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Have you benefited from joining WATMM?

Guest Beefuncle

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Come to think of it.....when I first joined, I had a girlfriend. Now I haven't for several years.


Thanks a fucking lot, watmm.

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Come to think of it.....when I first joined, I had a girlfriend. Now I haven't for several years.


Thanks a fucking lot, watmm.


i bet you get a helluva lot more pussy now, right?


watmm says: you're welcome.

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Come to think of it.....when I first joined, I had a girlfriend. Now I haven't for several years.


Thanks a fucking lot, watmm.


i bet you get a helluva lot more pussy now, right?


watmm says: you're welcome.



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Yeah, my posture is a little off now, too.

the after pic she has smaller breasts. i don't understand this picture.


illegal transplant conducted in seedy mexican clinic for 500USD.

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Yeah, my posture is a little off now, too.

the after pic she has smaller breasts. i don't understand this picture.


illegal transplant conducted in seedy mexican clinic for 500USD.


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met some cool people, talked a lot about music and have heard about chaps I wouldn't have otherwise unless I hadn't heard it here first....


had some good laughs from a few threads here and there....


that's about it really, I reckon I browse wattum waayyy too much, but oh well *shrugs :D

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a better questions is .. What would you do is you get IP ban?


I was expecting to meet my wife here , but there is like 0.1 percent women.


this site should be called sausagefest.com


You want wimmins, go to a broadcast gig, for real. that place was pussy central, and i'm not talking about the hipsters in skinny jeans. :sorcerer:


make sure you bring ear plugs though.

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Guest disparaissant

uhm ive mostly just found a load of albums i really like thanks to the upcoming releases forum but i probably would have heard about those from the watmmers i knew before i started posting here.


don't really care about the artist specific forums, big whatever there.

i signed up because i used to make music but i haven't been inspired in a while now (my muse apparently got beaten to death?) so nothing there.


it is mostly a decent timesink in my horrifically empty life.

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Things watmm made possible for me: Gotten 3 friend requests, downloaded a couple of mixes, made a fool of myself on yet another forum on several occasions, a handful of listens to my music, some lols and funny pictures / youtubes.

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WATMM is an easy and fast way to keep up with a ton of record labels and artists

Networked with lots of people and even got some freelance work from it



can sometimes be a frustrating place to navigate

lots of wasted time

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a good place to talk about absolute shite

met a few cool people

probably the coolest forum on the interwebz

BoC > all

good place to have a laugh during lectures



the fat chicks thread

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watmmers thumb







Jack Nicklaus

Arnold Palmer

Lee Travino

Martina Navratilova





Wesley Snipes

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Guest Calx Sherbet

- post something and then reread it the next day and think "that was stupid."


that's how kicked it off.


i will say WATMM has given plenty of exposure to stuff i never would've heard of, ever.

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