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guess the flavas in dr pepper


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Guest abusivegeorge
























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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

"Dr Pepper doesn't contain any prune juice, but this rumor is remarkably long-lived, having been with us since about 1930.


The rumor about prune juice being part of the beverage's formula is addressed in a brochure put out by the company. "There are 23 flavors and other ingredients (none of which are prunes)

that produce the inimitable taste of Dr Pepper. And that's it. No prunes, but they are keeping quiet about what's in there.


The company may have inadvertently encouraged the spread of the prune rumor by cloaking its product's formula in secrecy. The Dr Pepper recipe is allegedly divided into two parts, each of which is locked up in a different Dallas bank so that no single person can ever be in possession of the whole formula.

Though the exact formulation is not known to the public, the company is adamant that Dr Pepper doesn't now contain prune juice, nor did it at any time in the beverage's history.


No one really knows how this slander came to be attached to this soft drink, although speculation runs rampant that a long-ago competitor's deliveryman tried to discourage those on his route from stocking their stores with the product by making this outrageous claim to undermine it. Dr Pepper is a dark liquid, making the notion that another dark liquid could be been surreptitiously slipped into the concoction fall within the realm of possibility. That, plus its unclassifiable flavor is enough to render the slander faintly plausible. Prunes, of course, are somewhat reviled for their association with prompting bowel movements, an association that supplies the "ewww!" factor necessary to keep the rumor going. (Not that this was always the case, however sixteenth century rumor attributed sexual potency to prunes, which resulted in prunes being freely handed out in brothels."

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Guest Calx Sherbet

oh man, i've done that mixture thing a million times. just grab the cup, and push it all across the soda dispenser tabs. powerade overpowers it usually

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Did anyone else make "mixtures" as kids to see how foul you could get? Well, I shit you not, my buddy and I mixed coke with orange and lime juice and while looking like absolute shit, tasted almost exactly like Moutain Dew. Nowadays with the ingredient obsession (this was in the early 90's when everything could still be secretly poisonous) one of the chief ingredient of Mountain Dew is listed as, indeed, "concentrated orange juice" :cisfor:


we called em "suicides" as kids. all I know is that adding root beer to a mixture like that automatically ruined it.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

all I know is that adding root beer to a mixture like that automatically ruined it.


root beer ruins root beer anyway

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all I know is that adding root beer to a mixture like that automatically ruined it.


root beer ruins root beer anyway


Unless it's quality RB, like IBC or something, I agree.

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