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Need Advice please watmm

Guest happycase

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you should stay where you are....



**cliche life lesson that I have learned**

the grass is never greener and if you are happy or content where you are, stay there...


**cliche sarcastic advice**

don't castrate yourself/or let anyone else do it,

don't drink any poison demanded of you by the 'group'


**real advice**

don't let your own ideals and intuition about what is inherently good for you be controlled/changed for the worse by the ideas of one power hungry man/woman (your spiritual leader,) who might only be the head of your 'group' so that he/she can have a ton of sex and money....



so keep meditating, stay where you are and don't worry what is happening in the outside world....

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I don't think I've ever come accross someone who has fallen in love with someone's handwriting.


My opinion is that you should experience a bit of "normality". Go back to your friends.


Join a club, go to places you wouldn't normally go, meet new people.


Find a woman you love and loves you and live a happy life with people around who care for you.


My honest opinion is all this spiritual stuff is bullshit. But hey, maybe it's different in the US???

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i think you should pursue a third direction - sounds as though the retreat center you are at is not giving you enough chance to take part in eternal dialog

which is one of the most essential elements of true spiritual growth - silence is good sometimes but many 'spiritual people' take it to fare and

escape in it. we are here to work things out together in community, our interaction and ability to work things out is essential.


i think you should not return to your college environment until you are truly ready for fear that you might fall into old patterns.

strike a new trail my friend - the future is wide open - go to where people love to communicate boundlessly about the meaning of life.


this experience (life) is more important then we might think - we want to understand it whether we are willing to admit it to ourselves or not.


we all wonder

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Guest ruiagnelo

a question comes to my mind right now...

have you discussed this with anyone at the place you are right now?


i find it quite strange that you are considering one random message board in the internet, where to base your decision and possibly to get inspiration from.


i wrote on the other thread you posted, related the same question, that you can live integrated in society and simultaneously mantain your own spiritual corner. i can imagine how your mind might be measuring all possible ways your future life can develop, but the fact that you show interest in the possibility of getting back to the world is a small detail that you might be ignoring.

i feel that the place where you are already gave you everything you needed. it's time to take a risk.


also that girl you are talking about could do you some good. but she is out there. you have to move.

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hey guy. your post was a lil to long for me reading all of it so i dont know exactly whats going on something on medition center and you wanna stay or go and a girl maybe but let me tell u this. never let some girl ruine your life. do what ever makes you happyest all over and dont think all the time with your boner

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you're one hell of a fucked up individual :sorcerer:

likely fucked up in many of the same ways that we all are - sounds like happy is taking some defined steps

to see more of where he might be falling and where he might catch on to something and for that he deserves our admiration, support and respect.


dont think all the time with your boner

lol - good advice

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Guest ruiagnelo

hey guy. your post was a lil to long for me reading all of it so i dont know exactly whats going on something on medition center and you wanna stay or go and a girl maybe but let me tell u this. never let some girl ruine your life. do what ever makes you happyest all over and dont think all the time with your boner


never before a member's posts matched his/her avatar so well, i would say.

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This seems like a no-brainer to me, but couldn't you just take a "vacation" from your work and visit your friends in college for an extended amount of time?


That way you won't have to deal with a "cage" or anything, and still learn from your friends.


Then you return and everything is hunky-dory.

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hey guy. your post was a lil to long for me reading all of it so i dont know exactly whats going on something on medition center and you wanna stay or go and a girl maybe but let me tell u this. never let some girl ruine your life. do what ever makes you happyest all over and dont think all the time with your boner


never before a member's posts matched his/her avatar so well, i would say.


I'd say all of his posts match his avatar, everytime I see his posts I start with his name "sup" then his avatar, and then the dialog coming from it :cisfor:


sup is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

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Guest ruiagnelo

hey guy. your post was a lil to long for me reading all of it so i dont know exactly whats going on something on medition center and you wanna stay or go and a girl maybe but let me tell u this. never let some girl ruine your life. do what ever makes you happyest all over and dont think all the time with your boner


never before a member's posts matched his/her avatar so well, i would say.


I'd say all of his posts match his avatar, everytime I see his posts I start with his name "sup" then his avatar, and then the dialog coming from it :cisfor:


sup is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything


everytime i am reading on of his posts, i can imagine his avatar talking and starting with 'sup?'

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quite the confessional here....


and no one has completely ripped you a new asshole yet?






you are lucky


and by this luck I think it is evident that you should stay where you are....



**cliche life lesson that I have learned**

the grass is never greener and if you are happy or content where you are, stay there...


**cliche sarcastic advice**

don't castrate yourself/or let anyone else do it,

don't drink any poison demanded of you by the 'group'


**real advice**

don't let your own ideals and intuition about what is inherently good for you be controlled/changed for the worse by the ideas of one power hungry man/woman (your spiritual leader,) who might only be the head of your 'group' so that he/she can have a ton of sex and money....



so keep meditating and don't worry what is happening in the outside world....


it won't make you any better of a person, you do that for yourself, for serious! :cerious:



great advice. you are very wise

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Ive always considered my friends temporary in my life. Its like they go through a 2 year cycle. It could be my fault though. Just seems that way. You can't put too much faith in other people though. Some people are friends with their childhood buddies all their life. I dont know how to do that

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Guest Scrambled Ears

do large amounts of LSD

lock yourself in a closet

shave your eyebrows

return to normal civilization


as far as cults go you just have to choose which you want to be a part of...and give your money and women to joy rex


hike the pacific north trail. thats it! you'll meet new people. they give u a nick name. you go to church with nature. You might meet a girl. Who knows

thinking :pedobear: happycase

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Guest happycase

nice, thanks everyone. you guys need more faith that watmm is a source of love. even with your most trifling opinions, you guys are my gurus.

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quite the confessional here....


and no one has completely ripped you a new asshole yet?






you are lucky


and by this luck I think it is evident that you should stay where you are....



**cliche life lesson that I have learned**

the grass is never greener and if you are happy or content where you are, stay there...


**cliche sarcastic advice**

don't castrate yourself/or let anyone else do it,

don't drink any poison demanded of you by the 'group'


**real advice**

don't let your own ideals and intuition about what is inherently good for you be controlled/changed for the worse by the ideas of one power hungry man/woman (your spiritual leader,) who might only be the head of your 'group' so that he/she can have a ton of sex and money....



so keep meditating and don't worry what is happening in the outside world....


it won't make you any better of a person, you do that for yourself, for serious! :cerious:



great advice. you are very wise


Life learnin'! but thank you, hope happycase read it...


hike the pacific north trail. thats it! you'll meet new people. they give u a nick name. you go to church with nature. You might meet a girl. Who knows


good advice as well....I need to do that


nice, thanks everyone. you guys need more faith that watmm is a source of love. even with your most trifling opinions, you guys are my gurus.


I've been coming here for ten years now and I have faith in certain members of the watmm collective. Troon knows no bounds and I agree with a lot of his spiritual ideas. I used to be a bit more fearless on here. Getting older taught me that there are situations in which a person should be silent just as many as there are times to speak the mind. This could come from a certain amount of fear on my part due to my being bashed by people who don't think the same way I do. Or respect for the whole with my faith that everyone should believe in their owns truths and not push them onto others and just suggest them instead. Troon is good at that. Props to you man. I think your advice is what he should take the most from in this thread.

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Guest happycase

I have a pretty strong anti-authority habit like most of you and I think we justifiably mistrust superior figures, but the best position for me is to trust and analyze my intuitions and inner conflicts. I try to listen to the words and not to my own commentary on it.

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I feel you to some extent. I've got so much promise in this house of musicians I'm living in, but I don't know if it's who I am or who I want to be, so I'm struggling with whether or not to place focus on the happenings here or in my own pursuits or to jump out and head back to San Marcos and the University and have more lighthearted friends that aren't as experienced and hope for the best in returning to education. I'm also sick of this country, so ditching it and making use of my Canadian citizenship would be awesome too.


It's just a matter of finding a balance between rashness and procrastination for the decision-making and hopefully thinking the right things through in the meantime.


I'd say ease up on the weight you're putting on it though. Everyone in this day in age is afraid of fucking their life up in one fell swoop, which I think is honestly harder than it seems. You'll adjust and survive. You can't really lose everything you've gained up until now, because the most important things you've gained are knowledge and experience. You will still be you and you will still be capable of doing what you do, and as long as you have that, you can keep going whatever direction you take.


Now I've gone and gotten all inspirational about it, but just know you're gonna be fine and go where you feel.

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