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quitting smoking

Guest disparaissant

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cigarettes are important to stop smoking


if you do it you are one step closer


+1 disp


pm me if you are truly a female. if you are not still pm me. i just want to know.


i am a type 4, a good person, and i am attracted to you because as far as i know you are a female who knows about mezbow's back catalogue



i will quit incredibly soon, any time. as soon as one of you proves that you care whether or not i quit, i will take an action, left or right.

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this thread inspired me, im on day 4. i havent been out for a drink yet so it hasnt been too hard, but going and getting wankered is the challenge

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This is great! If you people are really giving up smoking there should be a reward of some sort here, like a praise of some sort, a fellow watmm hail or a rolling :beer:

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I look at cigarette butts on the floor and think about lighting them, somehow my addicted brain reasons: "it's only a little so it wouldn't be that bad.".

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Guest Ricky Downtown

i havent had a serious craving in like 2 days now, it's getting easier!




Go For It!!

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This is my 1st day without. When I told one of my housemates, he blew the smoke from his lit cig into my damn face. The cravings pass after a few minutes I've noticed. My g/f hasn't smoked either today. yay, go us, ra ra ra, etc.


worst cravings were after dinner, and when in the car.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

does mental addiction outweigh physical withdrawl symptons? or vice versa?



cigarettes are important to stop smokingif you do it you are one step closer


+1 disp


pm me if you are truly a female. if you are not still pm me. i just want to know.


i am a type 4, a good person, and i am attracted to you because as far as i know you are a female who knows about mezbow's back catalogue :aphexsign:


i will quit incredibly soon, any time. as soon as one of you proves that you care whether or not i quit, i will take an action, left or right.


i can't even tell what i just read

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does mental addiction outweigh physical withdrawl symptons? or vice versa?




mental > physical - with everydrug. Yes, even H, where you're cramped up in the fetal position, shitting your pants whilst puking and sweating off pounds of weight.

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Guest disparaissant

maybe i've just got an iron will or some bullshit but i had way more problems the first few days where my mood was swinging around uncontrollably and i couldn't stop fidgeting. the mental part's been easy so far, aside from not feeling like i'm done eating until i have a cig.


it's like i've been eating dinner for like 6 days.

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another great perk of quitting smoking is that all of a sudden you can smell things again.


i mean that has some down-sides too, but overall it's pretty nice.


good luck to everyone trying to quit! cold turkey sucks, but it works. that's how i quit 3 years ago (after smoking for 9 years). also, weed is your friend in this endeavor. booze is not.

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Holy shit has my sense of smell gotten better. It sucks though cos now I can smell more foul odors, like the fucking dumpster out back. I smelled some nasty fucking popcorn last night, the butter smelled so unhealthy.


I'm still getting vivid dreams that I started smoking again, and in them I feel bad that I didn't stick with not smoking.

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Guest abusivegeorge

does mental addiction outweigh physical withdrawl symptons? or vice versa?


All kinds of drug addiction (except maybe cigarettes?) comes under the umbrella of "mental illness".


I'm not sure being addicted to cigarettes could be classed as an ILLNESS like the rest of them, but the whole addiction process is definetly still mental. I gave up smoking (cigarettes) before drinking, I found that it was definetly mental because I would associate having a cigarette with doing certain things. On the way to the bus stop, after eating, when socialising etc. I would only actually get the physical craving for a cigarette whilst in those situations, so the mental would always come first.


Keep up the good work guys.


Sneaks keep going man, nice start.

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Guest David R James

I've quit smoking fags/weed at my house for the last 7 months. That' was where this was bad for me. Having a smoke was a comfort thing when i was at home. Something to do when i was relaxing. And i found that my addiction was based more around association than the nicotine/thc itself. It could of been the time of day, the time of year. Like i would always remember a cold October about 8 years ago and i found it really warm and comforting to have a smoke and drink a nice warm coffee, and that set the tone for the years to come, i had to keep that feeling of comfort going every October. same with on a warm spring evening in april some time ago. I would sit by the window and have a smoke looking out at the sunset, you could smell that smell of spring in the air, with all the blossom and stuff. And I just thought this is so nice this is what makes me relaxed, this is so chilled or whatever.


Now I've quit smoking at my house I've spent a long time trying remove the pretty stern associations I have built up with smoking and if I even smoke one more time here it will probably all come flooding back.


Unfortunately my associations are still 100% still stuck when say going to a rave or staying with friends. That is my next hurdle.

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Guest David R James

... have a smoke and drink a nice warm coffee ...


you're not helping.


when you put it like that i spose not. it's tempting

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Fuck the temptations. I found a cig behind my couch, next to a lighter. I meant to throw it out, but I put my couch back before I had a chance. But even though it's there, I know I wont smoke it because I already made up my mind that I'm not going to give in.


Hope everyone is still going strong.

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