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New World Order - Alex Jones conspiracy shit


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Alex Jones loves to harp on about this supposed NWO conspiracy of the global elite trying to take over the world and what not, like it's a bad thing. But would it really be such a bad thing considering the survival of the human race? Maybe we need some tough love authoritarian global dictatorship that clamped shit down and started to control the population. Lets face it, most of us are fucking retarded and do little to advance our race. Maybe we could get shit done for once, like starting to colonize other planets.


With a global authority laying down the law, this planet would for the first time ever be united as one and none of that old tribe mentality shit that makes us differentiate between "us" and "them" would play a role. Dissenter would be destroyed. Maybe that's what is needed, a big tough totalitarian global government that would put our monkey asses in line before we could move on to a much more egalitarian and freer global society with peace and understanding :hippie:


TL:DR: We as a human race might need some tough love before we can become better.

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just let the oil companies and the defense contractors run everything

which in essence is what we already have and what you want more of?

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The Illumanti are mostly good people, except for that time they tried to shoot Hulk into space, because that pissed Namor off and that's not something you want to do.

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The aforementioned nations were singular entities among many other entities. There was both pressure from the inside and the outside that made them fail. With a global government that wouldn't be the case, there would be only one planetary nation. What would the defense contractors do if there are no borders to defend, what would oil companies do when there is no competition for the oil in this world since all of it would be owned by the global government.


Personally I don't believe there is any NWO conspiracy and I am doubtful one would ever form, but I am just playing around with the hypothesis of it and if one did it wouldn't such a bad thing.

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it would be less hard if you lived in north america, especilaly U.S..... it would be rougher if you lived in a patriotic country that wanted to \put up a fight...... war galore. ( obviously every country isn't down with the nwo idea)

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it would be less hard if you lived in north america, especilaly U.S..... it would be rougher if you lived in a patriotic country that wanted to \put up a fight...... war galore. ( obviously every country isn't down with the nwo idea)


Yes, that's why I don't think there ever will be a true NWO à la Alex Jones. My thought is that if there ever was one, it wouldn't be too bad in the big picture.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

The Illumanti are mostly good people, except for that time they tried to shoot Hulk into space, because that pissed Namor off and that's not something you want to do.


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i'm almost certain that if there was a new world order it would be nothing like what you are describing. i think it's more like old, rich bastards preparing themselves for the rapture and taking back the holy land, eventually devastating the world in an act of atomic glory.


it would be great if some sort of intelligent, benevolent dictator rose to power to unite the world but for now i think the only people with power are greedy, power-hungry pigs who like killing brown people and waving their nuclear dicks.

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If it means straightening us out with an iron fist and eradicating the majority of us to achieve world peace, then fuck yeah it's worth it.


haha, the ole idealistic mass extinction hypothesis. Question is who would be deciding who goes extinct? if it were the likes of the people closest to the NWO you or Alex Jones describes, it would be war criminal psychopaths like Henry Kissinger. See that's always the problem with 'the world would be so much better with only 10% of it's people' fantasies, there always has to be someone in charge of making that 10% happen that would frankly have to be a bloodthirsty sociopath murderer or an delusional egomaniac like Ozymandias from Watchman


most of the people who've openly spoken about bringing in a 'new world order' actually fall pretty close to either of these categories, so yeah i think i'll say no, i don't want a new world order as sociopathic murderers with insane amounts of power have described it.





(listen to George H W Bush explain that a 'new world order' is bringing peace through preemptive warfare, sounds a lot like his son!)


there isn't a new world order like Alex jones talks about, nor is there a new world order like George W Bush and Kissinger talk about. There is a real new world order, where nations and countries now do the bidding of powerful corporations, and it will continue to be this way for the rest of our lives

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i'm hoping we invent ethnicity specific bio weapons so we don't even have to go to war anymore, we can just literally mass extinguish an entire countries population without destroying any of it's technological infastructure

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i'm hoping we invent ethnicity specific bio weapons so we don't even have to go to war anymore, we can just literally mass extinguish an entire countries population without destroying any of it's technological infastructure


hasn't there already been work on such weapons? i mean, i know its ridiculous, but we did spend tons of research funding on a "gay bomb"...and weren't they trying to make a sound bomb that would kill all living creatures but leave the structures intact?

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yes i do think it has been researched, but the problem is that we share so many common ancestors. For example the ethic difference, or dna differences between Israeli jews and muslims in the surrounding countries like Lebanon, share an almost identical DNA makeup. edit: these type of weapons would wipe out a lot more people than just the specific race being targeted


they vaguely allude to race specific bioweapons in the "Rebuilding America's Defenses' document by PNAC, although don't quote me on that i may have a false memory of it.

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yes i do think it has been researched, but the problem is that we share so many common ancestors. For example the ethic difference, or dna differences between Israeli jews and muslims in the surrounding countries like Lebanon, share an almost identical DNA makeup. edit: these type of weapons would wipe out a lot more people than just the specific race being targeted


they vaguely allude to race specific bioweapons in the "Rebuilding America's Defenses' document by PNAC, although don't quote me on that i may have a false memory of it.



maybe the idea is to find some way to physically localize the spread of the weapon's effects? like a nanovirus or some such? my knowledge in this area is shady at best.

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I remember hearing about a bomb that would only destroy organic matter, leaving cities and infrastructures intact, but this was when I was young, and there was no google to look up the name of the bomb (which I now forget), but it was probably a load of bull, seeing as it probably would have been used by now, and more people would know about it.


Don't doubt someones tried to think of a way to do that though...

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I remember hearing about a bomb that would only destroy organic matter, leaving cities and infrastructures intact, but this was when I was young, and there was no google to look up the name of the bomb (which I now forget), but it was probably a load of bull, seeing as it probably would have been used by now, and more people would know about it.


Don't doubt someones tried to think of a way to do that though...


White Phosphorus has been known to do this


NSFW nasty pics of victims of it in iraq





notice how his clothing is still intact but his body is almost totally incinerated

it's frequently used in Gaza and was used in Iraq frequently during the Fallejah strike

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I remember hearing about a bomb that would only destroy organic matter, leaving cities and infrastructures intact, but this was when I was young, and there was no google to look up the name of the bomb (which I now forget), but it was probably a load of bull, seeing as it probably would have been used by now, and more people would know about it.


Don't doubt someones tried to think of a way to do that though...



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the new world order is inevitable. obviously the unification of all nations must occur - alongside the eventual expansion into outer space. there is no stopping it - that is unless some sort of major catastrophe occurs - and i doubt this would even stop mankind from existing far into the future.


NWO is already in place. the rule is not by humans, but by money. "cash rules everything around me."


the question of whether it is "bad" or "good" is more difficult. if you look at it logically you see that "things" have been riding the middle ground between bad and good for the entire history of mankind. so it's not something to get too worked up about.


the way I see it, it's very clear that some big, bad things occurred between the 1940s and present day, that democracy in the USA is dead (bad, good, or inevitable?). bad people, using the power of money, took control of the USA. military industrial complex and so on... war/money. notice that we've been at war in various forms for the past 50 years. this should not be accepted as normal.


so there are clear forces of evil at work here - that evil is the desire for money and rising power though war.


the corporation heads are literally in complete control of the situation. personally i have faith that for every amoral puppetmaster there is a moral puppetmaster. and what are morals anyway? I have faith that our "demigods" are wiser than we can possibly imagine, and that there are good things that can come from this.


still, people need to sort through information. think it over.

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Alex Jones loves to harp on about this supposed NWO conspiracy of the global elite trying to take over the world and what not, like it's a bad thing. But would it really be such a bad thing considering the survival of the human race? Maybe we need some tough love authoritarian global dictatorship that clamped shit down and started to control the population. Lets face it, most of us are fucking retarded and do little to advance our race. Maybe we could get shit done for once, like starting to colonize other planets.


Alex Jones is well boring and he magnifies his points far beyond the limits of truth.If he restrained himself a little bit and stuck to sensible reality he might be a lot more interesting.


With a global authority laying down the law, this planet would for the first time ever be united as one and none of that old tribe mentality shit that makes us differentiate between "us" and "them" would play a role. Dissenter would be destroyed. Maybe that's what is needed, a big tough totalitarian global government that would put our monkey asses in line before we could move on to a much more egalitarian and freer global society with peace and understanding :hippie:




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