

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absuive georgie! i love your birthday wishes.


seriously, Joyrex, if you can find it in your heart it would mean a lot to make me Alcofribas C for my birthday... :cerious:


happy birthday


Your oversteps review was the best thing ever to happen on the internet


LUDD, that mean a lot as you are, in my mind, a paragon of internet. i'm so glad you liked it. i even mentioned you in there as i remember...

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