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got a new job


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i recently got a new job in a rather big company (at least it's big in my home town) and just wanted to tell you guys that i am really happy :)


what made me make this thread:

i wanted to thank you guys for your support over the years, reading your posts and taking part in your life really made it easier for me to bear my life...

somehow this forum became part of my daily routine and i know a lot of you quite good, even if i don't post that much.

with "support" i don't mean actual conversations or anything - just the fact that i could read your posts and everything. it really made me realize that there are people out there who are a bit like me.

thanks for letting me be part of your community, watmm for the win!


sorry for not being that active as a poster or anything, but at least i started this topic :) i'm quite sociophobic and this translated somehow to the internets too...

love u guys :))


lol at my ridiculous and awkward thread.

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hey squee :)


im respnsible for the html and css for rather big portals, like tourist websites and so. i was self employed the last two years and couldn't stand the business part of it all.

it took me that far that i neglected jobs because i didn't want to deal with my clients, i hated this part of my job.


now everything looks fresh and shiny...

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Guest ruiagnelo

Thats great.


Feeling support from people without actually having any social interaction with them is IDM.


its even IDM as fuck.

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