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what phone OS do you use

Rubin Farr

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just got my gf a new Win Phone 7 this week bc her contract was up, and she doesn't like Android. very nice OS, smooth transitions, Zune & Xbox Live integration, fairly well organized marketplace. i've always been an Apple iOS fan, but what do others on here like, any power users?

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Guest hahathhat

the way the xbox 360 works with media made me not want a zune even more, which i never thought was possible

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It's all about the apps and what the fuck do you do with your actual phone. And at this moment... it's just a total domination by iOS. Quantity *and* quality, for casual and power users.

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It's all about the apps and what the fuck do you do with your actual phone. And at this moment... it's just a total domination by iOS. Quantity *and* quality, for casual and power users.

statistically wrong.

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Guest Sprigg

I run an Android phone (HTC Aria) and I absolutely love it. If I didn't hate iTunes so much and if iphones were smaller (the new one wasn't out yet and I hate bulky phones)I would likely have gotten one as I do really like iOS. But the Droid OS seems to be just as functional for my needs.

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Guest hahathhat

the real question is, can you operate it easily while driving an automobile at ludicrous speed?

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Guest Sprigg

the real question is, can you operate it easily while driving an automobile at ludicrous speed?



Does said automobile have to stay on the road? Or can I stray onto the sidewalk to say hello to the pedestrians?

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Guest analogue wings

i'm on my 4th phone os in as many weeks (job has perks yo). not in love with any of them, but i have a huge crush on the one i haven't tried yet (webOS)


my current casual phone Galaxy S is a motherfucker of a phone but android is dorksville baby

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Maemo on Nokia N900. Probably the last open-source phone OS by Nokia. It's a bit buggy sometimes but it's a fantastic OS, it's Debian based so I can use the Debian ARM repositories to get pretty much all popular linux apps and tools. Interface is quite good, multitasking is imo better than Android's or iPhone's implementations.


After this I'll probably have to get an Android. But I'll keep my N900 untill it's completely broken down. I hope Meego still gets a chance at another hardware manufacturer.

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still using an iphone 4 with ios.. i like it but will not defend it by any means


was curious about the windows phone but I really dislike what I think is the homepage layout


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Guest hahathhat

i'm leaning towards android because they don't seem terrified over the idea of you tinkering with the phone's guts, and because iphone is a bit $overpriced.


i was only slightly kidding about the hurtling car thing... i'm fine with complicated tech, i love it in fact, but a phone needs to be a functional thing, first and foremost.... and apple does have a knack for functional devices. ones that are easy to operate out of the corner of your eye, with one hand, while driving.


can android compete there? in ease of use, i mean...

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Guest analogue wings

in use, winpho is just epically meh. the ui is usable enough for basic shit but feature wise its version 1.0 all the way.


plus synching videos to the phone from zune desktop (the only way to do it as theres no file system and no real sd card access) is horrible. unless you magically fluke one of the file formats it doesnt feel obliged to transcode, you are looking at HOURS of having your phone physically tethered to your pc while it converts and copies a couple of movies over. useless.


winPho has separate home and back buttons like android. this can be annoying in both OSs because you can still hit home and go to big home when you wanted little home, and you can also get stuck looking at a screen which has no (on screen) way out (because you're supposed to tap the physical back button). i find the need to pull yourself out of the screen and hunt for keys around the border is jarring and inconsistent.


iOS has generally good usability and surprisingly is easier to get media on than the zune - you just transcode videos to iphone format yourself before you throw them into itunes. with ios, i find myself hitting "home" when i actually wanted to go to the home screen of the app i was in, not Home home. I thought I had gotten to the point where i needed "it just works" more than nerd features like true multitasking, but now i think true multitasking is actually a part of "it just works" - its fucking frustrating to answer a text or whatever and then go back to find that what you were doing was either paused or has actually restarted from scratch.


also apps are the biggest load of hype ever. they really are 99.9999 percent shit, and anyway there are only a couple of things i would want to do (music) that arent in the core apps


Android is kind of the worst of both worlds. It's fast as fuck and everything is open and free and you can do pretty much everything a control freak would want to do to their phone, BUT the UI was obviously built by nerds with no concept of either usability design OR aesthetics deign. not even the core google apps have a consistent visual look. wtf! it looks like it was cobbled together from different sources like a linux distro.


and the usability is even worse - they've just copied all the navigation metaphors from the other mobile OSs and put ALL of them in there. Obviously having no idea that UX design is as much about what you dont include as what you do. So, in this app, to get at this feature - do I tap an on screen button? tap the hardware menu button? slide down the fucking little draw thing? every app does things differently and it's inefficient and crap.


so yeah webOS - consistent nice look, single home button, unified notifications without a stupid slidey thing, good html5 support so u can use web apps for most of the native apps it doesnt have, portrait qwerty, true multitasking that you can actually manage through a decent ui and now finally on decent hardware (pre3 - 1.4ghz). that will be my next one to try plaz

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Guest analogue wings

you mean, you can change your mobile phone OS??? :huh:


sure, by buying a different phone.



or being a massive dork and putting hacked rom on.

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