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ronald reagan was a douchebag

Guest yikes

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shit like this makes my skin crawl




obama knows that racist nazi right wing cowboy was the enemy of all free and poor/under privileged minorities world wide.

fuck that cunt and spit /shit on his grave thrice










As the mass media engaged in an orgy of adulation for Ronald Reagan in JAN of 2011 many thinking persons were remembering and mourning the deaths of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Ronald Reagan's policies and pondering the lasting damage that the man did not only to the United States but to the world.


During Reagan's reign the United States experienced the beginning of the end of what could have been a great nation. Under Reagan, elements within the government engaged in massive criminal activity that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the entrenchment of a vicious and evil criminal organization that is now firmly in power of not only the United States but much of the world.



Reagan's crimes are many and started well before he was President when he and Bush committed treason and paid the Iranian's to not release the hostages in order to prevent the re-election of Jimmy Carter in 1980, not mention his reign of stupidity as Governor of California. The hostages were released as promised as Reagan was sworn into office. Reagan then secretly sold chemical & biological weapons to Iraq and told CIA buddy Saddam Hussein to step up bombing of Iran while still selling weapons to Iran in a war that claimed an estimated one million victims. The criminal activities in the Mid East stretched around the world to Central America in the spectacle that came to be known as Iran-Contra.


In Afghanistan, Reagan was busy funding Ossama bin Laden and a terrorist army to displace the Russians. Once the mighty 'Muhjadeen' had completed their task they were partially abandoned and became the Taliban and Al Queda. With no real replacement intended for the Russian backed government, the radical muslims quickly took power. Only later did the army without a war become the enemy so desperately needed by the US defense industry.


In Central America, Reagan-Bush ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters". Coca paste was brought in from South America by plane to an airstrip near Puntarenas, Costa Rica owned by Reagan/Bush supporter Julio Calleja and processed on the ranch of CIA operative John Hull. From there the high-grade coke was shipped by plane to the Mina, Arkansas Airport under the protection of Bill Clinton and to various Air Force bases..


Under direct US control, Reagan's 'Freedom Fighters' raped, tortured and murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Nicaragua in an effort to bring down Nicaragua's first democratically elected government. The US had previously ruled Nicaragua through the brutal Somoza family dicatorship, once the dictatorship was overthrown by a popular revolution the US was quick to start an criminal campaign of terror against the government and civilians. The campaign of terror claimed 50,000 lives and crippled the entire nation.


Nicaragua took its case to the World Court. The court found that the U.S. actions constituted "an unlawful use of force .... [that] cannot be justified either by collective self-defence ... nor by any right of the United States to take counter-measures involving the use of force." The court ordered the United States to pay reparations, estimated at between $12 billion and $17 billion, to Nicaragua. Two weeks after the verdict was issued, the U.S. Congress voted to give the Contras $100 million to continue their war of terror against the people of Nicaragua. The US has never recognized the World Court's ruling nor paid any of the compensation owed to Nicaragua.


"The ripple effects of that criminal murderous intervention in my country will go on for 50 years or more." Fr. D'Escoto, Priest and former Nicaraguan Foreign Minister


Reagan's blood-fest wasn't limited to Nicaragua, his puppet military dictators abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated over 200,000 civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the name of 'democracy' and fighting communism. Nor was the slaughter done only through the US controlled dictators. In operations that are still highly classified, US AC-130 gunships, crewed by US personnel, flew at night over mountainous areas with potential rebels and killed anything that gave off body-heat. The AC-130 is a highly sophisticated computerized killing machine that "incorporate side-firing weapons integrated with sophisticated sensor, navigation and fire control systems to provide surgical firepower or area saturation during extended loiter periods, at night and in adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television sensor, infrared sensor and radar." - US Air Force


In 1999 the United Nations determined that the wholesale slaughter of Guatemalans, constituted "genocide." It was a genocide ordered and managed by the White House under Reagan.




For their part in Iran-Contra fourteen high level government officials were charged, yet few of them were convicted and received any real penalty. Bush pardoned six of the criminal conspirators. Some of those involved in the Iran-Contra crimes are now back in power under the current Bush administration.


Despite some environmental concessions to voters while Governor of California, Reagan's real views on the environment became clear during his Presidential campaign when he claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. During his criminal reign of terror he systematically dismantled environmental protection laws and rolled back decades of hard-won progress to protect the Earth and the health of its inhabitants.


To help ensure the rape of the land he appointed lunatic James Watt as Secretary of the Interior who claimed "We don’t have to protect the environment, the Second Coming [of Christ] is at hand." It wasn't until Watt was trying to defend his decision to give away more than 1 billion tons of coal from federal lands in Wyoming that he was finally acknowledged for what he was. His defense for the coal giveway was that he was immune to criticism because members of his coal-advisory panel included "a black ... a woman, two Jews, and a cripple." This comment got finally him fired in 1983.


His appointee for the EPA was the environment molester Anne Gorsuch who tried her best to gut the hard-won Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Gorsuch's Superfund Director, Rita Lavelle, was jailed for lying to Congress under oath about the corruption in her division. Gorsuch was fired in 1983 when documents exposed by Congress revealed the corruption and crimes committed by the EPA under her direction.


Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout satanists. So devout that they insisted the head of the satanic Temple of Set, Colonel Michael Aquino, visit the White House wearing his satanic high-priest robe. With Reagan's support Aquino was able to get satanism recognized as a protected religious belief in the military. Aquino was investigated by the military as well as the San Francisco Police Dept. when children identified him as head of a "Devil Worship Club" that ritually molested, murdered and cannibalized children. The court document notes that several members of the Army thought there was probable cause to "Title" Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing - but the case was dismissed under pressure from the highest levels.


Daughter Maureen Reagan was close to Larry King, head of the failed Franklin Community Credit Union, Republican darling and leader of a satantic/CIA child abduction, pornography and prostitution ring. Larry King was well known in the 1980's for his lavish parties attended by Republican power-elite. Less well known was the fact that some of his events came with party favors of child sex-slaves. King was involved with the satanic CIA child abduction and mind control program that kidnapped Johnny Gosch while he was delivering newspapers.


The June 29, 1989 Washington Times ran an article under the headlines of "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' with the kicker "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The article said that "A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite."


When the FBI and Omaha police refused to investigate allegations against King, the Nebraska State Legislature conducted an investigation that uncovered a satanic criminal trail that led up to the what longtime CIA Director William Colby called "the highest levels." Fifteen of the people involved in the investigation died under mysterious circumstance, included William Colby - who was acting as a consultant to the investigation. King was ultimately convicted of fraud for his part in the theft of over $40 million from the credit union and served five years in prison but was never convicted of his more heinous offences.


The Republican party kept King in its innermost circle even after his indictment. He sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Republican National Convention in 1988 while under investigation. It wasn't until his arrest that the Republican party finally turned its back on him. Upon his release from prison he reportedly went back to work for the Republicans.


In 1998 & 1999, a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, heard testimony in the case of Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King in which Bonacci charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring liked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, in Federal prison at the time, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."


America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occured under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family. Neil Bush was involved in the collapse of Silverado Savings & Loan but never served any jail time. By the time the Federal government and elite is done milking the scam further, US taxpayers will have paid well over a trillion dollars.


The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents. Given that Reagan lacked the intelligence to carry out most of the more elaborate crimes, the records are likely to shed light on the true role of the Bush crime family.


Let us remember Reagan as he really was...




Mass murderer

War criminal


Destroyer of freedom

Destroyer of the environment

Corporate whore

Supporter of satanists and child murderers

Idiot, moron

While Reagan may have not been entirely aware of what he was doing and how his decisions would impact the world, he was also much more sinister than the media has portrayed him. We can only hope that he gets to meet some of his many victims after joining the other thugs in hell.


For more information click the links in this article and visit:




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To much to read.


But come on... How can you argue with trickle down economics.













Now in all seriousness, the guy was a dick and I completely agree with you despite the fact I didn't read your whole post.


America is fucked up. We go to Iraq under the pretense we are giving those people Democracy but when the People in Egypt riot and protest fighting for their democracy while their dictator shoots at them with an American Gun we sit back and tell them to wait it out. All we have to do here is just stop supporting the Dictator take away his power but noooo he is a fucking allie cause we need him to be our bitch.

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Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout satanists.


And Obama's can be explained by his devout Islamic socialist secularism. Give me a fucking break, I hope you're trolling.


Imagine that, presidents that don't give a fuck about you.Welcome to planet Earth bud.



"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." - I'm not going to defend Reagan, but I'm not going to single him out either. Every president has blood on their hands, and because of that fucked up fact, I'd say from a purely pragmatic viewpoint, his administration wasn't that much worse than even the arguably best Democrat or "liberal" president in terms of foreign policy.

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Some stupid shit in that article, but yes, Reagan and his administration was really horrible. Epitomized the "fuck the poor" Republican value and installing bloodthirsty dictators in small countries to further US interests. I wonder if the old Gipper will ever be seen as the crook he was.

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Trade ya.. one laughing president for another.





Ah yes - one president embiggens the richiness of the few at the expense of the many (hint: supply-side economics doesn't work).

The other president - why - he tries to make sure everyone has health insurance with some restrictions on choice (hint: healthy workers are productive which increases supply at the same price level).


I can totally understand why that's a legit comparison.

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Guest disparaissant

As awful as Reagan was, (and he was) by the standards of the Tea Party crowd, he was a flaming fucking communist liberal hippie fuck. He raised taxes, allowed an incredibly liberal abortion bill to pass, and signed a huge nuclear disarmament treaty. So their idolization of him is utterly fucktarded. But, this is the Tea Party we're talking about.


“‘Reagan Diaries’ is the name of a great bar in the D.C. area. Their signature cocktail? The ‘Trickle-Down,’ where the bartender keeps giving your drink to the rich guy next to you until he vomits in your glass.”

-Stephen Colbert


and re: edgey. how is that caption even remotely correct? there's no public option, so you still have to have private insurance. which means that if your doctor changes, it's your insurance company's fault. "obamacare" has nothing to do with it. private enterprise is so awesome!

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Ronald Reagan was not only a B-movie actor, he also was one of the most prolific and highest paid personalities for advertising and marketing products. In a way his previous professions weren't too far away from what the president of the united states actually does.

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most of you people believe it is part of natural human course to think that current or past presidents are evil. in reality, you have absolutely no way of interfacing with "how it really is."


recycled phrases that have been imbedded somewhere in your brains are what you use to deal with the problem of being informed. "Trickle down economics" "Reagan hated poor people" or the current president, "obama isn't a us citizen" "obama is a socialist." these phrases and phrases like them represent the pinnacle of most of your knowledge.


and what happens when someone (yikes) wikipedias for an hour, typing up a list of "facts" about the evils of reagan's administration? no one reads it, because either A: the reader already considers him/herself an expert, because they have done similar wikipedia sessions in the past, or B: they don't have the attention span, and are willing to take the title of this thread as proof enough.


many of you were either unborn, or young children when reagan was in office, and so all of the feelings you have about reagan aren't even genuinely inspired, but are the result of an impetus, after the fact, to sort out good guys and bad guys, probably at some point in middle school or high school.

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most of you people believe it is part of natural human course to think that current or past presidents are evil. in reality, you have absolutely no way of interfacing with "how it really is."


recycled phrases that have been imbedded somewhere in your brains are what you use to deal with the problem of being informed. "Trickle down economics" "Reagan hated poor people" or the current president, "obama isn't a us citizen" "obama is a socialist." these phrases and phrases like them represent the pinnacle of most of your knowledge.


and what happens when someone (yikes) wikipedias for an hour, typing up a list of "facts" about the evils of reagan's administration? no one reads it, because either A: the reader already considers him/herself an expert, because they have done similar wikipedia sessions in the past, or B: they don't have the attention span, and are willing to take the title of this thread as proof enough.


many of you were either unborn, or young children when reagan was in office, and so all of the feelings you have about reagan aren't even genuinely inspired, but are the result of an impetus, after the fact, to sort out good guys and bad guys, probably at some point in middle school or high school.


I have seen the light. Thx Sheatheman

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most of you people believe it is part of natural human course to think that current or past presidents are evil. in reality, you have absolutely no way of interfacing with "how it really is."


recycled phrases that have been imbedded somewhere in your brains are what you use to deal with the problem of being informed. "Trickle down economics" "Reagan hated poor people" or the current president, "obama isn't a us citizen" "obama is a socialist." these phrases and phrases like them represent the pinnacle of most of your knowledge.


and what happens when someone (yikes) wikipedias for an hour, typing up a list of "facts" about the evils of reagan's administration? no one reads it, because either A: the reader already considers him/herself an expert, because they have done similar wikipedia sessions in the past, or B: they don't have the attention span, and are willing to take the title of this thread as proof enough.


many of you were either unborn, or young children when reagan was in office, and so all of the feelings you have about reagan aren't even genuinely inspired, but are the result of an impetus, after the fact, to sort out good guys and bad guys, probably at some point in middle school or high school.

Speak for yourself dude

those are some arrogant assumptions

who the fuck made you the judge of who should wear the che guevera shirt…

tisk tisk

project all you want but

let me rattle off some names from reagan's "cabal" without any resources save for my memory



terry reed

ted shackley


chip tatum

barry seal

earl brian

edwin meese

ian spiro

danny casolaro

north/his secretary fawn hill

head of the CIA-bill casey

ed wilson

park on meter

chip tatum

eugene haausenfaus



so please STFU w/ your "know it all diatribe" and we are to wiki to really hate man

yu are on some serius pretentious douchebaggness dudette

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many of you were either unborn, or young children when hitler was in office, and so all of the feelings you have about hitler aren't even genuinely inspired, but are the result of an impetus, after the fact, to sort out good guys and bad guys, probably at some point in middle school or high school.




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