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my mum is gay


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so despite my rational self and my ability to apply reason to the situation whereby my mum can't love my dad because she's gay, i feel betrayed.


in the picture, i'm 38, and they have had an apparent;y loving, hardworking relationship for my whole life, my mum has recently, 'discovered herself'.. she has a 47 year old australian (frankly quite masculine .. go figure??...) lover, who 'understands her needs'.


i'm confused watmm, please help.

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That sucks man... must be hard for any child at any age to realise that one of his/her parents are homosexual and that your parents won't stay together. I have nothing against homosexuals at all, I'm just saying that it must be hard to find out that one of your parents has never (most probably) felt comfortable with the other parent and that she isn't happy.

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If this is indeed for real, I've yet to hear of this situation (well sorta). Most of the gay parent stories i've heard were of the dad coming out, but there must certainly be a number of mothers as well.


I do personally know a family - wife, husband and several kids where the wife came out bi, then had an affair (or threesome or something) with another guy, she got pregnant, the husband left, she had the kid to add to the others, she didn't stay w/ the affair dude and the husband came back. Now he let's her mess around with other girls. :wtf:

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