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Solo Electric Bass 1/Shobaleader One d'Emonstrator


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Guest ruiagnelo

SEB reminds me of Portugese "Fado" music....... heard in resteraunts around Lisbon!!


I'm currently getting into D'Emonstrator so lets see.... so far "into the blue" is realy doing it for me...


very interesting comparison.

you made me get back to listen to SEB and actually there is something of Fado in it, but i can't define what it is.


SEB is an original thing, very different from the SP we are used to and i like it, but it's hard for me to find the right time to hear it.


D'Demonstrator sounds good, so far. i like the r&b approach and though it might sound mainstream, i think it really isn't the way tom wants to take it.

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Received d'Demonstrator today, gave it some listens, and WAW. I wasn't expecting that at all, very very cool indeed. Whereas JaS was very playful, like some jazz-kid waking up a morning and trying to record the stuff he heard by night, d'Demonstrator sounds pretty much adult, mature, maybe a little darker. It may be a paradox, but d'Demonstrator sound more "real" than JaS (which was kind of an artificial thing, though I like it very much).


Anyway. It's good, very good.



And I really want to hear Solo Electric Bass, since I really like this instrument, and I dig almost every single bass solo played by Tom. Still, it's pretty expansive for only a little bass album. So I'd want to have your advices about it !

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i listened to SEB just last night while reading, before bed.

i found it was a perfect setting.

of course i have listened to it many times already and got acquainted.

over time you forget about all the slapping that you hear at first, and its skills and beauty reveal themselves.

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  • 1 year later...

Soooooo I couldn't wait any longer for Ufabulum to be released and in order to wait until its release date I bought Solo Electric Bass 1.


Well, it's really great. Of course you probably have to be in a certain "mood" to appreciate that bass concert, but it is really beautiful, the composition skill, besides the awesome bass playing, is especially top-notch. I like the way this album flows into a continuous stream of niceness. Some tracks are relaxing, other ones are energetic as hell (damn those slaps !) : one of my favorite Squarepusher release at the moment :music:

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Guest teetime

Soooooo I couldn't wait any longer for Ufabulum to be released and in order to wait until its release date I bought Solo Electric Bass 1.


Well, it's really great. Of course you probably have to be in a certain "mood" to appreciate that bass concert, but it is really beautiful, the composition skill, besides the awesome bass playing, is especially top-notch. I like the way this album flows into a continuous stream of niceness. Some tracks are relaxing, other ones are energetic as hell (damn those slaps !) : one of my favorite Squarepusher release at the moment :music:


YES! I heard the set endless times. Maybe his most underrated work. But I doubt we get a second one any time soon.. :sad:

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Soooooo I couldn't wait any longer for Ufabulum to be released and in order to wait until its release date I bought Solo Electric Bass 1.


Well, it's really great. Of course you probably have to be in a certain "mood" to appreciate that bass concert, but it is really beautiful, the composition skill, besides the awesome bass playing, is especially top-notch. I like the way this album flows into a continuous stream of niceness. Some tracks are relaxing, other ones are energetic as hell (damn those slaps !) : one of my favorite Squarepusher release at the moment :music:


YES! I heard the set endless times. Maybe his most underrated work. But I doubt we get a second one any time soon.. :sad:


I don't think so - the first one was like a nice surprise, I don't think it was planned or whatever so who knows ? Maybe after all the Ufabulum thing he'll want to take the bass once again and drop the second installment of the SEB series - I'm sure Warp would release it anyway !

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I tend to listen to SEB when I'm in the mood for some classical guitar but I can't find my Segovia CD. It's got beautiful melodies, some counterpoint, chords, it gets kind of aggressive at some point for a little too long for my taste (I like slap bass but there's a limit where it starts to sound annoying) but it's still a very nice recording of a bass virtuoso having fun on the instrument.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Solo Electric Bass is better than D'Demonstrator, but SEB is a Squarepusher's bass album & D'Demonstrator is a Squarepusher's virtual band with electro psychedelic rockabilly album... Nice album but not expendable... not the best album... & no evolution with all that he was able to make in his career...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cscairney

Solo Electric Bass is better than D'Demonstrator, but SEB is a Squarepusher's bass album & D'Demonstrator is a Squarepusher's virtual band with electro psychedelic rockabilly album... Nice album but not expendable... not the best album... & no evolution with all that he was able to make in his career...


No evolution? What is it you're listening for?

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No evolution, yes, i have all the albums & EPs of Squarepusher & when u listened 2 them all, u can make an evaluation of these compositions & what he's capable of making musically... It's my opinion, yes, & i didn't say that i didn't like this album D'Demonstrator.

But in all which was musically made in the rock / funk with electronic sounds, is reproduced in this album thus nothing surprised me & Shobaleader One (not 2 say Squarepusher) is capable of making better that 2 reproduce what was made... I know the groups or the artists who made electro rock / funk & i can say 2 u that their album is far better than that of Shobaleader One.

4 example (and i have only one of it 4 the moment) the rockabily group The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (recently named The Blues Explosion) with their album ACME (& ACME +), they created a new sound by mixing the blues, the electro music, the funk, the rock and the hip-hop... Excellent album, moreover!

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But in all which was musically made in the rock / funk with electronic sounds, is reproduced in this album thus nothing surprised me & Shobaleader One (not 2 say Squarepusher) is capable of making better that 2 reproduce what was made...

Yeah, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Yeah, sure... But Shobaleader One is a virtual group, we have Gorillaz also for virtual group, it indeed explains that Squarepusher took ideas which have already existed... This year (2010), I felt Tom not very inspired, very tired... While he's capable of making better...

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n00b, it's Tom who said it himself that Shobaleader is a virtual group... When you look at his clips or at photos, it's not Tom whom you see but extraterrestrials disguised as monk. About Blues Explosion, if i speak about it, it's 2 answer Modey!

The next time, read very quite (questions/answers) before getting excited on me, otherwise go 2 listen 2 your beloved Michael Jackson!

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n00b, it's Tom who said it himself that Shobaleader is a virtual group... When you look at his clips or at photos, it's not Tom whom you see but extraterrestrials disguised as monk.

do you actually believe that?


you talked about shobaleader like you talk about gorillaz and john spencer which are bands, shobaleader is not a band, it's only tom, even live, have you seen him playing with other members?


"4. Do you have live plans?

At the moment the plan is to tour next year after we have recorded more material. Playing live is part of the focus of this music. I'm really excited about playing live as this group of musicians is an extremely potent mixture. I've no idea what it's going to be like touring with them as not one of us is what you'd call easy going. Every member of this band is a high-tension freak so who knows what'll end up happening!"


wasn't this already believed to be tom taking the piss?

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lol - I understand that u don't try 2 understand what i've write, you mix everything and it's not serious, i defend nothing, i just say my opinion & what i read this period at the release of this album... & Jon Spencer Blues Explosion is not a virtual band...

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