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I Had So Much Fun Alone In The Street Tonight


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Tonight I put on black pants and a scary black dress shirt with a priest collar and big black boots and stood in the center of the street, in between the two lanes and stood perfectly still. Then a little white car came with two blond twenty something girls drove by and I slowly turned around and started creeping my way in the direction of their car which was driving away. The girl who was not driving screamed bloody murder, it was so funny ha ha ha! I didn't even get arrested.

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It was actually one of the craziest things I've ever done, I was in such a bad mood I needed to do something fucking stupid only three cop cars pulled up...then they wanted to talk to my parents, it was nuts man! I had to wake up my mom and dad to tell them the police wanted to talk, it was weird. Then the guy accused me of giving him attitude and threatened to arrest me.

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Guest happycase

i'm really proud(?) of you. you remind me of myself in high school. i'm not being sarcastic. i'm actually happy with tears of joy and sadness simultaneously from watching 12 monkeys and this really does remind me of a time when i would do things like this on a weekly basis. i hope you had a lot of fun and got out some of your frustration through this fun and strange and totally innocent activity of entertaining yourself and the world.

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Guest happycase

i really see this as an act of desperation, but it is a gutsy act and totally worthwhile. i think more people are desperate than those who are willing to act it out. you are not in denial, but you are on the fringe. center yourself and enjoy the show.

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Tonight I put on black pants and a scary black dress shirt with a priest collar and big black boots and stood in the center of the street, in between the two lanes and stood perfectly still. Then a little white car came with two blond twenty something girls drove by and I slowly turned around and started creeping my way in the direction of their car which was driving away. The girl who was not driving screamed bloody murder, it was so funny ha ha ha! I didn't even get arrested.

This reminds me of this one time my best friend and I chased down some girls (in my car, they were in a car too) while we were on acid...we were laughing our balls off (and probably blasting Skinny Puppy) and just wanted to invite them to a party. They pulled into a driveway and I turned off my lights and hid in a cul-de-sac, they pulled out again and we gave chase! :emotawesomepm9: Finally they pulled over and I pulled along side them, they looked completely mortified saying "what do you guys want" like they were gonna cry or something...we were still laughing then all of a sudden got serious when we saw they were scared and said "we just wanted to invite you to a party. We mean no harm" or some shit. They said ok where is it blah blah blah but of course they never showed up. We felt bad a little, but it still cracks me up to this day. Ah, high school!


Ok so that wasn't totally related but when you said the girl screamed bloody murder and there were cars involved it triggered this memory. Off to bed now, chao!

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When I first read it I didn't understand what you did. Then as I started to re-read it, I started laughing like a madman. You are a good one The Pod.

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it's actually a pretty fucking odd thing to do and should not be congratulated or thought of as "cool". pod, fucking sort yourself out you lunatic. vamos, yes you do need to do things like this, please do lots of things like this, preferably in view of armed police.


fuck all the idiotic children residing on this site lately. you're all twats.


last post.

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I hope all of you that have done things like this: Start your next life in a short mini skirt, with freshly shaven legs and a skimpy top, placed in the middle of a strange part of town where you don't know anyone, and not knowing a good place to hide. Tack on hormonal instability, easily triggered sensitive emotions, and an untapped muffin and then see how you feel when people do that stuff to you.



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it's actually a pretty fucking odd thing to do and should not be congratulated or thought of as "cool". pod, fucking sort yourself out you lunatic. vamos, yes you do need to do things like this, please do lots of things like this, preferably in view of armed police.


fuck all the idiotic children residing on this site lately. you're all twats.


last post.


A fuckin MEN

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