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Anonymous and others start leaking


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ok, it seems this was as well as a DDOS:


The self proclaimed hacker that waged a DDoS attack on Wikileaks has been arrested and has had all his equipment seized. What is interesting is that local police conducted the raid and not a federal authority such as the FBI. The Jester (th3j35t3r) who has a reputation for attacking websites he disagrees with is said to be trying to raise $10,000 in expected lawyers fees. If anyone is going to be alight in the whole Wikileaks debacle, its going to be the lawyers




this shit moves FAST. there's like a new wikileaks story on /. every couple of hours at present.

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Guest Drahken

Would the sheriff really raid him, take all his gear, and turn him lose?


The fact that he is soliciting for $10k for lawyer fees prior to any public confirmation of charges against him make me suspect he's just using the spotlight to bring in some cash.

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A diplomatic cable from last February released by Wikileaks provides a detailed account of how Russian specialists on the Iranian ballistic missile program refuted the U.S. suggestion that Iran has missiles that could target European capitals or intends to develop such a capability.


In fact, the Russians challenged the very existence of the mystery missile the U.S. claims Iran acquired from North Korea.


But readers of the two leading U.S. newspapers never learned those key facts about the document.


The New York Times and Washington Post reported only that the United States believed Iran had acquired such missiles - supposedly called the BM-25 - from North Korea. Neither newspaper reported the detailed Russian refutation of the U.S. view on the issue or the lack of hard evidence for the BM-25 from the U.S. side.


The Times, which had obtained the diplomatic cables not from Wikileaks but from The Guardian, according to a Washington Post story Monday, did not publish the text of the cable.


The Times story said the newspaper had made the decision not to publish "at the request of the Obama administration". That meant that its readers could not compare the highly- distorted account of the document in the Times story against the original document without searching the Wikileaks website.


As a result, a key Wikileaks document which should have resulted in storiescalling into question the thrust of the Obama administration's ballistic missile defense policy in Europe based on an alleged Iranian missile threat has instead produced a spate of stories buttressing anti-Iran hysteria.


The full text of the U.S. State Department report on the meeting of the Joint Threat Assessment in Washington Dec. 22, 2009, which is available on the Wikileaks website, shows that there was a dramatic confrontation over the issue of the mysterious BM-25 missile.(...continues)


I posted this because it's a good example of how the media is counting on people to not go check out the actual leaks themselves and instead rely on their own spin. So the headline of 'wikileaks shows iran buys long range ballistic missle' actually means that the US's own distorted propaganda shows this but omits the fact that other information in the leaks refute this claim. Lies by omission, the classic American way.

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nor does it protect them from an actor like the US crafting indistinguishable fakes and feeding it into the pipeline or using WL to their own ends.


If it's not fake, how is it manipulative? The US isn't going to release a bunch of fake documents that make it look like dogshit to the rest of the world, and what nation is going to spend time and effort to release 250,000 fakes?

I have my doubts that WikiLeaks would have released the Plame information, because look at the purpose it served Libby releasing it.


The reporter was manipulated even though the information was true. And how exactly would WL have determined that publishing Valeries status was an act of retribution for the actions of her husband? Those allegations materialized after the release and were not even apparent to the reporter that broke the initial story at the time that information was disclosed to him.



umm I think the timeline of the Plame affair disagrees with that assertion. Read from here onwards:


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Julian Assange says WikiLeaks wants to expose China and Russia as much as US


Jesus , that guy is a dead man walking.


The US are pussies compared to Russia and china (when it comes to killing/harassing people that are a threat to their empire)


Didn't Russia killed a reporter that was critical of the gov't early this year ?

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Julian Assange says WikiLeaks wants to expose China and Russia as much as US


Jesus , that guy is a dead man walking.


The US are pussies compared to Russia and china (when it comes to killing/harassing people that are a threat to their empire)


Didn't Russia killed a reporter that was critical of the gov't early this year ?


Yup and it wasn't the first time

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I for one can relate to julian's concerns as a wanted man. I too have been labeled as a criminal for my tireless pursuit of the truth.


joyrex calls me every day to let me know that if he ever finds me, he will unfurl my innards like so many dormant penises.


I will not stop until the proletariat knows victory.

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lol "i'm feeling manly today"

like he wouldn't shit a ton of bricks if someone pointed a rubber band at him. No wonder he's a Harper adviser - he follows the Neo-Con party line pretty well.


whats Harper? not Harpers magazine... right?

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while no one else is going to bother boycotting amazon because of this, it still pisses me off so i've removed any links to amazon purchases off my site, lol, drop in the bucket activism


just sent a message to get my account closed. I really don't know if it is going to remain closed, though. lol. seriously weak activism.

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lol "i'm feeling manly today"

like he wouldn't shit a ton of bricks if someone pointed a rubber band at him. No wonder he's a Harper adviser - he follows the Neo-Con party line pretty well.


whats Harper? not Harpers magazine... right?


Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of our little country.

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wow, that's actually a fascinating glimpse into his mindset. More interesting than anything I've read about in wikileaks. I agree it's mostly facepalm - he's clearly wrapped up a romantic vision of how to be savior of the world - yet it's not like I disagree with all of it. I liked this entry, more or less:


Mon 26 Feb 2007 : The right thing to do

People are motivated to follow happiness and flee from pain. These feelings *exist* to color our memories with our physiology so that we may extract meaning our experiences. It's a tautology to say that people do what makes them happy -- despite this, one often sees claims that there exist no altruistic acts, because such actions are the end product of people trying to maximize their happiness. This is to define aultrism out of existence, remove a useful word with which to partition our observations of reality. Instead, we may say that some people's happiness is bound up with other people's happiness and these people should be supported because of the obvious common cause with our own feelings.


A weaker form of the conservative argument (not mentioned here) is that a portion of seemly altruistic acts are covers for the fear associated with guilt.


When my eyes see phrases like 'right thing to do', 'appropriate' etc, I wonder what unstated world view I am meant to share. These phases smell of that unusually putrid whip; social sanction. But every man has experienced social sanction as the direct manifestation of morons baying at the moon, nodding and calling the result consensus.


Here, in Africa, there was a two page fold out on the "Night Runner" plague. Plague? Yes. Of people -- typically old, who supposedly run around naked at night (remember the population has pitch black African skin tones), tapping on windows, throwing rocks on peoples roofs, snapping twigs, rustling grass, casting spells and getting lynched because it's "the right thing to do".


Insofar as we can affect the world, let it be to utterly eliminate guilt and fear as a motivator of man and replace it cell for cell with love for one another and the passion of creation.

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i agree - after a read of the blog (which is sort of addictive), i am left in no doubt his intentions are good and he's very idealistic. but it all sorta reads like the musings of someone in their first year of eng lit in college or something.


and it actually weighs against the 'assange is not wikileaks' argument, i think. it would seem wikileaks is very much assange.

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