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22 new charges against Manning filed


The US Army has announced it is to charge Private Bradley Manning with "aiding the enemy" – which can carry the death penalty – and 21 further offences of illegally disclosing classified information, after an investigation lasting seven months.


The 22 new charges are in addition to the 12 counts of leaking classified information and computer fraud that Manning already faces over material said to be related to the WikiLeaks disclosures – and for which he has been held in military custody since May last year.


The army's charge sheet states that Manning did "knowingly give intelligence to the enemy, through indirect means," in violation of article 104 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, known as "aiding the enemy".


The offence can carry the death penalty as a maximum sentence. The prosecution has told Manning's lawyers that it will not recommend capital punishment, although the presiding military judge has the authority to override the prosecution's recommendation and impose a death penalty.


The latest charge sheet does not mention WikiLeaks at any point, and the prosecution's use of the phrase "through indirect means" may suggest that WikiLeaks is not being targeted.


The other new charges include wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet knowing it will be accessed by the enemy, five counts of thefts of public property or records, eight counts of transmitting national defense information to someone not entitled to receive it – violating the Espionage Act, two counts of computer fraud, and five counts of breaking US Army computer security rules.


The Army's prosecution team said in a statement that if Manning were convicted of all charges, he would face life in prison, as well as reduction in rank to the lowest enlisted grade, a dishonorable discharge and loss of all pay and benefits.


"The new charges more accurately reflect the broad scope of the crimes that Private First Class Manning is accused of committing," said Captain John Haberland, a legal spokesman for the military district of Washington.


David Coombs, Mannings lawyer, noted in an online post that "aiding the enemy" was the most significant of the new offenses, in which "enemy" is defined as including "any other hostile body that our forces may be opposing".


According to NBC News – which first reported the new charges against Manning – Pentagon and military officials say some of the classified information released by WikiLeaks contained the names of informants and others who had cooperated with the US military in Afghanistan, endangering their lives.


According to the officials, the US military attempted to contact many of those named and take them into US bases for their own protection. Military officials told NBC News that a small number of them have still have not been found, with one official quoted as saying: "We didn't get them all."


Manning is being held in the Marine Corps's Quantico jail, waiting for the results of a medical evaluation of his mental fitness to stand trial. The army said he was informed of the new changes on Wednesday.


Because Manning has dual US/UK nationality – by virtue of his mother being a British citizen – the possibility of capital punishment raises the issue of intervention by the British government.


"That Bradley Manning has now been charged with a capital offence means the British government now has the 'special humanitarian reason' it requires in order to make formal representations to the US about the treatment he is receiving," said Naomi Colvin of the UK Friends Of Bradley Manning.


"Both Amnesty International and the UN Special Rapporteur have made their concerns known so it is high time the UK offered Bradley Manning the consular support he is entitled to."

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Guest Babar

There are no UFO cables, and if there are cables mentioning UFO's it's probably more like "XXX believes in UFO's"


there are/is (a) UFO cable(s). It's all about raelians in canada. Anyway most of the cables are confidential and 6% are secret. Nothing top-secret so far.


For more infos about Classified documents : Classified_information Need_to_know



well anything conclusive would probably be highly classified. not something easily accessed by lower level military


yes. But a few countries have released their ufo files. Try googling "Operação Prato" (brazil) for instance.

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fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


Hey to all you Obama voters out there, does this even bother you?


again just another illustration of how having a 'nice' 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' man carrying out Bush like policy is actually potentially more harmful for eroding civil liberties protections in this country. He's put a new 'normal' on it


Obama's website still has this bit of hypocricy on it , seems like it's about time to take that shit down

Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.


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fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


Hey to all you Obama voters out there, does this even bother you?


again just another illustration of how having a 'nice' 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' man carrying out Bush like policy is actually potentially more harmful for eroding civil liberties protections in this country. He's put a new 'normal' on it


How can you honestly expect to leak that kind of information and not be punished to the full extent of the law? Who's in office has nothing to do with it. You can try and make the case that manning did the morally right thing, but you'd be a fool to think there arent deep legal implications to doing what he did. You cant ask anyone in power to step out for him.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


Hey to all you Obama voters out there, does this even bother you?


again just another illustration of how having a 'nice' 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' man carrying out Bush like policy is actually potentially more harmful for eroding civil liberties protections in this country. He's put a new 'normal' on it


How can you honestly expect to leak that kind of information and not be punished to the full extent of the law? Who's in office has nothing to do with it. You can try and make the case that manning did the morally right thing, but you'd be a fool to think there arent deep legal implications to doing what he did. You cant ask anyone in power to step out for him.


What sticks out to me is that Obama stated he wanted to protect whistleblowers, and now his administration is talking about potentially killing a whistleblower.

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Guest yikes

fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


Hey to all you Obama voters out there, does this even bother you?


again just another illustration of how having a 'nice' 'pragmatic' 'intelligent' man carrying out Bush like policy is actually potentially more harmful for eroding civil liberties protections in this country. He's put a new 'normal' on it


How can you honestly expect to leak that kind of information and not be punished to the full extent of the law? Who's in office has nothing to do with it. You can try and make the case that manning did the morally right thing, but you'd be a fool to think there arent deep legal implications to doing what he did. You cant ask anyone in power to step out for him.

yeah man he has been in the clutches of the pentagon from the first minute he was in the army
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Guest vodor

where is obama? i've been following the news lately (much to my sanity's detriment), and i haven't heard a thing about him. america is fucked and i haven't heard a thing about obama. i see beck rant about him and call him the antichrist, and i see wisconsin protesters asking for his support to save the unions, but i have literally heard nothing from him or about what he's actually doing. what the fuck is going on? why the fuck are you the president? why did i vote for you?


i'm never voting again. it's pointless. american politics is done. it's fatally flawed like galloping gertie and you can't stop the wind so you better just gtfo. fuck it all.

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fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


yeah it just feels so wrong. no compassion, no second chance, being demonized and he didn't even harm anyone

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yes but i think it's pretty safe to assume by whistleblowers he doesn't mean people who leak "his" secret military documents.


would you be defending Bush using the same logic if he was in charge of keeping a political prisoner in solitary confinement 23 hours a day?

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fucking A that Bradley Manning story is DEPRESSING with a capitalized every letter



Can you guys even imagine how up in arms the liberal/left/anti war crowd would be if George W Bush was keeping a 21 year old political prisoner in a military jail facing the death penaltly?


yeah it just feels so wrong. no compassion, no second chance, being demonized and he didn't even harm anyone


it feels so injust, cold and sadistic to make him a political victim

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Sure. Can anyone tell what kind of treatment the leaker of the Vietnam-files got DURING the cold war? 23 hours of solitary confinement a day? This sounds more like brainwashing. At this point it wouldn't matter if Manning was jailed in Iran or in the US. This is beyond reason.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

WTF a victim? He knowingly leaked classified documents, if we were still in the cold war everyone would be screaming for his execution. I don't think he deserves the death penalty, but he did break the law in a rater severe manner.

hi Bill

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