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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Guest zaphod

i do too. it's completely ridiculous, but i much prefer that to the watered down shit that was the ed norton hulk.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Don't overcalculate things so much sometimes, just enjoy things for what they worth, after you've already got the most you could out it, then by all means get all super duper critical. But dear god, being that I know 90% of those of you that are trying to hard to hate on Nolan and these trailers, are still going to see the movie, why try to completely it for yourself by filling your brain with resentment for something you haven't yet experienced?


I know some people say that they like to drop their expectations for something so they aren't disappointed and enjoy it more. Well that's what I do but I don't need to try so hard to nit pick and over-analyze things to keep myself from getting butt hurt when I see a mega hyped movie.


I dunno, I guess, as much as I enjoy movies as high art when they are, I don't need flicks to always be super quality artistic like I feel about music. I rarely enjoy music that I doesn't take itself really seriously, so I guess if you wanna look at movies like that, that's your choice.

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Guest Gary C

I'll chime in and admit that I've been following this film pretty closely (since they were filming in London in June last year). I've anticipated every poster and trailer. I'm pretty sure I know everything that's coming (aside from the ending). Maybe I've overexposed myself to it, but it still manages to underwhelm.


Bane is a great villain. Hardy's going to be a plus-good actor. But the costume and accent just seem a bit uninspiring. Although, equally, if we had a CGI muscle-man everyone would be slating it for being wildly unrealistic.


I'm not crazy about Hathaway, but I'm completely open to a new interpretation of Catwoman. Maybe it's the costume again. The face-mask thing doesn't look right without black make-up around her eyes... and her lips are overly red. And I'm not even sure about her long-hair. I would have rather seen a cowl. But then, whatever, it'll probably make sense in the film as she's being set-up as more of an existing rogue-agent rather than a character that will have a 'creation' scene.


I'm happy with the scope of the film and that it seems to be mostly based on No Man's Land, though. And I'm mostly happy that it promises to return to the characters and themes of Batman Begins, because I don't think any other comic-book film will come close to being as good as that.

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Guest Gary C



Seemingly, in a handful of ways, it's going to mirror Begins whilst dealing with the chaos of TDK.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

For those who seem confused about the context of the plot. IGNs new article said it better than I could.


Political metaphors in The Dark Knight and TDKR



The theme of The Dark Knight was escalation, as a very sadistic version of Joker brought a wave of chaos and anarchy to Gotham City. Christopher Nolan's take on Joker was nothing if not a terrorist, and that seemed to strike a chord with a lot of politically-minded viewers. On the one hand, some right-wing Bat-fans saw the movie as an affirmation of the War on Terror. Like the Bush administration, Batman took drastic measures to combat a terrorist threat. Batman even violated the civil rights of Gotham's citizens when he hacked into their cellphones, which could be seen as support for the Patriot Act.


On the other hand, the fact that Joker's rampage ended with the deaths of numerous police officers and politicians and the corruption of Harvey Dent could just as easily be taken as an indictment of the War on Terror and its ramifications. One could even argue that the film has an anarchist subtext. It was Batman, not the police or the military, who saved Gotham from descending into mayhem. Was the Caped Crusader trying to show us that the government is ineffective and that private citizens should take the law into their own hands?


The political subtext looks to be even stronger in The Dark Knight Rises. In the trailer, Selina Kyle tells Bruce Wayne, "You think this is going to last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all going to wonder how you ever thought how you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us." With Bane stirring unrest in Gotham and waging a war against the city's elite, the sequel is another 2012 blockbuster that draws comparisons to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Batman is a member of the 1%, and Bane is leading the 99% in a charge to take back the wealth and power. There were even rumors that Nolan considered using the Occupy Wall Street protesters as background extras for some of the scenes in the film. That didn't happen, probably because Nolan doesn't need any more fuel for those accusing his Batman movies of having political agendas.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Huh, not the result I would deduct from the films metaphors but anyway, new poster


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Wouldn't it be good if Batman kills someone in this film. Not indirectly like Ras Al Ghul in Begins. But like, straps them with bat explosives, says "apple sauce, bitch!" and detonates it before vaulting through a window

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Guest Gary C

New poster is lazy. It's the teaser poster with an orange hue and a production still from TDK pasted onto it.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I was aware that the poster is borrowing from previous material. Didn't think it was amazing but I would not call it simply lazy. I think it's wicked looking enough.


This movie will be a good time, stop being super critics, enjoy your life, enjoy entertainment, don't worry about it or over analyze it.


If you leave the theater feeling resentful I will bad for you son, I got 99% problems but movies ain't one.


I will feel bad for you son*


Whatevs, what do I care, you guys keep being super internet critics and I wont try to convince peeps to just relax about it

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Guest Gary C

There have been hundreds of more imaginative and captivating fan-made posters. Some suffer in technical quality or become obsolete due to speculating on the costumes or characters, and most have terrible taglines, but they're still far more interesting than this one.


This one has been around since nothing but the title had been revealed, but I'd much rather have it on my wall.



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

That fan made poster screams amateur graphic designer SyFy B minus rate movie to me, I dunno dude.


Seems we shall have to agree to disagree on aesthetics I guess.

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Guest Gary C

Here we fucking go. Maybe they released that shitty poster to build conversation ahead of these much better posters. Stylish, simple, but much more evocative.




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I am in no way excited about this movie, the trailer caused a big meh from me. Will probably see this in the theater at some point, though, depending if it's any good. I have a feeling it won't be good at all. While I thought TDK was alright, although a little overwrought, I feel that it didn't deserve all the praise it got.

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the guy asks him "who are you?" or something to that effect, and he goes "grafdsgs!"


this made me laugh heartily before I even saw the trailer. after I saw it it made me laugh even more heartily..er.

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this thread made me order Arkham Asylum, Year One, The Dark Knight Returns and the Killing Joke as I've heard so much about them. Hopefully they'll be delivered tomorrow.


Can't see how you won't be at least greatly impressed with that lot, if not blown away (as we used to say when I was a youth).


You'll love them, I have been building my Batman collection this year as well after playiing through Arkham City... Those 4 are pretty much the essentials... Im working my way through The Dark Knight Returns currently, just finished The Killing Joke last week. I think next I wanna read The Long Halloween and the rest of the Jeph Loeb story-arcs.

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WHooaaaa... A year and a half ago? Really? Fucking hell time is flying.


I've only read The Killing Joke, lol. It's great.


I struggled through about a quarter of Dark Knight Returns. Frank Millers art is hard to get along with, I think.

Need to get back to the other two. God I suck.


I'm on a Batman kick after 100%ing Arkham City this weekend as well, haha.

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