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US congresswoman gabrielle gifford shot in arizona


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here he is, holding .... a giant crossword puzzle






Jackie Storrer (JACKIE STORRER-cq), right, tries her best to figure out the clues on a giant crossword as Jared Loughner (JARED LOUGHNER-cq), a volunteer, stands in the background during the Tucson Festival of Books. Sunday March 14, 2010 (SUNDAY MARCH 14, 2010-cq) Tucson, Arizona photo by: Mamta Popat/Arizona Daily Star Transmission 148522 MANDATORY CREDIT, NO SALES, NO MAG




i just googled the name, but i guess that's him

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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.

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Guest Mirezzi

I think the point that has been made quite effectively in the last few hours is that Palin, Beck, O'Reilly et al. have (shock, gasp) gotten away with being incredibly irresponsible and pandering to fucking lunatics out on the fringes of the fringe. This incident isn't the least bit shocking.


See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Tiller


The blame could be put on the current rhetoric used in American politics, some of the crazier people might take it to heart and go out and do something as horrible as this.


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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.

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if anyone gets blame.


anyway, her 2012 hopes are over.


"reflections on family, faith and flag"

Both words highlighted in bold continue to drive erroneous belief systems, especially in the US. The notion that faith (religion) and flag (nationalism) are good to further reinforce in society can only come from the likes of Palin.


I'm with azatoth - the media is extremely powerful in shaping views and uneducated opinions

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I doubt Palin really was gunning for a presidential bid in 2012. She earns far more from writing dumb books, saying dumb things to crazy people and being a political pundit on Fox (the two last things are pretty much the same).

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in b4 conspiracy theorist saying "this was plotted by the obama administration to make palin look bad"



edit: hmm


from fox news:


helikias [Moderator] 0 minutes ago

Stop and think, people! This was a very carefully orchestrated inside job, timed to correspond with the Republican takeover. The lead photo being used by all the bews outlets that includes John Boehner is not an accident. The poor little child was collateral damage intended to incite us against the Tea Partiers. Obama said "this type of action has no place in a FREE society". Why did he say "FREE"? Think about it! Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated! INSIDE JOB, FOLKS, INSIDE JOB!


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/08/arizona-congresswoman-reportedly-shot-public-event/#ixzz1AU78bnpb

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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.



i agree with the second part. paul isn't a libertarian.

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from fox news:


helikias [Moderator] 0 minutes ago

Stop and think, people! This was a very carefully orchestrated inside job, timed to correspond with the Republican takeover. The lead photo being used by all the bews outlets that includes John Boehner is not an accident. The poor little child was collateral damage intended to incite us against the Tea Partiers. Obama said "this type of action has no place in a FREE society". Why did he say "FREE"? Think about it! Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated! INSIDE JOB, FOLKS, INSIDE JOB!


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/08/arizona-congresswoman-reportedly-shot-public-event/#ixzz1AU78bnpb



Where is this taken from?

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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.


that's quite a black and white way to look at varying political philosophies. but i do think it's quite ironic that Ron Paul is considered crazy but the people who led us into the Iraq and Afghanistan war and who signed the patriot act into law are considered sane....

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Friend of Loughner @caitieparker says he's “a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07,he told me she was"stupid & unintelligent"
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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.



i agree with the second part. paul isn't a libertarian.


you agree with the 2nd part? so are you also a fan of putting single word labels on other political parties or philosophies, here let me try - republican is just a synonym for blood-thirtsy sociopathy, liberal is just a synonym for complete acquiescence, see i sound kind of ignorant when i do this (i edited my labels to give them more sensiness)

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ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.


that's quite a black and white way to look at varying political philosophies. but i do think it's quite ironic that Ron Paul is considered crazy but the people who led us into the Iraq and Afghanistan war and who signed the patriot act into law are considered sane....


this. i never said paul was a great man, but he certainly has a voting record in line with what he preaches, which from other records I've seen is exemplary.


ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.



i agree with the second part. paul isn't a libertarian.


you agree with the 2nd part? so are you also a fan of putting single word labels on other political parties, here let me try - republican is just a synonym for child-like, liberal is just a synonym for stupid, see i sound like a dumbass when i'm doing this


take it easy. there are points to be found admirable in all ideologies, however I find much of the leadership of libertarians lacking, and I often disagree with points they prop up....i would almost say im closer to a very anarcho-socialist libertarian myself, but a lot of it is naive...too dependent on idealism...but then again, most ideologies are.

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from fox news:


helikias [Moderator] 0 minutes ago

Stop and think, people! This was a very carefully orchestrated inside job, timed to correspond with the Republican takeover. The lead photo being used by all the bews outlets that includes John Boehner is not an accident. The poor little child was collateral damage intended to incite us against the Tea Partiers. Obama said "this type of action has no place in a FREE society". Why did he say "FREE"? Think about it! Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated! INSIDE JOB, FOLKS, INSIDE JOB!


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/08/arizona-congresswoman-reportedly-shot-public-event/#ixzz1AU78bnpb



Where is this taken from?



err from the comments on the fox news site?



ron paul is the only person even remotely close to some semblance of sanity in the entirety of US Congressmen, Executives, and other officials...though hes still a bit off the mark.


ron paul is a nutbag. libertarian is just a synonym for selfish.


that's quite a black and white way to look at varying political philosophies. but i do think it's quite ironic that Ron Paul is considered crazy but the people who led us into the Iraq and Afghanistan war and who signed the patriot act into law are considered sane....


I'm not saying the others are sane either...but look at ron paul's platform - it's not to the benefit of the "average" american, it's to the benefit of people who already have the gold. Perhaps "nutbag" is a bit harsh for Paul, but he's definitely no friend of the common man. I'd rather not sidetrack this thread with discourse on Ron Paul though...

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but then again, most ideologies are.


well put, which is why it's kind of astounding to me that people see libertarianism as some kind of unified front where you either subscribe to ir completely or you do not. it seems perfectly acceptable in political debates to hold certain views of both the traditional left and right but as soon as you throw anything remotely libertarian people get very scoffy

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