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Anonymous and others start leaking


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i cannot fucking stand what is happening in this country. i get drunk and read watmm to try and forget it all but god damn i can't escape it.


i used to read a good chunk of news every day. i used to be interested.


but it's all so miserable and there is nothing i can do about any of it.

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i cannot fucking stand what is happening in this country. i get drunk and read watmm to try and forget it all but god damn i can't escape it.


i used to read a good chunk of news every day. i used to be interested.


but it's all so miserable and there is nothing i can do about any of it.


a little off topic, but...



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my fists will be worth just as much when the total destruction of their wealth occurs. they'll be worth even more, actually. bring it on.


^^ actually i'm a fucking softy and dine on the crumbs from the corporate table at my cushy desk job. i wish i was badass enough to feel that way.


i'm not really an alarmist but i still think survivalism is a wonderful virtue. i should get on that.

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Guest hahathhat

doom! downspiral! falling empires! ...where? i look out the window, and the neighborhood is still there. my car still seems to be in the garage. no one hassles me as long as i respect certain boundaries, and i haven't really felt like the boundaries have constricted much during my time here. by and large, i live my life how i want. taxes are fucking shit, health insurance is expensive, and rent is even worse. but when was that any different?


i think wikileaks is more about the government being unequipped to handle the internet. suddenly they have a lot more problems getting away with shit they've done for the last 50 years (setting up dictators, bankrupting the country for oil wars).


you turn on the light and see roaches fleeing. do you assume they weren't there before you turned on the light?

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i think wikileaks is more about the government being unequipped to handle the internet. suddenly they have a lot more problems getting away with shit they've done for the last 50 years (setting up dictators, bankrupting the country for oil wars).


you turn on the light and see roaches fleeing. do you assume they weren't there before you turned on the light?


good point


but it also is the wave that was created by the data-collectors in the first place as they started to collect secret data in volumes that where not necessary now hitting them back on the same level that made them able to do it in the first place

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doom! downspiral! falling empires! ...where? i look out the window, and the neighborhood is still there. my car still seems to be in the garage. no one hassles me as long as i respect certain boundaries, and i haven't really felt like the boundaries have constricted much during my time here. by and large, i live my life how i want. taxes are fucking shit, health insurance is expensive, and rent is even worse. but when was that any different?


i think wikileaks is more about the government being unequipped to handle the internet. suddenly they have a lot more problems getting away with shit they've done for the last 50 years (setting up dictators, bankrupting the country for oil wars).


you turn on the light and see roaches fleeing. do you assume they weren't there before you turned on the light?


on the money, for the most part.



you have to be the opposite of apathetic. these things should disgust you. i think we should ask for more... there are people suffering far worse below our standards who don't have the ability to make changes.



i'm not one to talk, at all. i think someday in the future i'll be a better example though.. once i've totally worked through my own personal suffering and lack of confidence.


we can change the things that piss us off. for me personally, the state of the media in America is 100% unacceptable. it can be fixed.






edit: http://buddhism.about.com/od/basicbuddhistteachings/a/compassion.htm

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I just don't understand why they cannot complete the questioning over the phone? Or how about a video call on Skype? If it's only questions they have for him, why does he need to be physically present in their custody?

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This whole thing is sketchy.. if he gets extradited to the US and is given a death sentence.. holy shit will the US look bad.



you kidding me? the media will over joyously tout this as yet another great American victory against terrorism. Im willing to bet nothing will happen....save for a few protests that the same media hardly covers.

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I just don't understand why they cannot complete the questioning over the phone? Or how about a video call on Skype? If it's only questions they have for him, why does he need to be physically present in their custody?


yeah, someone answer this please. doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me.

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I just don't understand why they cannot complete the questioning over the phone? Or how about a video call on Skype? If it's only questions they have for him, why does he need to be physically present in their custody?


yeah, someone answer this please. doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me.



your question is certainly logical, but in the political view, im assuming extradition gives the United States justification in their claims. politically, its like reaffirming USA's totality over international law.

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where are the ufo cables?


they are going to extradite him because he didn't use a rubber

the premise of this seems latex thin


Sweden is a shitty fascist country with its tongue up uncle sam's asshole

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