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ACN Scam


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Created to tell you guys about this legal scam going on around the world by people known as All Action Network.


Basically its a tweaked Ponzi Scam or Pyramid scheme where by you pay $500 to these people so they can "Train" you to sell products and recruit other people. The more people you recruit the more money you can supposedly make per month.


How did I get involved? Well this friend I knew back in high school but stopped talking to for 2 years randomly called me up one night telling me about this job where I can make $1000+ a month doing pretty much nothing. I thought that sounded great but knew it was to good to be true. The only reason why I complied was because 3 weeks ago a guy I barley met (knew for like 2 weeks) said I looked like a sharp guy and tole me the exact same BS. Thing is when I asked him (Just like I asked my friend) who the company was or what the job was or anything they would just say they don't know but would claim how exciting the "opportunity" is.


Since this was the second time this has happened to me and I knew the guy fairly well. I told my parents and my sister the situation and told them I was just for the heck of it.


Man o Man was the shit crazy!


I hitch a ride with my friend who was so eager to take me and we arrive at this hotel roughly 40 min away from house. We get inside and see about 50 people all dressed extremely well mostly Asian people (assuming that they convinced people from their church to go to the presentation) and mostly people in their early 20s late teens. I see some old friends back from high school and say whats up and chat with some people affiliated with ACN who seemed like they just wanted to get to know me.


About 15 min pass after arrival and they call us into the room where they were going to give the presentation to tell us why we were there (finally). So now I'm sitting in this room with new comers and those already convinced into the scam where this lady introduces this guy who after 10 min of talking BS introduces us to the head guy (Main man) who talks to us for hours basically insulting the working class, people trying to get an education and the american way of life in general claiming that most people are just flys beating against a window till they die when they can just fly on over to the open window of "Opportunity". 40 min in he slips in the fact that nothing is ever free and never really mentions the fee of 500 you can only just see it on the slide show behind him.


Anyways at the end he is like you can be either an


A Person $_$ (redraw dash with smiley mouth)


B person -_-?????


or C Person :( (Takes courage he claimed)


After giving a very convincing speech and old BS statistics people instantly come to you to see where you stand. My friend asks me and I told him I a B person. Then the other guy comes who I met early with a briefcase asking the same thing and again I say B. He asks me why? I said I want to look this up and says you don't need any research when billionaire Donald Trump funds this and its mentioned in several magazine I've never heard of. Then when he fails the guy who gave the presentation tells them both to leave and starts yelling at me (won't even let me talk) and I just nod my head with open eyes. I just told him it will take time for me to get the money and threatened me by saying, "well if you do it in 24 hours I will personally take you under me wing, if you don't then your on your own.".


Anyways biggest piece of bull shit on Earth. Watch out for this and don't get sucked into their lies...


More info..

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lol, greedy people are so awesome. I had a friend that tried to recruit me into one of these stupid scams. We're not friends anymore.

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i went to one of these "meetings" about 5 years ago. exact same intimidating setup and everything. they had posted flyers around my campus for "job interviews", and they wanted $700 on the spot. my friend and i went together, thought it was scam bullshit (although the parking lot was filled with Porsches), and left. i found out about a year later that a few guys that i had graduated high school with were into it, and they were driving around in brand new beamers. so, i guess it works, if you're cool with scamming people more or less...

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It's basically just a beefed up version of what a lot of timeshare companies do. They give you a free holiday if you just go and watch their fucking long pressure selling. It's easy to say " don't go, they're just trying to fuck you over ". Well I went (for the holiday) and came home fairly empty handed with no holiday and no timeshare. However, I would like a beamer <!--- not on credit though --->

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Guest JW Modestburns

These burnsless klingons are real scum.


I like to believe there is a special place in hell for people who take advantage of the undereducated with no income.


P.S. I'd like a Beamer also

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The Drop Out Rate


The "Drop Out Rate" of MLM programs is enormous -- 98% will drop out immediately, meaning that only 2% will continue with the program over any long period of time. The Promoters will tell this 2% that they are the "successful" ones -- what this means is that they have become "successful" scamming other people (who will probably spend their money and then drop out, possibly a big personal loss to them but a profit to the Promoters).


The Promoters know the Drop Out Rate, and know that by far most people will buy in, but then never sell anything and quit, which is one of the reasons why MLM programs are criminal schemes.


The Promoters also tell those who stay in that they are the "well-motivated and lucky ones". This is 100% false. The people who never sold anything and dropped out are the lucky ones, since they will not be liable for securities fraud or any of the related criminal penalties that goes with promoting somebody else into the program. It is the people who stay in the program who are risking some prison time and a felony conviction for selling an unregistered security.


One of the biggest problems of MLM is that they are marketed to people who are down-and-out and desperate, and who can ill-afford to lose their money by purchasing memberships in these bogus programs.



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These burnsless klingons are real scum.


I like to believe there is a special place in hell for people who take advantage of the undereducated with no income.


P.S. I'd like a Beamer also



i was going to post a pic of the bmw vision but i've decided that i don't like it any more + those gullwing doors plus multi-story car parks ='s dumbarse bS

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the forum on that site dedicated to documenting MLM schemes is fascinating: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewforum.php?f=5


Here's a new liquid "nutritional" product being peddled via MLM that's not a juice.


It's, well, if you read the label, Ingredients: Distilled Water and Sodium Chloride.


(Ingredients - rotate image to read the back of the label)


Sounds like salt water to me!


And you can get 4 32-oz bottles of ASEA for the low low price of only $120.00!


Mind you though, this isn't any ordinary salt water.


No siree Bob!


ASEA is redox signaling molecules in a bottle.


Must be something to this stuff though as the testimonials roll in.


I started taking Asea for Lupus, within 4 months – a severe limp I had was gone. I invest thousands in supplements and to not sound too over the top –it is amazing –needless to say I am a Distributor too — how can you not after taking it


To which Dr. Ahmad was quick to add his own testimonial:


I am pleased to report the the Asea has cured my right leg that was previously longer than my left leg. This may not seem like a big deal but it is hard to find pants with 29 inch inseam on right and 26 inch inseam on left. Long live this miracle salt water. It is the best and I am a winner as well.


I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty more about this wondrous product in the not too distant future.


No marketing plan has ever failed strictly due to predicating itself on the stupidity and gullibility of the American populace.
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the forum on that site dedicated to documenting MLM schemes is fascinating: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewforum.php?f=5


Here's a new liquid "nutritional" product being peddled via MLM that's not a juice.


It's, well, if you read the label, Ingredients: Distilled Water and Sodium Chloride.


(Ingredients - rotate image to read the back of the label)


Sounds like salt water to me!


And you can get 4 32-oz bottles of ASEA for the low low price of only $120.00!


Mind you though, this isn't any ordinary salt water.


No siree Bob!


ASEA is redox signaling molecules in a bottle.


Must be something to this stuff though as the testimonials roll in.


I started taking Asea for Lupus, within 4 months – a severe limp I had was gone. I invest thousands in supplements and to not sound too over the top –it is amazing –needless to say I am a Distributor too — how can you not after taking it


To which Dr. Ahmad was quick to add his own testimonial:


I am pleased to report the the Asea has cured my right leg that was previously longer than my left leg. This may not seem like a big deal but it is hard to find pants with 29 inch inseam on right and 26 inch inseam on left. Long live this miracle salt water. It is the best and I am a winner as well.


I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty more about this wondrous product in the not too distant future.


No marketing plan has ever failed strictly due to predicating itself on the stupidity and gullibility of the American populace.


Holy shit.

*adds salt to water*

*grows bigger dick*


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the forum on that site dedicated to documenting MLM schemes is fascinating: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewforum.php?f=5


Here's a new liquid "nutritional" product being peddled via MLM that's not a juice.


It's, well, if you read the label, Ingredients: Distilled Water and Sodium Chloride.


(Ingredients - rotate image to read the back of the label)


Sounds like salt water to me!


And you can get 4 32-oz bottles of ASEA for the low low price of only $120.00!


Mind you though, this isn't any ordinary salt water.


No siree Bob!


ASEA is redox signaling molecules in a bottle.


Must be something to this stuff though as the testimonials roll in.


I started taking Asea for Lupus, within 4 months – a severe limp I had was gone. I invest thousands in supplements and to not sound too over the top –it is amazing –needless to say I am a Distributor too — how can you not after taking it


To which Dr. Ahmad was quick to add his own testimonial:


I am pleased to report the the Asea has cured my right leg that was previously longer than my left leg. This may not seem like a big deal but it is hard to find pants with 29 inch inseam on right and 26 inch inseam on left. Long live this miracle salt water. It is the best and I am a winner as well.


I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty more about this wondrous product in the not too distant future.


No marketing plan has ever failed strictly due to predicating itself on the stupidity and gullibility of the American populace.



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