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Its happening in 45 mins.


Btw, Tonight will see the premier of the final three never seen before sequences, and they're all awesome:


Seq 14 by kcinsu

Seq 15 by u

Seq 21 by Braintree

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Some sample chat from synchtube:



ericsosh:Good shit.

sine:fuck,you know this is gonna work,right?

plstik:lol this was in futurama

Spore:i know


FRANKLIN:i love the hilariously gay acting



fagjew:is this the thing at bohemian grove



eugene:set designs are stunning though..never seen this film before



Billov:the sets are the most incredible thing about it

Billov:and the lighting

sine:its not gay...its campy.theres a difference.

kaen:its epic in every way

Billov:made in fucking 1927

gocab:fuck this is great

FRANKLIN:ok not gay, homoerotic

Spore:wait til you see the scene coming up

Spore:when they show the city


zazen:nice, spore

ericsosh:Shit this looks nice.

FRANKLIN:very nice spore

wahrk:That was tight, Spore. Great job.

Bread:good work spore


Fah:lovely spore

Spore:thanks watmm


spratters:nice one spore. Loved it


feltcher:love this scene

fagjew:basically the best looking futuristic city movie set ever

gaarg:you people should make a Lord of the Rings soundtrack, then I could watch that movie

Fah:well then i want in aswell!

Spore:i love this shiiit




sine:spore thats just mean

feltcher:modey = love this

Spore:no it isnt


Spore:i wanted to share something i loved with her

FRANKLIN:first time i watched it i was on mushrooms and didn't even know anything abot the movie

wahrk:yeah, nice sounds there

Fah:lovely atmoshphere



gocab:nice pants

FRANKLIN:ya. i thot modey was into like grungeish rock?

Fah:special poo catchers pants

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wow, that was an intense couple of hours. Time well spent indeed!


The sheer amount of effort that went into creating all that music is very inspiring to me (someone just starting out with the music creation). Everyone involved really made their music fit each scene perfectly, each scene contrasted with the last but the whole film flowed perfectly.


I have only ever seen Metropolis once before but this version added so many more dimensions to an already great film.


Be proud if you were involved, I definitely want a FULL copy of this (if it will be possible...)

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really that was so SO much better than i had hoped or expected, each individual component being unique and full of talent while totally working in the grand scope of the movie, this needs to be made into a dvd or a full file for streaming instead of parts, its just incredible, well done gents


honorable mentions going out to stenotic, braintree and skink for some stand out sections


WINNAR MODE for MRX's section totally flooring everyone with laughter in the middle

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I agree with everything kaen said.

Spore,blanket fort collapse,skink,kaen himself,MRX(wow),braintree,zephyr.Everyone involved.Brilliant.

and kaini! all up in this glitch.Youre all ace.

My only gripe,zazen,was the lack of popcorn.If you could sort that for next time...


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Yeh, I was pretty disappointed with the lack of popcorn.. What kind of theater you trying to operate here Zazen?.....

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