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New North Manc Beds ep

Guest fox

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so track four on the new NMB ep totally sounds to me like it could have come off of oversteps. I say that not just because boomkat fall all over themselves to imply that a "skam superstar" is somehow involved. at the very least its a fine release, ae or no

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Guest ruiagnelo

thousand facepalms for me, for not finding the reveal button.


but i don't find the track really similar to oversteps tunes. it lacks that ae touch.

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This EP is incredible....


Rise Only Too Far is amazing, and to be honest, if Ae did had anything to do with this, the last track is my bet...

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Sweet, just ordered this. How long does Boomkat's shipping take to get to Washington state?


I can't remember the details because being broke sort of distorts the memories of being flush and buying UK records like a dickhead (e.g. record = 8 dollars equivalent, shipping equal 9 dollars equivalent :crazy: ) but I remember getting my records and saying something like "fuck me, I don't even get it this fast domestically usually".


They are as efficient as Bleep/Warp--they've really squared away customs shit--my record had a plastic pouch full of all this border shit and whatever it means, it gets records shipped internationally fast.

Excellent :D I ask because I'm moving at the end of the month and normally I would wait but I guess the vinyl is limited to 150 copies and I don't want to sleep on this one. Thanks for the reassurance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the first North Manc Beds and found it very dull


This one is loads better but does not reach my purchase threshold--does it not sound very amateur to anybody else? I dunno, looks like I'm alone in my dislike here...

the first track sounds like something i would have made 8 years ago, zole.

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