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Conviction of rape in the Phillipines

Guest abusivegeorge

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you also offered no evidence that the bible teaches future followers to commit acts of violence against anyone. as i said, jesus taught the complete opposite, while muhammad taught to continue killing non muslims in the name of allah.

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on the contrary, there is no historical context to place the laws of stoning as given by the verses cited from the old testament. They are not constrained by time. The laws of violence that you quote out of context are constrained by time periods when you add that context back in.

I'm not an islamic scholar, but the laws that muhammed passed down were constrained by the historical context. they were not meant to be continued.


remember: radical islam is called radical because it doesn't adhere to the norm.

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OK so my friends brother has just been convicted of rape in the Phillipines, The family and friends do not believe for one second that he did it. Apparently, there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove his innocence, so he was charged to life sentence on her word against his (she had a supposed witness). THEN I find out, that life sentence in the Phillipines means until your dead, none of this fucking 25 years shit, life is life. I just sit here and I think fuck, what if he's innocent. I mean shit, that's some fucking brass balls decision to convict a guy on a girl and her friends word.


Being held in prison until your death is a very serious punishment that very few people would deserve. Even if your friend's brother is guilty, I don't think he would deserve that. Sure, he would deserve to be punished, maybe 14 or less years imprisonment, as is the maximum sentence for rape in the UK.


Over in the US, some people have been given ridiculous, over-the-top sentences, like over 500 years in prison. I mean, how the fuck is a human being physically capable of doing something so bad that they deserve to be in prison for over 500 years? If humans could live that long, would sentences like that be carried out?


edit: it posted twice by mistake, editing out one repetition.

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bit off topic, but my mate's over in the philippines doing a 6 month internship for bigfoot studios in cebu. it's basically a big studio complex on an island, where they film a lot of fashion tv and feature films for the asian market. you get internships for 6 months, they pay you $800 a month and you can rent a nice room in an apartment on the complex for like, $100 a month or less,...they do internships for media type jobs - post production, audio, camera work etc - i don't even think you need much experience as they teach it you all on the job. my mate's been there 3 months and is enjoying it - the work is quite intermittent, sometimes you'll do a 14 hour shift, sometimes you won't have to do anything for 2 days...obviously on your days off you're on a tropical island where food and booze is cheap and you can go scuba diving and get boats over to other islands and stuff. thought about doing it myself actually, but i've got an ok job here, a girlfriend etc so not so easy to just piss off to the philippines for 6 months...


anyway, if anyone's sick of their current situation and fancies a few months in southeast asia, it might be worth a look.

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Continuing off topic, I'd just like to point out that any practising moslem adult is de facto an idiot, as they have an imaginary friend. As is any practising christian. Having grown up in a secular society in all but name, where the CoE was simply an institution that performed ceremonies, ran youth clubs, gave social support and comfort to the elderly and lonely, where even the vicars admitted in private that they didn't believe this bollocks, had no faith in God, and understood exactly what the purpose of the church was, which at best was providing the narratives needed for a crash course in basic ethics and morality, I'm completely dismayed at both the resurgence in evangelical christianity and the growth in the practising moslem population in the UK.


You do not have to give 'Islam' any respect at all. That doesn't make you a bigot or racist. It's ok to mock the fat ninjas, just as it's ok to laugh at the fat Geordie in his nufc shirt rolled over his belly. I'm not suggesting you do this, we live in a tolerant society where even the idiots deserve a basic level of dignity and respect. And I'm not suggesting we send the religious to the gas chambers (although I'd love to), but at the very least we need to start sterilizing them. Not very practical though. If there are any religious watmmers, particularly moslems as you've picked one of the stupider religions, I hope you die soon, before you get the chance to breed. Of course the first rule of being an idiot is a complete lack of self awareness, so fuck all chance of anyone heeding my advice.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

all the classic religions are guilty of some serious bigotry written in their holy texts. let's not try to make one look worse than the other. also keep in mind that they have been translated back and forth many times.


and people used to be CRAZY

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Guest Gary C

bit off topic, but my mate's over in the philippines doing a 6 month internship for bigfoot studios in cebu. it's basically a big studio complex on an island, where they film a lot of fashion tv and feature films for the asian market. you get internships for 6 months, they pay you $800 a month and you can rent a nice room in an apartment on the complex for like, $100 a month or less,...they do internships for media type jobs - post production, audio, camera work etc - i don't even think you need much experience as they teach it you all on the job. my mate's been there 3 months and is enjoying it - the work is quite intermittent, sometimes you'll do a 14 hour shift, sometimes you won't have to do anything for 2 days...obviously on your days off you're on a tropical island where food and booze is cheap and you can go scuba diving and get boats over to other islands and stuff. thought about doing it myself actually, but i've got an ok job here, a girlfriend etc so not so easy to just piss off to the philippines for 6 months...


anyway, if anyone's sick of their current situation and fancies a few months in southeast asia, it might be worth a look.


*jots it down*

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Just remember - no rape!




oh and it appears I was incorrect in my assertion that some of the violence in the quran was constrained by historical context.

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Continuing off topic, I'd just like to point out that any practising moslem adult is de facto an idiot, as they have an imaginary friend. As is any practising christian. Having grown up in a secular society in all but name, where the CoE was simply an institution that performed ceremonies, ran youth clubs, gave social support and comfort to the elderly and lonely, where even the vicars admitted in private that they didn't believe this bollocks, had no faith in God, and understood exactly what the purpose of the church was, which at best was providing the narratives needed for a crash course in basic ethics and morality, I'm completely dismayed at both the resurgence in evangelical christianity and the growth in the practising moslem population in the UK.


You do not have to give 'Islam' any respect at all. That doesn't make you a bigot or racist. It's ok to mock the fat ninjas, just as it's ok to laugh at the fat Geordie in his nufc shirt rolled over his belly. I'm not suggesting you do this, we live in a tolerant society where even the idiots deserve a basic level of dignity and respect. And I'm not suggesting we send the religious to the gas chambers (although I'd love to), but at the very least we need to start sterilizing them. Not very practical though. If there are any religious watmmers, particularly moslems as you've picked one of the stupider religions, I hope you die soon, before you get the chance to breed. Of course the first rule of being an idiot is a complete lack of self awareness, so fuck all chance of anyone heeding my advice.


i feel lucky to be born into a family where i've had conversations mirroring almost exactly what you said since i was of a young age (minus the sterilization, lol).


of course, saying i didn't believe in god didn't help me make many friends at the lunch table at elementary school. seriously, it didn't. i'm pretty sure kids told their parents and that's why people never came to my birthday parties :dry:

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Guest abusivegeorge

bit off topic, but my mate's over in the philippines doing a 6 month internship for bigfoot studios in cebu. it's basically a big studio complex on an island, where they film a lot of fashion tv and feature films for the asian market. you get internships for 6 months, they pay you $800 a month and you can rent a nice room in an apartment on the complex for like, $100 a month or less,...they do internships for media type jobs - post production, audio, camera work etc - i don't even think you need much experience as they teach it you all on the job. my mate's been there 3 months and is enjoying it - the work is quite intermittent, sometimes you'll do a 14 hour shift, sometimes you won't have to do anything for 2 days...obviously on your days off you're on a tropical island where food and booze is cheap and you can go scuba diving and get boats over to other islands and stuff. thought about doing it myself actually, but i've got an ok job here, a girlfriend etc so not so easy to just piss off to the philippines for 6 months...


anyway, if anyone's sick of their current situation and fancies a few months in southeast asia, it might be worth a look.


This happens to be the one and only area I have any knowledge in. Fuck, I want to do this but I'm a proper racist rapist.

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