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weird bachelor food that you eat

Guest yikes

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i freely admit that thru the years i am guilty of some silly ass concoctions of food remnants found in my college dorm sized refrigerator.

things like cereal and juice or water when i ran out of rice or almond milk

i've had rice and salt and pepper and ketchup/mustard because i was too sick to go to the store

i'v eaten like 2 month old apples and didn't get sick that were refrigerated

now that i have confessed[and feel somewhat relieved]it's your turn dudes :trashbear:

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a big batch of meat and phallic root veg stew can last you a few days. but yea, ill have a think and come back with an on topic response.

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Guest tht tne

  • ramen and fruit punch for breakfast
  • those cheap-ass garbage-ass sitar-ass banquet dinners
  • the cheapast cereal that it is possible to buy at a store

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Just the other day I made some fishsticks. I was gonna make some tartar for them, but we had no mayo. My brother suggested trying some of Arby's Horsey Sauce cause we had a couple packets lying in the kitchen. I don't recommend it, horseradish and fishsticks isn't a very good combo.

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I used to eat tuna from a can and chili from a can cold. Not a big deal right? Well for a stretch I didn't have a can opener, so I would rip apart the can with a knife and fork, then lick the contents off of the twisted metal shards.

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just last night I (and a buddy) picked off the last bits of meat from a rotisserie chicken, grilled it, scrambled eggs in with it, put some spices on there and then blobbled the result onto some kaiser rolls w/ mayo and hot sauce.

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Guest tht tne

i wasn't technically poor when i ate this but i used to eat cold chili from a can with sour cream and cheese, also mixed greens with sour cream, cheese & bac-o's

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Ya, tauboo... I don't care much for wasabi either. I'm pretty picky about what I like horseradish on.


Try this one: A can of soup + instant mashed potatoes. Just heat the soup and stir in potato flakes (or mix cold if you want) = instant hearty meal

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i came home so steaming the other night i put ketchup on my fish fingers before putting them in the oven, i ate them anyway. it was truely repulsive. i truely not a word? it comes up with a red line.


truly. oh

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