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are you ever afraid to go to sleep?

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

ive been having some sleeping problems lately. i think its party due to my quitting of marijuana as of late. i havent done that stuff in probably a week or two, i couldnt even think anymore, but i cant always sleep now. this isnt really the whole problem. the problem, lies more in my unwillingness to go to bed. i only have 3 hours of sleep in me now, which was followed by a long stretch of sleep deprivation, and now im here, and my body is telling me to go to sleep, but heres the problem. when i sleep, i often get stuck in these weird states where im still sleeping, but im conscious enough to navigate around thoughts in my mind. im kind of sleeping and kind of awake. its often a wretched experience. i dont really have control over what im dreaming about, but im still partly able to think. now i know this kind of sounds like lucid dreaming, but it is not. ive had that, and i think its amazing, but its not this. its really hard for me to describe, its like im almost awake, but still dreaming enough as to not be able to open my eyes and muster enough energy to get out of the bed. its really rather terrible, as i said. its accompanied by a physical sensation as well. it feels like your body feels after two days of not sleeping. i would also describe it as a "pulling" effect on my body, like my body is being pulled inwards or outwards, rather unpleasant. then eventually im conscious enough to realize that ive entered into the dreaded middle state, in which i can think even more, but still not enough to awaken, and my thoughts become incredibly confusing, and nonsensical. even more, the worst part about it all, is that the experience goes on for hours. and when it happens, those are the nights / days where i sleep for like 14 hours, because im stuck in my dreams (im used to 8 or 9 hours). it happened last time i slept, and i slept for 16 hours for christs sake


the second aspect of my inability to sleep well, is because of my reading of the research of budd hopkins (among others). ive been aware of his research, and the topic as a whole for years, but have mostly ignored it, maybe because of denial, or maybe fear. well, a couple months ago, that all changed when i placed my complete focus on the subject for a good couple weeks. big mistake. i dont know if any of you have seriously looked into this subject, but i have to tell you, if you havent, dont. my belief of the existence of ufos as an alien phenomena, unfortunately assisted my immediate understanding and belief into these matters, and its all becoming far too real. often now, when i go to bed at night, i feel a dark looming presence, and a couple times, ive been so terrified that i cant even open my eyes to look. ive lost lots of sleep over it. there is a list of signs, (several lists really), that investigators use, that are said to be a reliable indication that the phenomena may have taken place. i can check off 6 or maybe 7 of 10 common indicators. one of which ive already described, as the presence, or the feeling of being watched. in early 2010, i noticed this strange anomaly in my left forearm. it was about 5mm long, and shaped like a triangle. it appeared as though something had become lodged under my skin, i could move it around with my finger a little, but it was stuck there. i kept an eye on it for around a month, and i honestly tried to believe it was just some muscle / tendon / blood / skin thing that was slowly healing. then, it was just gone. that summer, still in 2010, i took a trip to the states, and spend time with family and friends for about a month. when i returned to canada, i noticed that the outside of my right ankle was covered in scarring (still there). i wouldnt have noticed them, except that when i crossed my right leg to rest on my left knee, it really quite hurts, and im now not able to cross my leg over on my knee, because it feels like there is a little rock or piece of something hard, lodged directly over the ball of my ankle. and as if this wasnt already enough for me, i noticed about a week ago now, that behind my right ear, there is this little bump under the skin. its about the size of a pimple, and thats what i thought it was, until i started to pick it off, and realized that it is something hard, and its under my skin. it definitely wasnt there say a month or two ago, its very noticeable to the touch. and there are more signs i have, but those are the two that have been most disturbing for me. my entire family has had incredibly disturbing sleep paralysis experiences. abduction researchers realized long ago, that often the entire family is inflicted with the phenomena


i know this is watmm, but you guys are the only people i talk to online, and then theres just friends and family, whom im not telling this too. please dont ridicule me or make humor of this. put yourself in my shoes, believing what you know i believe, and what has happened to me. basically just telling me im not going insane would help. i dont know what im going to do

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Sleeping/dreaming is one of my favourite past time hobbies.

edit: and no, I've never had that problem.

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there is a list of signs, (several lists really), that investigators use, that are said to be a reliable indication that the phenomena may have taken place. i can check off 6 or maybe 7 of 10 common indicators. one of which ive already described, as the presence, or the feeling of being watched. in early 2010, i noticed this strange anomaly in my left forearm. it was about 5mm long, and shaped like a triangle. it appeared as though something had become lodged under my skin, i could move it around with my finger a little, but it was stuck there. i kept an eye on it for around a month, and i honestly tried to believe it was just some muscle / tendon / blood / skin thing that was slowly healing. then, it was just gone. that summer, still in 2010, i took a trip to the states, and spend time with family and friends for about a month. when i returned to canada, i noticed that the outside of my right ankle was covered in scarring (still there). i wouldnt have noticed them, except that when i crossed my right leg to rest on my left knee, it really quite hurts, and im now not able to cross my leg over on my knee, because it feels like there is a little rock or piece of something hard, lodged directly over the ball of my ankle. and as if this wasnt already enough for me, i noticed about a week ago now, that behind my right ear, there is this little bump under the skin. its about the size of a pimple, and thats what i thought it was, until i started to pick it off, and realized that it is something hard, and its under my skin. it definitely wasnt there say a month or two ago, its very noticeable to the touch.

Pics or it didn't happen.























































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quitting marijuana after extended use definitely makes sleep hard to come by. it's a bitch. first, the good news: keep abstaining and your natural sleep rhythm will come back to you, AND it will be much more restful. if you're smoking 3 or less hours before going to bed, marijuana has a tendency to inhibit certain parts of the sleep cycle and keep you from fully re-charging in your sleep. take melatonin to reset your bio-clock for a few nights and then, like most regular people, you have to actually just lie down in bed when you think it's time to sleep - not wait until your eyes are shutting, like that lovely effect that marijuana induces.


as for the budd hopkins stuff, i've never heard of his research but i don't recommend reading things that increase your paranoia about things you can't explain. the checklisting you're doing is dangerous, it's similar to google-med-style hypochondria (i've done this a few times myself) where you see a list of symptoms (say 12 total), you notice you have 8 of them, and begin freaking out that you definitely have this disease, be it serotonin syndrome or heart problems or whatever. having a partial list of the symptoms for anything does not, not, not, mean you are in that category.


anyway good luck getting to sleep, insomnia is a pain in the ass.

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Guest ezkerraldean

is everyone on wattum basically a massive druggie?


i have spliffs now and again lol but it's not like it's ever a problem and has never adversely impacted my life. how do you let it become problem in first place lol

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i didn't read your post but yes sometimes i don't want to go to sleep, i suffer very badly from sleep paralysis and if one night that shit starts happening while im dozing off, ill have to get up and wake myself up totally then try and get back otherwise i will just be in a continual cycle of it for hours. im also considerably adept at lucid dreaming so sleeping is one of my favourite things to do too.


ps, most alien abduction stories come from people who have experienced sleep paralysis and didn't know what the fuck it was, you can hallucinate to an incredible degree and totally believe it is real, like sor instance in an episode last week i felt my room slowly filling up with water and i could feel the coolness and wetness on my fingertips and even sounds of the ocean. i also had another episode 2 days ago where i felt like something/one was laying direct behind me and prodding me with something sharp in the neck, it freaked me the FUCK out.

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Guest hahathhat

just fucking start smoking weed again already


ps, most alien abduction stories come from people who have experienced sleep paralysis and didn't know what the fuck it was, you can hallucinate to an incredible degree and totally believe it is real, like sor instance in an episode last week i felt my room slowly filling up with water and i could feel the coolness and wetness on my fingertips and even sounds of the ocean. i also had another episode 2 days ago where i felt like something/one was laying direct behind me and prodding me with something sharp in the neck, it freaked me the FUCK out.


and listen to kaen

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Well I didn't read the whole thing.


But there are different levels of Lucid Dreaming. Its not that you either are or your not.


It goes something from being aware to complete control of your dreams.

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A couple of months ago I had a night of broken sleep similar to what you describe in the first part.

Essentially, I was mostly asleep, aside from this incessant, almost panic thought-pattern. Thinking about inane stuff with incredible speed and fluidity. Often thinking about multiple topics at once, but punctuated with a recurring phrase or sound.

It all sounds very similar to a migraine, but I wasn't in pain, just frustrated and tiring myself out.


I "woke" at the normal alarm, but then realised that I hadn't actually slept. I was mentally knackered, but my body had rested.


I never did find out a reason for it. I'd suspect caffeine/tobacco on an already hungover head, but it was a week-night. Maybe too much TV?


Also, yeah, I'm sober but for alcohol.

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I had sleeping issues after quitting marihuana as well. I was never afraid or something though, I was just restless. It went away after 2 or 3 weeks.

i also had another episode 2 days ago where i felt like something/one was laying direct behind me and prodding me with something sharp in the neck, it freaked me the FUCK out.

I've had something like this in my tent at a festival. Felt like there was a huge snake or something under my tent/mattress. Spent the next few hours curled up in a corner of my tent. I was on a lot of stuff that night, but think the weed might have been the main reason for that extreme paranoia.


Weed is not good for paranoid minds.

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I know what you are talking about ET. I have suspected that i've had something similar now and then, though nothing as major as what you are talking about. I remember reading that when you fall asleep, different sections of the brain go to sleep/shut down at different times. It doesn't happen all at once. Maybe the answer lies in there.

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i didn't read your whole post because it was long, but congrats on cutting the marijuana. for real! that kind of thing is step one out of this sort of hole. i know this through seeing doctors myself with similar sorts of problems.


i've experienced some major psychotic type phenomena at night... fear of sleeping because of demons and other "nightime" issues. and horrific night terrors when half asleep.

that kind of thing used to generally happen at the low points in my life, but you pull out of them, obviously.


but yeah, terrible nighttime fear.


it goes away.






so ET, you're not going crazy, but it sounds like you could use help. or not, it's up to you. just be aware you could break from reality in a way that might not be as obvious... aka depression, delusion, mild paranoia/anxiety.


might be worth looking into it. your call! seriously though don't worry too much.


good luck.

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shit ET. read this:



after reading your post... we have a LOT in common man. I had a terrible experience after taking 2CE, research chemical like LSD, a few weeks ago. horrible mistake.


anyway, I became aware of "A Giant Alien Force More Violent & Sick Than Anything You Can Imagine"


it's the ultimate form of schizophrenia. i'm telling you man. it's the realization of forces unbeknownst that could possibly control everything and anything around you. forces that could manifest as daily existence and physical matter, everything, including your mind.




i see what you're saying about obsessing over the studies and research. i have to tell you this now.




SERIOUSLY! REMEMBER ZEN BUDDHISM!? now THAT is the better and more real reality!


silent and peaceful. peace of mind. loving and compassion.


NOT negativity and FEAR of everything around you.


dude seriously, if i do say, the above is excellent advice. please think on it.

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Guest hahathhat

at baseline, i find myself compulsively organizing dishes in the dishwasher. fit max dishes while also maximizing surface area. don't let some plate hide behind some bigger ones. if i took adderall, i'd be using a ruler and a calculator.

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at baseline, i find myself compulsively organizing dishes in the dishwasher. fit max dishes while also maximizing surface area. don't let some plate hide behind some bigger ones. if i took adderall, i'd be using a ruler and a calculator.


lol. believe me, sometimes on adderall i'll (very 'literally') spend 10 hours doing the same thing over and over again. one time it was modifying my myspace layout and AOL profile info.

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Guest hahathhat

at baseline, i find myself compulsively organizing dishes in the dishwasher. fit max dishes while also maximizing surface area. don't let some plate hide behind some bigger ones. if i took adderall, i'd be using a ruler and a calculator.


lol. believe me, sometimes on adderall i'll (very 'literally') spend 10 hours doing the same thing over and over again. one time it was modifying my myspace layout and AOL profile info.


imagine being like that without the pills, then understand why smoking a bit of weed might not be a terrible thing for some people.

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