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WATMM Drug Consumption Poll

Guest hahathhat

What Drugs Do You Do?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Booze

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regularly, Light (beer with dinner)
    • Regularly, Heavy (3+ drinks with dinner)
    • Fuck Dinner, I start At 2PM
  2. 2. Grass

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Couple times a week
    • Daily
    • Couple times a day
  3. 3. Caffeine

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Morning Coffee
    • Morning Coffee + Afternoon Tea
    • Energy Drinks Aplenty
    • Caffeine Hed
  4. 4. Psychedelics

    • None
    • Tried once or twice
    • Couple times a year
    • Couple times a month
    • Daily Hed
  5. 5. Uppers (Adderall, Ritalin, Meth, MKAT, MDPV, Etc.)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Daily
    • Heavy
  6. 6. Opiates/Downers (Vicodin, Seconal)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regular Vicodin Stash
    • Dr. House
    • Heroin
  7. 7. Coke

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Friday Night
    • Night Other Than Friday Night
    • Charlie Sheen
  8. 8. Tobacco

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Spliffs
    • If I'm drunk and someone offers
    • Regularly
    • I love cigarettes

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Nothing except booze (quite a lot, probably 60 units or more over a week off the top of my head), cigarettes (10-15 a day) and VERY occasional (once every couple of months or so) weed smoking for me. I've even had to give up caffeine for the time being because of my dodgy heart.


In the past I've tried more or less everything else, some of it quite regularly, and I used to smoke weed every day (good way to waste your life). These days it all bores me. Drugs, drugs stories, and people who make drugs a large focus of their life are incredibly boring.

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needs an occasionally option.



the only one I'm really on about these days is caffeine. worst addict of caffeine anybody might know or be aware of. espresso constant uptake 5 shots on ice bitch.


and i've got adderall vyvanse daytrana pads upstairs but i voted "rarely" because i don't take them PARANOIA!!!!!



everything else zero to rare. drugs are bad.


i'll say it again: drugs suck!




apart from genuine psychedelic excursions, which is still wouldn't recommend to anybody i cared for.

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Guest ZeroHour

No alcohol, rarely have any caffeine, weed 2-3 times a week, tobacco only when making spliffs, psychedelics on special occasions.

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im on a daily cocktail of 30mg to 70mg Valium, 200mg tramadol and 2 x solpadol (codeine/paracetamol 30/500's)


mixed with doing 2g's of coke at least once a week sometimes more


i also drink heavily once a week sometimes twice along with the coke


oh also Ecstasy about once a month too, mellow stuff only tho


dangerous motherfucker really i spose

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Guest hahathhat

needs a "been there, done that" option.


that'd be "none." poll is for current usage, not your history.


needs an occasionally option.


that'd be "rarely."




i know i don't have every drug available in the poll, there might not be enough granularity to express your true abusive nature... but fuck off, i didn't want the poll to be obnoxiously huge and full of options.

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Guest hahathhat

This is a trap.


maybe i should have called the topic "How Can I Stay Stimulated At My Shipping Job Other Than Energy Drinks Because I Already Spent All My Money On Those"

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Beer 3/4 nights a week.


Coke maybe once a month if I'm pissed and wanna carry on.


Weed on occasions. Maybe when I go to a mates to see them I'll have some.


Maybe one cup of tea a week. No more caffiene. It plays with me so.


Smoking only with drinking or driving.


I do like the occasional mandy session but it's only on fairly big nights out where I know I'll enjoy the music. I've got groups of friends who are mad for it and others who don't which is good for me. Actually the last time I did mandy was NYD.


That's about it for now. Calmed down in recent years.

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that many people here don't smoke weed?


my standards are:

drinking between 2 and 6 beers 3-5 days a week,

smoking pot twice or three times after dinner

four or five cigarettes a day

occasional morning coffee, more common diet coke intake


fuck i'm unhealthy.

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Guest Helper ET

the image of drukqs isnt cool anymore. it never really was. i just dont like it when people rudely intrude on what would be a decent intelligent conversation with "wo4h am i eVR fukkked!!!! mdma and ritalin and coke and windex and gasoline im drOnk aeifu anf ytjhs blah blah blha blah blah blah ytjstyjdkdtyj". that kind of thing used to be amusing but its been totally played out. unless its dr hat, then its allowed, because its usually funny then. if your gonna do drugs and come on watmm, cant you at least chime in with some funky drugged out perspective, rather than flail your fingers across the keyboard while you attempt to type as fast as your coked out mind is thinking? i get it, your dizzy right? thats why all your words have numbers in them. people will announce to everyone that they just consumed a probably dangerous amount of whatever the fuck, and then use that as an excuse to be inappropriate and nonsensical. leave that kind of shit to mcgriff and the like. find your own niche here, dont be a random drugged out fool, its been overdone and nobody even cares. salvatorin summed it up brilliantly last week, "its the drugs guys"!



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